Browse Kankanaey – English



eppéngAdjectiveFaultless, blameless.
es1Active Verb-anTo add more to something.Akét eésam san kedsém mo?How come you're adding to your naughtiness?A: Ay nankapí ka? B: Aw, nakdéng. A: Ésan takó!A: Have you had coffee? B: Yes, finished. A: Let's give you some more!ésan2Active Verbi-To add something more.3Stative verbma-To settle, as soil, compost; to cook down, as vegetables or meat.Speakers differ on the range of the sense “cook down.” According to some, máes is used only of vegetables, not meat. For these speakers, the correct verb to use of meat cooking down is komitkittóy.linkledítSee alsoepés 2ítopkesén1kesét1máes
esá1NumeralOne.2Stative verbma-To be widowed.See alsoláoslasáng
esáenPronounEveryone, each one.Esáen mansíwat si pamadogána.Each one prepares his seedbed for planting.
esékActive Verbi-To plant.Man-esék kamí si bigát mo wáda di odán.We will plant tomorrow if there is rain.Olítek di iyát di págey ay mais-ék.I will relate the way rice is planted.Is-ék yo ámin din wáda sin lagbá.Plant all that is in the basket.Synonymeséksamámember of setbangbángikabóteméngtónod(eskán)
eséngActive Verb1-anTo choke or retard the growth of smaller things.(esngán)2-anTo smother a fire, as by using a wet towel.Overlaping Synonymedép
es-esáAdjectiveAlone, by oneself.See alsoang-ánggay
es-es-áNounOnly one.
es-esétActive Verbman-To sacrifice a chicken for the purpose of taking away any desire to repeat a crime.See alsobaténgdenét1liyáwsekéb
esétActive Verbi-To do a good job of something; to be thorough, careful, precise in doing something.Insét na íman ay nangámag si alád.He did a good job of making a fence.Estém ay manalós sin tái.Be thorough in cleaning up the droppings.See alsodalóínotkapiyóttepég
et1ParticleIndicates suddenness or immediacy; lends vividness in oral narratives.Eméy ka et ta adí ka kaládaw.Go right now so you won't be late. Particles of Emphasis
et2ConjunctionAnd; functions as a clause connective, often indicating sequential order; used alone and in conjunction with pag2.See alsoasíasí etpag2ya3yan2
et3ConjunctionLinks a preposed phrase or clause to the main clause that follows.
et abéParticleIndicates disparagement or disapproval, often in response or contrast to a preceding statement.“Wey, maymayát bádom.” “Lawlaw-á et abé.”“Wow, your blouse is pretty.” “Ach, it's ugly.”Intóy nantengána? Kamán et abén nalatían; iwasít yo.Where'd he find that? It even looks rusty; throw it away. Particles of Objection
etáNounPounded rice with husks still adhering, i.e., poorly pounded.See alsoallogángibegásdaggámidegídekílilíkinnapóylewéymotíngólotpágeytengédtóyo1
etánActive Verb-enTo move something, as a chair to a different spot.
etáyParticleIndicates mild displeasure or surprise; in a command, it exerts a gentle pressure.Naládaw kamí ay binmángon, isónga doy etáy owát kamín kapoknád sin mókat mi.We were late in rising, so there we were just wiping the sleep from our eyes.May etáy, ibángon mo.Come on now, get yourself up. Particles of Objection
etbáActive Verb1man-, i-To spit up, as a baby.2-om-3, -anTo spit up on.See alsoóta
etéb1Active Verb-om-4To fell some of, as trees.(emtéb)2Active Verb-enTo knock down, push over, fell, as a tree, bush.Intéb din dagém din balát.The wind knocked over the banana plants.(etbén, intéb)3Stative verbma-knock down; push over; fellSee alsobowágdampológkólso 1maletmét 2otpóktokángtóyonwaláng(mat-éb)
etégActive Verb1-anTo light something, as a lantern.Etgám san kíngki ta masiláwan san isolsólat mo.Light that lamp so what you are writing will be illuminated.2i-To hold in the flame to light, as pitch pine.It-ég da din sáleng sin apóy, así da ióno sin káiw.They light the pitch pine in the fire, then they hold it under the wood.See alsoóno2póngpongsib-óksikgát 2tágo 2
etékActive Verbi-To praise, speak highly of, boast, brag aboutMait-ék ka mo síged di oblám.You will be praised if your work is good.Adí ka it-ék din áwak mo.Don't brag about yourself.SynonymetékpasíkatSee alsodáyawne
étek1NounLie, deception.Synonyméteket-eték2Active Verbman-, -om-1, i-To tell a lie.Adí ka man-eteétek.Don't keep telling lies.3Active Verbi...anTo deceive, lie to someone.Ay in-etékanas sik-á?Did he deceive you?See alsokíledlípotlítikóyotsápitsíkapsowítiksóyo2
etén11NounTraditional wrap-around skirt.specbangkódo2Active Verbman-, i-To wear fastened around the waist, to fasten something around the waist, as a skirt, towel.Íwed di it-én ko mo wáda di pabóya takó.I have no wrap-around skirt to wear if we perform something in public.See alsobakgét
etén2Active Verbi-To set out, of fish traps.(it-én)