Browse Kankanaey – English



ogóActive Verb-om-3, -anTo cut the throat; method used in killing dogs.See alsoawítdagás3etéyiwík 2lásanglekípesé
ogóogActive Verbman-To weep, wail, esp. a woman, not a child.specóga
ógopActive Verb-enTo gather together several objects so as to put somewhere, as sayote, potatoes.See alsoagóngokopkóp2ólnongpolók 3tob-óntópog
ógos1Active Verb-om-2To cause diarrhea.2Active Verbman-To have diarrhea.3Stative verbma-To have diarrhea.antkítilSee alsobayongóbong 2íleskítil 2tái
ogsóNounBanana flower.See alsoaloppaísbalátbóliglangás 2sápad 2
oká1NounBelonging, possession; always occurs with a noun or pron2.2Active Verb-enTo possess, take possession of; to own, become owner of.Esáen inméy ay mangoká sin bíngay na ay dagá.Each went to take possession of his share of land.Laydén da ay okaén din dagá ay doy gapó ta síged ay panpastólan.They wanted to take possession of that land because it was good pastureland.See alsoanimálbanésbónaggámengpastól 2salóntagganó 2tagíbitalakén 2tóngaw
ókat1NounUtensil for dishing food from a pot.2Active Verb-en, -om-4To take out, dish out, as money from a pocket, camote from a pot, body from a grave.Okátem loktó ta mangán takó.Dish out the sweet potato so we can eat.Omókat ka man sin innapóy ta mangán san ib-ám.Come on and dish out some of the rice so your companion can eat.3Active Verbi...anTo dish out onto something.
ókiNounNormal discharge from the eye.SynonymmókatSee alsobótakolláw 2leklék2mókat 3
okís1NounRind, peel, shell.2Active Verb-om-4, -an, i-To remove rind or shell with fingers; to peel, shell.Omáli ka ta man-okís ka si kédis.Come and shell pigeon peas.Okisán yo ay pasyá ta íwed di mail-íla ay okís na.Peel it thoroughly so that none of its peel is visible.Itogtóg mon itlóg ta way iyát mo ay mangokís.Iokís mo din kokóm.Peel it with your fingernails.Strike the egg against a hard surface so you can remove the shell.See alsogel-ádkeláy 2ket-íblápti 23Active Verbman-To grow back, as skin over a wound.See alsoláton 3pey-án
okiskísActive Verbman-To peel, as the skin of a child with kwashiokor.
ókitActive Verb-om-4, -enTo extract, remove from a cavity, as eye from socket, dirt from ear, money from pocket.Awní ta okítek san pilák ko.Wait until I extract my money.See alsobenátenát 3oknótoksót
oklágActive Verb-enTo open, hold open, as a book, umbrella, sides of jacket to cool off, child lifting dress.antkeléb
oklángActive Verb-enTo unfasten, detach, of things that can be re-attached, as a necklace, page from a loose-leaf notebook.
oklápActive Verb-enTo pry off, as a board, a layer of plywood; to lift up, remove a flat item from a pile of similar items, as a stack of plates or papers.linksáwiltangtáng
oklóActive Verbman-, -anTo behead, remove the head of someone or something, including plants.See alsomoldóngmotyókngálabotdóktoktók
okmónActive Verb-om-1, -enTo swallow.See alsodabdáb2gokgók1inóm 2kámongkom-ótlak-ám 4salíwsáopsibósilóloksoy-óp
oknát1Active Verb-om-1To stretch out in death.See alsoiknát
oknát2Active Verb-om-1To be half-cooked, of rice.Inmoknát san innapóy.That rice is half-cooked.See alsobátilkekektálaeyálepánagnágóto
oknótActive Verb-enTo extract, pull out something firmly stuck in, as a nail, tooth, post, sliver.See alsobenátenát 3ókitoksót
ókobActive Verbman-, -om-3, -enTo eat together, eat with someone.Ad-adó kamí ay manooókob.Lots of us are eating together.Ay makiok-ókob ka en da Monte?Are you eating with the Montes?Pigáy ok-okóbem?How many are you eating-with?
ok-ók1NounCough.2Active Verbman-, -om-1To cough, of people or animals.linkdeg-ákdog-ólgaldádekíkegsáektékak
oksótActive Verb-om-4, -enTo pull out, remove from a tight place; to unsheath.Inoksót na din bangíg na.He unsheathed his bolo.Omoksót ka sin atép ta ibánag sin solíbaw.Pull out some of the thatch to use for warming the drum.antsikétSee alsobenátenát 3ókitoknót
okyágActive Verb-enTo open, as an umbrella; to blow up, of hair by the wind.