-m1mv > vsfx1Essive: diverse abstract meanings, often stative2Supraterrestrial: the action takes place in one spot off the ground or flooressive*bahpʰatʼmaa person have flopping lips; lips flop or sink in (due to not having teeth)*bahpʰa·šmasag inward, depress, with the lips, snout, or beak; by speech (or hearing)*bahsamhold several objects in the mouth*banemfall to groundput in containerput, throw (not on ground)pick up or move something that is located on the ground*baṭihcimgroup lie at base; go across base*bayemhold with mouth, words*bayotʰmakeep a group busy by talking to them; call to work*baʔcʼolhmamake a hole by pecking, such as a chick pecking a hole in an egg*baʔdimhold something with the mouthurge, encourage*baʔsʼaṭʰmabe hit in the mouth; speak sharply*baʔsʼimbe faint*biʔcʼolhma(moth) make holes by eating*cahnomautter sound once*caʔcʼolhmawear a hole in (a chair) by sitting on it, or suddenly break through the seat of a chair*celhmacarry on back by strap*cʰiʔcʼamhave space, have a room, leave a space, make spacespace, opening; a parking space*cʰiʔcʼolhmamake a hole in something while holding a tool; make a hole in paper while writing*daʔcʼolhmamake or dig a hole or opening with the hand (not in the ground)smlf.*siʔbocgroup start to float or sailplur. aff.*baqʰam*bihsilhmaessivebihsílhmawvget a sliver in something by encircling, e.g. with the arms*cihsam1essivecihsámʔv-hndhold several things (with a handle, or packing on one's back or shoulder); hold by the hand to lead; hold part of objects to dragsg.*cʰiʔdim1*cʰiʔdim1essivecʰiʔdímʔv-hndhold one thing (with a handle, or packing on one's back or shoulder); hold part of an object to drag; hold by the hand to leadpl.*cihsam1*dima2essivedimáwv-hndhold a nonlong object, including something such as a handkerchief or sheet of paper the requires support underneathsyn*biʔdim1*coʔdom2 1*ʔbem2pl. mvt.*dihtim2díhtimʔqʰaʔbe dimawph. v.qʰaʔbe dímawvkeep the vocal rhythm in Kashaya music*pihcecʰmaessivepihcécʰmawv1(cliff) to overhang and shelter (the ground below); (view) be obstructed by several heads or tops of long objects; (group) to crowd together (with heads sticking up)2encircle ?*silatʰmaessivesilátʰmawvbe flat (faced) etc.syn*siʔlawʔci*siqʰolmaessive-vsuck in*siqʰolmacʼrefl.siqʰólmaʔvsuck in, sniff, inhale*siʔdim2essivesiʔdímʔv-mvtone float or sail in placepl.*siʔbom2*šahsamessivešahsámʔv-hndhold several objects with a long object moving lengthwisesg.*šaʔdim*šuhsam2essivešuhsámʔv-hndhold several (people, animals) in place by pulling (on a rope)sg.*šuʔdim1*šuhsamcismlf.šuhsámciwv-hndgrab and hold several (people, animals) in place by pulling (on a rope)sg.*šuʔdimci