*htontolo-v-instrmake sore swelling by repeated action; swell up sore; rub the surface until sorecf*hponpolo*hṭʰonṭolo*cahtontolopref.cahtóntolowvrub by sitting*dohtontolopref.dohtóntolowvrub fingers on something to make sore or swollen*hahtontolopref.hahtóntolowvkick and make swell up*mihtontolopref.mihtóntolowvrub and swell up with the feet*mohtontolopref.mohtóntolowvfront end swell up *pihtontolopref.pihtóntolowvkeep hitting tender or delicate spot (like lips) to make sore*sihtontolopref.sihtóntolowvbe soaking wet*šahtontolopref.šahtóntolowvmake sore swelling by repeated action; swell up sore; rub the surface until sore, by a long object moving lengthwise; with a mesh*šohtontolopref.šohtóntolowvmake swell up by whippingsyn*šohponpoloc