*hye·-v-instrstop or quit an activity or a movement; not to end a static statewith semelfactive, this means to stop an activity for a whilePlural*yet-*bahye·pref.bahyew´vstop speaking, singing, cryingpl.*bayetbayéʔ*bihye·pref.bihyew´vstop sewing or eating, quit sewing or eating (stop a movement, not a static state)pl.*biyetbiyéʔ*cahye·pref.cahyew´vliquid stop running or flowing; with causative, block liquid from moving, turn off waterpl.*cayetcayéʔ*cihye·pref.cihyew´vstop draggingpl.*cʰiyetcʰiyéʔ*cuhye·pref.cuhyew´v(water) stop flowing, when it is turned offsyn*šahye·pl.*cuyetcuyéʔ*dihye·pref.dihyew´vstop or quit falling; stop some activity that causes things to fallpl.*diyetdiyéʔ*duhye·pref.duhyew´vstop doing somethingpl.*duyetduyéʔ*hahye·pref.hahyew´vstop or quit an activity that involves a swinging motion, such as kicking or pulling grass from the groundpl.*hayethayéʔ*mahye·pref.mahyew´vstop or quit an activity with the feet: especially dancing but also walkingpl.*mayetmayéʔ*mihye·pref.mihyew´vstop or quit kickingpl.*miyetmiyéʔ*muhye·pref.muhyew´vstop or quit running or working (of machine, clock)cf*sahqacʼpl.*muyetmuyéʔsʼuhkul muhyewn.p.sʼuhkúl muhyewnheart attack*pihye·pref.pihyew´vstop chopping (with axe, side of long object)pl.*pʰiyetpʰiyéʔ*puhye·pref.puhyew´vwind to stoppl.*pʰuyetpʰuyéʔ*qahye·pref.qahyew´vfinish eating, stop chewing or eatingpl.*qayetqayéʔ*sihye·pref.sihyew´vstop or quit drinking (some liquid)pl.*siyetsiyéʔ*šahye·pref.šahyew´v(water) stop flowing, when it is turned offsyn*cuhye·pl.*šayetšayéʔ*šuhye·pref.šuhyew´vstop by pullingpl.*šuyetšuyéʔ