*cuhkʰe-vmove, push with handlemust occur with suffixPrefixed:cu-*hkʰe1*cukʰe·nʔwaddist.cukʰenʔwadúvpush something arround with a handle or by holding a small part of the larger object, such as of a wheelbarrowpl.*cukʰetʰmucʼcukʰétʰmuʔpl. agt.*cukʰe·cʼwacʼ*cukʰe·bicdir.cukʰe·bíʔvcarry something, especially in an upward direction while holding the smaller part of a larger object, such as a handle of a wheelbarrowpl.*cukʰehtibiccukʰéhtibiʔ*cukʰe·ddir.cukʰe·du´vcarry or move something along by holding a handle or a smaller part of a larger objectsyn*cihkʰe*ciqʰal1*cʰiye*šukʰe·dcf*cuye·dpl.*cukʰehtadcukʰéhtadu*cukʰe·qacdir.cukʰe·qáʔvcarry something upwards by holding a handle or other smaller part of a larger objectpl.*cukʰehtaqaccukʰéhtaqaʔ