qʼolo·moqʼolo·mo´nround depressionoccurs in compounds for body partsCompound:qʼolo·2ʔimocohšo qʼolo·mocomp.cohšo qʼólo·monsoft center of the palm of the hand, where there is a slight depression in the handcfcohšo ho·towcohšo kunu ho·towqʰama qʼolo·mocomp.qʰama qʼólo·monsole of foot, especially the soft centerqʼohsa qʼolo·mocomp.qʼohsa qʼólo·monelbow joint (probably some depressed spot at the joint)cfqʼohsa ṭʼaša·muʔlisili qʼolo·mocomp.sili qʼólo·monsmall of backsynkʼidi· 2