*hkot1-v-instrgo to nothing gradually, wear down; make (wear down to) little or nothing (not by breaking off pieces)syn*hcʰoc2Usually with -c- Semelfactivepref.*cohkotwear out by rubbing*bahkotpref.-vpeck away*bahkotʰcismlf.bahkótʰciwvwear away with mouth; (bird) peck to nothing*bihkotpref.-vpeck to nothing*bihkotʰcismlf.bihkótʰciwvbird to peck something to nothing (unless /qawi/ is used)*cahkotpref.-vwear out seat of chair or pants*cahkotʰcismlf.cahkótʰciwvwear out seat of chair or pants*cihkotpref.-vwear out by dragging*cihkotʰcismlf.cihkótʰciwvwear out by dragging*dahkotpref.dahkóʔvwear off by rubbingcf*dahsut*dohkotpref.-vrub to nothing with finger*dohkotʰcismlf.dohkótʰciwvrub down to nothing with finger*hahkot2pref.-vwear out with leg or by kicking*hahkotʰcismlf.hahkótʰciwvwear out with leg or by kicking*hihkotpref.-vwear out*hihkotʰcismlf.hihkótʰciwvwear out, wear off paint from body by rubbing against*mahkotpref.-vwear by walking*mahkotʰcismlf.mahkótʰciwv(sole) wear out by walking on (linoleum)*mihkotpref.mihkóʔv1bend the kneesyn*cʼohkot2hopcf*mihkihki*mihkilhci*mihkotʰmaessivemihkótʰmawvkneel on something ¡terr*mihkotʰcismlf.mihkótʰciwv1kneel only one knee, genuflectcf*bohkom 1*cuhten2wear out toes of shoes by kicking*mohkotpref.-vburned to ashes*mohkotʰcismlf.mohkótʰciwv1tire to wear out2burn down to ashes, ready to food on to cook*mohkota·ladir.mohkotá·lawvburned down to ashes or badly burned (man)*pahkotpref.-vwear out by pounding*pahkotʰcismlf.pahkótʰciwvwear out by pounding*pihkot2pref.-vhit with stick down to nothing*pihkotʰcismlf.pihkótʰciwvhit with stick down to nothing*qahkotpref.-vwear down by chewing or between opposing forces*qahkotʰcismlf.qahkótʰciwvwear down to nothing by chewing or between opposing forces*sihkotpref.sihkóʔvsoap or ice to disappear by sitting in water*šohkotpref.-vwear out by pulling across something*šohkotʰcismlf.šohkótʰciwvwear out by pulling across something