-maqocʼmaqocʼv > vsfxDirectional + Reflexive: back a little bit (no location or cardinal direction meaning)"back" needs a particularized interpretation with some verbsReflexive of-maqʷcomp.*ciyama·qocʼseveral crawl or swim back a bitdir.*bihsama·qocʼcarry several long objects in the arms back a few steps*biʔdima·qocʼcarry a bunch back a few steps*coʔdoma·qocʼcarry back a few steps in a containercarry back a few steps while supported underneath, especially on the shoulders or headride a horse back a few stepsdahsama·qocʼcarry, move several heavy objects back a few steps*daʔdima·qocʼcarry, move something heavy back a few steps*dihtima·qocʼcarry several nonlong objects back a few steps*dimaqocʼcarry a nonlong object back a few steps*duhkʰema·qocʼlead someone inside*qʰaʔdima·qocʼcall someone in here (toward the speaker's location)*šuhsama·qocʼlead several (people, animals) back a few steps; pull (with a rope)*ʔbema·qocʼcarry a long object back a few steps*cihsama·qocʼdir.cihsamá·qoʔv-hndcarry (with a handle, or packing on one's back or shoulder) several things back a few steps; drag; lead by the handsg.*cʰiʔdima·qocʼ*cʰiʔdima·qocʼdir.cʰiʔdimá·qoʔv-hndcarry (with a handle, or packing on one's back or shoulder) one thing back a few steps; drag; lead by the handpl.*cihsama·qocʼ*hayohwima·qocʼdir.hayóhwima·qoʔv-mvtseveral (separately) go back a few stepssyn*ma·qocʼ*pʰimaqocʼ*ʔdama·qocʼqa 1*ma·qocʼdir.ma·qóʔv-mvtone go back a few stepssyn*hayohwima·qocʼ*pʰimaqocʼ*ʔdama·qocʼqa 1*šuʔdima·qocʼdir.šuʔdimá·qoʔv-hndlead one (person, animal) back a few steps; pull (with a rope)pl.*šuhsama·qocʼ*pʰimaqocʼdir.pʰimaqóʔv-mvtgroup go back a few stepssyn*hayohwima·qocʼ*ma·qocʼ*ʔdama·qocʼqa 1*siʔboma·qocʼdir.siʔbomá·qoʔv-mvtgroup float or sail back a short distancesg.*siʔdima·qocʼ*siʔdima·qocʼdir.siʔdimá·qoʔv-mvtone float or sail back a short distancepl.*siʔboma·qocʼ*ʔdama·qocʼqadir.damá·qocʼqawv-mvt1two (male or female) go back a few stepssyn*hayohwima·qocʼ*ma·qocʼ*pʰimaqocʼ2a few men go back a few steps