*na·1-v-instrcover, blockPlural*natder.*mana·mvisit*bana·1pref.banaw´vkeep secret; not tellcf*banacpl.*banat*banawicʼrefl.v*banawi·cʼeddur.banawí·cʼeduvdeny; refuse to tell what one did; tell a lie (with negative, "confess")*cana·pref.canaw´vput something or stand in the way deliberately; block by being in the waybalay cana·ph. v.balá· canawvblood be blockedsynbalay hina·*cuna·pref.cunaw´v1water builds up, backs up in river; cover with water (incl. frost, snow)2cover with rounded object (e.g. dirt be piled up with bulldozer; bury with head or snout, esp. of dog burying bones)*cʰina·pref.cʰinaw´vcover by dragging; cover up with broom or by dragging something*dana·pref.danaw´vcover up with hand*dina·pref.dinaw´v1cover, block by falling, with falling object2choke (on food, bread, candy); get stuck in asophagus, windpipepl.*dinatamdinatámʔ*duna·2pref.dunaw´vblock, cover, with fingers; chokepl.*dunatam*hana·pref.hanaw´vpush dirt over something (esp. with leg, fence, other swinging object)*hina·pref.hinaw´v1cover itself; (slide) covered (road)2be blocked; be backed upbalay hina·ph. v.balá· hinawvblood be blockedsynbalay cana·*mana·pref.manaw´vcover, block. with the sole of the foot; push dirt onto with sole of foot; step on*mana·mder.manamʔ´vvisit*mina·pref.minaw´vcover something using the toes or footcf*mihkilhci*miʔboq*mina·messiveminamʔ´v1cover with foot2trap something, set a trap*muna·pref.munaw´vbe constipated, have constipationʔuhwa· munawph. adj.ʔuhwa· munáwadjconstipated*pʰana·pref.pʰanaw´vcover, block, by wrapping; cover by poking, pushing (something)*pʰina·pref.pʰinaw´vcover with hoe, by hoeing*pʰuna·pref.pʰunaw´vblock by wind or drift (e.g. sand, snow)2; blow in drifts or againstmiṭaʔ pʰunawcomp.miṭáʔ pʰunawnsand dunes*qana·pref.qanaw´v1brush (plant) covers; cover with brush (plant)2heal, esp. of injury or wound; wound to scar over*sina·pref.sinaw´vfog covers; be covered up by fog; be foggycf*tʼoloq*ʔtʼom 1dahpʰot 1maqʰa haʔṭʰomusa·la haʔṭʰo*šuna·pref.šunaw´vblock by pulling; choke (by pulling object around neck)*na·messive-v-instrkeep covered, containedcf*ʔboq*ʔkʼilpl.*natam-*bana·mpref.banamʔ´vbury with snouth, beak*cana·mpref.canamʔ´vattack, ambush, make surprise attackpl.*canatamcanatámʔ*cuna·mpref.vbury (bone) ?pl.*cunatam*hana·mpref.vkick to cover*pʰana·mpref.pʰanamʔ´vtie with rope or string, wrap upcf*bacecʼ 1pl.*pʰanatampʰanatámʔʔiša· pʰana·macʼcomp.ʔiša pʰaná·maʔnwrist or arm band, sleeve holder or garterpl.ʔiša· pʰanata·macʼʔiša pʰánata·maʔfr. var.ʔiša pʰana·macʼcu·ki pʰanata·maʔlin.p.instr.cú·ki pʰanata·maʔlingartercfcu·ki cʰiyehtimʔli*sina·mpref.sinamʔvdrown, sinkcf*hucu·mpl.*sinatamsinatám