*hcʰamacʼcʰamáʔv1be a step-parent tocʰamá·cʼibe a step-parent to!ʔima·ta mul cʼa·hácʰpʰi, mul naṭa hcʰamá·cimarry that woman and be a step-father to that child!pʰalá hcʰamá·cʼibe a step-parent again!cʰamá·cʼeduD: Durativecʰáhtima·cʼibe a step-parent to several children!pʰala cʰáhtima·cʼibe a step=parent to several children again!cʰáhtima·cʼedukeep being a step-parent to several children!ʔa hcʰamácʼe· muthat's my stepson (said by step-parent)ʔa· naṭá hcʰamáʔthis is my step-childcʰáhtimacʼmeʔD: Plural Durative Imperativecf*coho2lie down with (no sexual connotation)mu·kito cʰamá·cʼi biduwelie down with him tonight!cʰamáʔ miṭiwto lie togethercʰamá·cʼilie down with!pʰalá hcʰama·cʼilie down with again!cʰáhtimacʼmeʔlay with them!Plural*cʰahtimacʼcʰáhtimaʔ