*maʔdi1maʔdíwv-hnd[with a directional-locational suffix] in general, move or carry something with the foot; especially, take with the foot or claws to a place (as a fish-hawk would carry a fish in its claws and place on the ground); [without a suffix] stop performing this action: put down what was carried with the foot or claws to a placepl.*mahsa1without a movement suffix, this means to put down what was carried; with a movement suffix, it means to carry in the direction indicatedPrefixed:ma-2*ʔdi1*maʔdimessivev-hndhold something with the claws or the footpl.*mahsam*made·ddir.made·du´v-hndcarry along in the claws, as a hawk would a fishpl.*masa·dpl. agt.*made·cʼ