*daʔdi1-v-instrknock over or asidecf*dahcʰi1Plural*daʔdit-*cadaʔdipref.cadáʔdiwvwith rear to push aside or down (person or fence)cf*cadahcʰipl.*cadaʔditicadáʔditiw*dadaʔdipref.dadáʔdiwvpush a person (not a thing) out of the way; make stagger by shoving with hand 9/58 | push over off of something; 7/59 | also used for big rockscf*dadahcʰi*dahcʰa1pl.*dadaʔditidadáʔditiw*didaʔdipref.didáʔdiwvfall overcf*nem1pl.*didaʔditididáʔditiw*mudaʔdipref.mudáʔdiwvbump and knock over (for a person because he will stagger and then fall when bumped)cf*mudahcʰi*muhcʰa1pl.*mudaʔditimudáʔditiw