*caʔtʼunhcaʔtʼúnʔvconstrict, reduce and close inner space. with the rear end, a massive or bulky object, a knifecohšo caʔtʼunhcicʼisit on the hand!kahó·n caʔtʼuní·cʼisit on the box! (doesn’t necessarily change shape or close it)caʔtʼúnqaput box under chair to raise chair up!ma·kina tol cumacʼba caʔtʼunhcihqabiwI sat on the car and made and indentation (that bounced back when I got up)kúška hiba· tol caʔtʼúnhcicʼisit on the cat's tail!cf*caʔkʼonhPrefixed:ca-*ʔtʼunh