*ṭʰaʔbamṭʰaʔbámʔ1vbe, remain, stay in a location that must be stated somewhere in the contextbinebá biʔṭʼawáye· mu kʼili tʰáʔbamamwhen (you) held that, you got ink on theremu·kínʔ mi·li kumíʔdaʔ cumacínʔba, cahpʰíhpʰicʼ e· mu, hiqʰáṭʼqʰaʔṭʼa· ṭʰaʔbamamhe always sits there; that is why he has shredded it with his rear, and it is there in piecescihpánhci· ṭʰaʔbamʔ(the field) is smoothdihce ʔem dihcénʔ ṭʰaʔbamʔthe shelter is made there from wind, rain, etc.ʔahca· matʼiléʔya doyóʔ ṭʰaʔbamthe house (or room) is full of possessionsin the house there are possessions covering (everywhere)cʰócʰqayi·cʼi mul mito šiʔba tol ʔama· ṭʰáʔbamaldestroy the material (clothes, glasses, etc.) that is on your body!ʔoho báhṭʰe maʔ qʰamá·tow ʔama· munáca·la· ṭʰaʔbamé· kihlaʔafter the big fire burned, there is still something left thereʔahša múʔtʼa ṭʰaʔbamʔ mi· ʔul yó·co· maqʰadelcooked fish that were there she then served to her grandsonṭuhšo má· ṭʰaʔbame· bimacithere are five places todaymiʔkʰe ʔama· qʼóʔdi ṭʰaʔbamʔkʰeI wish you good luckkʼasitʼá·lawiye· to maʔal ʔama· ṭʰaʔbamalI’m getting tired of these things around me, of the way things arecf*ʔi 12vbe available, plentifulbaʔṭʼaqá miʔkʰe baqʼo ṭʼo maʔtʼileʔya ṭʰaʔbamʔname off whatever things you have!sóh ʔahša ʔému ʔaca· ṭʰaʔbámmaduʔfish in house are piled upmu ʔdo· méʔpʰi, menin ído· mu maʔu qʰaʔbé qʰaṭʰó· ʔama· tol qʰaʔbe ṭʰaʔbamámThis is all. That is why there are rocks lying along the coast,3vliveʔama· qʼóʔdi ṭʰaʔbamʔIt was a good life.mi·li maʔu yala· men ṭʰaʔbamʔIn the beginning they were there.4vhappenbaqʼo mul ʔama· cicʼwáʔ tʰin ṭʰaʔbamal batulí·bicʰmeʔsomething that had had nothing done about it, organize it!ʔama· báhṭʰe ṭʰaʔbamʔbig doings; celebration timeṭʰaʔbamí·biʔto start to happen5adjavailablemensʼiba tiya·coʔkʰe kuhnu ṭʰaʔbam šeʔéʔ ṭʰaʔbam ʔama· qʼóʔdi ṭʰaʔbam mul sóh pʰoʔo·cʼín ʔul cʰoyíʔ tʼacʼqan mu ṭʼo ʔama· li dúhkʰuyi·cʼiwaʔ Then their available beads, available baskets, the good things they had, they were already burning, thinking her dead. They kept beating themselves. of*ṭʰaʔba*ṭʰaʔbamcismlf.ṭʰaʔbámciwv1appear, come to be in a place2take place, happencf*docʼo·2ʔama· ṭʰaʔbamciwn.p.ʔama· ṭʰáʔbamciwnevent(s), thing(s) taking place, thing that took place*ṭʰaʔbamcihqacaus.ṭʰaʔbámcihqawvcause to happen, bring about, cause to come to be in a place. Idiom: store lots of food and supplies*ṭʰaʔbamqacaus.ṭʰaʔbámqawvleave be, allow to remain