*dihcelh-vget blocked by fallingPrefixed:di-*hcelh*dihcelhmaessivedihcélhmawv1be blocked, stopped, obstructed as the result of something falling: a tree branch that fell into a roadway, an object spanning an openingsyn*dihcalhma2throat feel as though it is blocked or obstructed by something stuck in itpl.*dicehlimdicéhlimʔ*dihcelhcismlf.dihcélhciwvbecome blocked, stopped, obstructed as the result of something falling: a tree branch falls into a roadway (and lodges up off the ground, blocking the road like a gate), an object falls and spans an opening without going through; can also refer to something in way of something else that is fallingpl.*dicelʔtadicélʔtaw