*cʰiʔcʼacʰiʔcʼáwv1(car) brakeʔacaʔ yaʔ karé·ta tol cʰiʔcʼáhqa· maye·nʔthe man came with his foot pressed on the brakes of the wagoncʰiʔcʼáhqaput on your brakes!ʔacaʔ yaʔ karé·ta tol cʰiʔcʼáhqa· maye·nʔthe man came with his foot pressed on the brakes of the wagon2to have space [?]hoʔo cʰíʔcʼatooth missing (leaving hole)cʰiʔcʼaleave a space!Prefixed:cʰi-*ʔcʼa3*cʰiʔcʼamessivecʰiʔcʼámʔ1vhave space, have a room, leave a space, make space2nspace, opening; a parking space*cʰicʼa·qder.cʰicʼaʔ´vto be open space, like down a hallway*cʰiʔcʼamcismlf.cʰiʔcʼámciwvspace open up*cʰiʔcʼamcicʼrefl.cʰiʔcʼámciʔvleave a gap [?]*cʰiʔcʼahqacaus.cʰiʔcʼáhqawvput on brakepl.*cʰicʼatʰqacʰicʼátʰqaw