-mulmulv > vsfxDirectional: around in a circle, around an obstruction, turning in a new directionCompound:*nemuln.p.kʼaṭa mitʰmulʔlacedir.*bihsamulcarry several long objects in the arms around to the other side*biʔdimulcarry a bunch around to the other side*coʔdomulcarry around to the other side in a containercarry around to the other side while supported underneath, especially on the shoulders or headride a horse around to the other sidedahsamulcarry, move several heavy objects around to the other side*daʔdimulcarry, move something heavy around to the other side*dihtimulcarry several nonlong objects around to the other side*dimulcarry a nonlong object around to the other side*qʼacʰmulleave scattered around*šuhsamullead several (people, animals) around to the other side; pull (with a rope)*šuʔdimullead one (person, animal) around to the other side; pull (with a rope)*ṭʰaʔbamullie around (some place)*ʔbalhmulturn oneself around*ʔbemulcarry a long object around to the other side*bisʼi·cʰmulsmlf.dir.abs.bisʼicʰmúlʔ1vsew a hem all around (a dress)2nhem (of dress)*cihsamuldir.cihsamúlʔv-hndcarry (with a handle, or packing on one's back or shoulder) several things around to the other side; drag; lead by the handsg.*cʰiʔdimul*cimuldir.cimúlʔv-mvtcrawl or swim around in a circle or around an obstruction or turning in a new directionsyn*ciyamu·licʼ*ciyamuldir.ciyamúlʔv-mvtseveral crawl or swim around something to the other side*cʰiʔdimuldir.cʰiʔdimúlʔv-hndcarry (with a handle, or packing on one's back or shoulder) one thing around to the other side; drag; lead by the handpl.*cihsamul*hayohwimuldir.hayóhwimulʔv-mvtseveral (separately) go around to the other sidesyn*mul*pʰimul*ʔdamulqa 1*muldir.múlʔv-mvtone go around to the other sidesyn*hayohwimul*pʰimul*ʔdamulqa 1*pʰimuldir.pʰimúlʔv-mvtgroup go around to the other sidesyn*hayohwimul*mul*ʔdamulqa 1*siʔbomuldir.siʔbomúlʔv-mvtgroup float or sail around to the other sidesg.*siʔdimul*siʔdimuldir.siʔdimúlʔv-mvtone float or sail around to the other sidepl.*siʔbomul*ʔdamulqadir.damúlqawv-mvt1two (male or female) go around to the other sidesyn*hayohwimul*mul*pʰimul2a few men go around to the other side