*kʼi·1-v-instrcut or scratch something living sufficently to cause bleedingPlural*kʼit1-pref.*makʼi·scratch something with the foot (or toenails?); scratch foot by stepping on something*bikʼi·1pref.bikʼiw´vcut with something held in both armspl.*bikʼitbikʼíʔ*cakʼi·pref.cakʼiw´vscratch something by sitting on it; be scratched by sitting on somethingpl.*cakʼit*dakʼi·pref.dakʼiw´vscratch with the fingernails (or claws of animals) with the fingers moving perpendicular to the plane of the nails (toward the palm); cut hand on somethingcf*dayi*hasupl.*dakʼitdakʼíʔ*dikʼi·pref.dikʼiw´vfall on something and get cut as a resultpl.*dikʼitdukʼíʔ*dukʼi·1pref.dukʼiw´1vscratch with the fingers or claws to cause bleeding; get the finger scratched; a doctor scratch patient to treat by bleedingcf*dukʼi·m 1*duqʼa·ṭ*dusu2adjscratchedpl.*dukʼitdukʼíʔ*hakʼi·pref.hakʼiw´vthrow (knife, glass) to scratch and make bleedcf*haqʼa·s*haqʼa·ṭ*hasu*hayi2pl.*hakʼithakʼíʔ*hikʼi·1pref.hikʼiw´vget the body cut or scratchedpl.*hikʼithikʼíʔ*mukʼi·1pref.mukʼiw´vbe cut by a thrown nonlong object (rock) enough to bleedcf*mukʼi·2*muqʼa·s*musupl.*mukʼitmukʼíʔ*pʰakʼi·1pref.pʰakʼiw´vscratch and make bleed with the point of a long object (pen, arrow) or make mark by putting on bandage too tightpl.*pʰakʼitpʰakʼíʔ*pʰikʼi·1pref.pʰikʼiw´vhit with axe and scratch slightly to make bleedcf*pisu*pʰiqʼa·s*pʰiqʼa·ṭpl.*pʰikʼitpʰikʼíʔ*pʰukʼi·pref.pʰukʼiw´vbe cut by blowing (sand); cut by blowing (sand)pl.*pʰukʼitpʰukʼíʔ*qakʼi·pref.qakʼiw´vcut or scratch something living sufficently to cause bleeding, using teethcf*qaqʼa·s*qasu*qayipl.*qakʼitqakʼíʔ*sikʼi·pref.sikʼiw´vget the tongue cutpl.*sikʼit1sikʼíʔ*šukʼi·pref.šukʼiw´vcut by pulling (not all the way through); cut (with saw) with one lengthwise strokepl.*šukʼitšukʼíʔ