*ṭi3-v-instrbe pounding the ground, making a thump; to make sound from many (hard) things falling on the groundsyn*ṭitcf*hṭi2*ṭi·m2always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms*diṭipref.v*diṭidiṭifreq.diṭidíṭiwv-redsound of many things falling (apples, rocks on floor or ground, not leaves, rocks on concrete)cf*dihkilhci*dihṭibic*dihṭilh*diṭi·m*duṭipref.-vsound of horse trotting*haṭi2pref.-vkick on ground making sound*maṭi2pref.-vmake noise pouding ground*maṭimaṭifreq.maṭimáṭiwv-redmake noise pounding the ground, trotting alongcf*mahṭihṭi*miṭi2pref.-vkick against floor with toe*miṭimiṭifreq.miṭimíṭiwv-red(lie on stomach) kick against floor repeatedly with toe (making noise probably)cf*mihkilhci*muṭipref.-vthing fall to ground*muṭimuṭifreq.muṭimúṭiwv-redmany things fall to the ground as a result of energy, such as shaking or throwing, especially if a repeated dropping noise is made on the groundcf*muhkilhci*muhṭilh*paṭipref.-vmake pounding noise*paṭipaṭifreq.paṭipáṭiwv-redmake a pounding noise on the ground, possibly on a chair alsocf*pahṭihṭi*haṭihaṭifreq.haṭiháṭiwv-redkick around on ground making sound (not accepted for similar sound on chair)cf*hahkilhci*hahṭilh*haṭi·m