*hwatʼ-v-instrflop, disintegrate, lose tenseness, tone, collapsecftʼapʼall derived verbs appear to require a suffix (Smlf, Ess, Dir); the Smlf is lost in the PluralPlural*wahtʼi-*bahwatʼpref.bahwáʔvflop, disintegrate with the mouth*bihwatʼpref.bihwáʔvflatten, disintegrate, lose tenseness, tone, collapse, by hugging with the arms*cahwatʼpref.cahwáʔvsquash, flatten, lose tenseness, tone, collapse, with the rear end*cihwatʼpref.cihwáʔvflatten with handle/part*cuhwatʼpref.cuhwáʔvflatten, as with a carsyn*muhwatʼpl.*cuhwatʼwatʼ*dahwatʼpref.dahwáʔvflop, disintegrate; lose tenseness, tone, collapse*dihwatʼpref.-vfall and flatten; flop, disintegrate, lose tenseness, tone, collapsesyn*dihlo·m*diwaṭʰ*hiwaṭʰ*na·lamecʼ 1*dihwatʼcismlf.dihwátʼciwvfall and flattenpl.*diwahtʼidiwáhtʼiw*dihwatʼa·ladir.dihwatʼá·lawvfall loose and raggeddihwatʼwatʼatempl.dihwátʼwatʼancouch potato; a lazy husband who sits around the house*duhwatʼpref.duhwáʔvflatten with a finger*hahwatʼpref.hahwáʔvkick and make collapse, flop, disintegrate, lose tenseness, tone*hihwatʼpref.hihwáʔvbody lie rotten; entire object disintegrate: used for a board or towel only if it is so rotten that it comes to pieces; not used for disintegration of a rock*muhwatʼpref.muhwáʔvmachine disintegrate from use; machie (car) to flatten somethingsyn*cuhwatʼ*pihwatʼpref.pihwáʔvhit and flatten, collapse, disintegrate, lose tensenesscf*pihwaṭʰ*pʰiwaṭʰ*puhwatʼpref.puhwáʔvflop, disintegrate, lose tenseness, tone, collapse, fmor wind blowing, in wind*qahwatʼpref.qahwáʔvflop, disintegrate, lose tenseness, tone, collapse, between forces: with the teeth, by chewing, eating*sihwatʼpref.sihwáʔvflop, disintegrate, lose tenseness, tone, collapse. from water, getting wetcf*sihpʰaqʼ*sihpʰatʼci