*ʔiṭʰoʔiṭʰówvdoubt or disbelieve, especially when speaking of the traditional rules, believe them to be superstition; but also doubt something in generalbaqʼo· ʔama· ʔa ʔiṭʰoqáʔ tʰin em ˉ dú·cicʼ em ʔa men ʔama· dicʼmuʔ ʔihmi I don’t doubt any of it; I know that what they said was truecf*ʔtʼel2ʔiṭʰoyaw3.2.5.3Doubttakes the suffix -qacʼ when speaking of someone elseʔiṭʰoyawcomp.ʔiṭʰoyáwadjdoubted by everyonecf*ʔiṭʰo*ʔtʼel2fr. var.ʔiṭʰoyaʔcʼawʔama ʔiṭʰown.p.ʔama ʔíṭʰownnon-believer, doubter, [?] skeptic; half-believercfʔama ʔtʼelʔ