mu-mupref-instrpfxwith energy — kinetic, thermal, photo, or psychic; by a quick movement, with something moving quickly, with heat, with light, or with the mind or emotionscomp.*mušucʼaʔyawlaughable, very funnyn.p.ʔama· mohyolʔmix up the ground with a vehicle: make tracks after driving in mudgrave offerings, burnt together at cremationder.mušuʔkancutepref.*mobo·lburn inside, make a hole by burning*mocobe crushing, smashing, breaking solids into several coarse pieces, with a quick movement, heat, light, mind or emotionscrush by running over (in a car) several times*moco·lwind (thread) by machine*moco·licpuff out*moco·ṭic(of hair) bristle, stand on end (from fear, anger, cold)*mocʼo·become, turn; change appearance (in color or shape) as the result of heat or energybecome sunburned (with or without specifying "red")*mocʼo·mburn (a string) in two pieces, whether of equal or unequal length; can be very close to an end*mocʼo·qthrow long object (spear, knife) lengthwise so that it sticks*modo·mquiver, get quivery*mohcʰotbecome tired, get out of breath; get tired of doing something (work or running) and then not finish*mohkʰocatch a moving object (shape unimportant)*mohlodetach with a quick movement*mohlokʼbend with a quick movement*mohlo·mpartially burn*moholthrow at something unseen*mohpoboil over (out of a container); overflow a container by movement*mohqʰobotjump up, get up quickly*mohsomscatter by running through (on foot) or driving through (in a car)*mohsoṭmelt (of snow)scatter with quick movement*mohšolhhit off or sun’s heat to make leaves fall off; (loose wheel) come off (while car is running)*mohto1boil*mohtontolofront end swell up *mohtoš2thick, of the face*mohtoš1remove part of surface (skin) with heat*mohṭonṭolowear away a hole inside with fire*mohṭʰolhwear through by burning*moko·ldrill by turning all the time (rare)*mokʼo·cenergetic extreme feelings ??*mokʼo·ldig a depression or cavity by hitting or burning, make a hole that does not go all the way through the material*mokʼo·mbe stale; get hard scales*mokʼo·ṭburnt in the pot*molo·(food) be soggy from lack of heat*mopo·šblister, swell up from being burnedheat blister, caused by burning or sun exposure*mopʰo·(water) be splashing from thrown objects, such as rocks*moṭo·lmake depression by machine*moʔboswell from being inflamed (as an infection), swell or rise from being cooked (as bread in the oven)swollen*moʔbolh1knock over and spill by thrown object*moʔbolh2kick up dust by throwing from a distance, shooting or kinetic energy*moʔcʼolhmake a hole, or simply mark, by throwing or other quick movement; throw or hit once and make a markmake a hole by burning or by quick movement such as throwing*moʔcʼondetach by throwing or hitting*moʔcʼoqʰotthrow and make hole*moʔcʼo·burn; become, turn due to heat or the sun*moʔkʰošbend with pain or illness*moʔkʼo1a round object (rock, ball), or vehicle, strike; throw and hitthe game of bowlingget headacheturn red from ripening (of fruit), or from exposure to the sun (of a person); with /hoʔt'o/, get sunstroke from overexposurebump into*moʔkʼolhoverturn by throwing or hitting; turn a nonlong object over*moʔkʼoṭʰkʼoṭʰocbecome dry and brittle from heat, from the sun (but not burned); shrivel up; get stiff from freezing cold (such as a damp rag left out in the frost)dry and brittle from exposure to heat or cold; crisp (such as a potato chip)*moʔkʼoy1one (sore) to scab overmoʔsʼoslim*moʔsʼonhcident, as to a cara dent*moʔṭʼolhmake sound by hittingmoʔyowrinkled*mubet2look for*mucʰa·grab while moving; grab (and hop on) a moving (car); run by and grab; (fly) to land (on the wall)*mucʰi·ṭpull or pop out due to mechanical action, e.g. pop something out of vending machine; top pop of a bottle; clutch in car comes up; nails come out of shakes (from age and heat)*mucʼalseparate but remain attached at one point or along one side; hinged; crack open (e.g., a curtain) by throwing something*mucʼa·ṭsing poorly rhythmless or tuneless; sing straight with no rhythm; buzz of fly, making low noise with throat in which glottal vibration is low and broken (strained sounding)*mucʼi·ṭmix together by boiling or burning*mucʼu·break by throwing*mucʼu·l2hurt by burning*mucʼu·l1be scorched or singed (e.g., hair or cloth)*mudahcʰibump and knock over*mudaʔdibump and knock over (for a person because he will stagger and then fall when bumped)*mudi·cʼencounter or experience something by chance, unexpectedly ??*muhceobstruct or block moving object (arrow, rolling rock)muhceshield from thrown rock*muhcenhshelter from the sun, heat or cold*muhcʰa1knock over by running into or throwing something at*muhcʰihurt with thrown rocks, by hitting hard*muhkehit ball to be stopped by (wall), not completing its flight*muhkelhknock off branches (or remove down to roots) by throwing or burning; burn something smooth*muhkemstand with chest sticking out*muhkeykeyextend, project, stick out*muhkilhcithud with energy or a forceful action, such as a piledriver or by throwing a heavy rock*muhkulhstir (cooking), as mush, pudding (not soup; it must be something you keep stirring all the time)*muhkutpulse; beat (of heart only)*muhkʰemove a car, vehicle*muhkʰelskim over quickly*muhkʰuybe burned, damaged with heat; burn up, burn to deathburnt, burned up; hot taste such as pepper*muhlabacrack from heat*muhlakʼatlights flash by with a quick movement; cause sparks by hitting*muhlalsplit with heat*muhlasʼwilt, become limp, with heat, from heat*muhle·mextend, stretch (of something of limited length), with a quick movement, heat, light, mind or emotions*muhludknock off by throwing*muhlu·cspill with a quick movement (something thrown); with heat*muhmutʼbreak to pieces by (car) running over*muhmu·lleft something after burning*muhnattest, investigate by throwing something*muhpanhcompress by driving over*muhpʰaqʼinterior of a surface break, collapse, with a quick movement, heat, light, mind or emotions*muhpʰa·šmacollapse from car driving on*muhpʰenot go through with action; expected action not continue to completion*muhpʰukʼutthrow something into something soft*muhqa2be stiff (of something usually flexible)*muhqa1be used to the heat*muhqalh(skin) be burned smooth (free of hair)*muhsa2throw something and it is stopped, blocked by somethingbump into*muhsakʼatbounce with a quick movement*muhsamcicʼbounce back (try to throw between trees and miss – hit tree so it bounces back)*muhsetʼmany to project by hitting*muhseyspread cover by throwing*muhsikʼitbounce: not typically a ball, but an object such as a coin thrown in a bowl that bounces up and out*muhsimextinguish (a fire) by rolling something over it*muhsismascorch; burn black, be burnt black; singe or cook well-done, thoroughly*muhsukʼfire burn down to coals*muhsutburn to ashespieces left from burning, cinders and unburned chips*muhšulwilt, start to spoil (from heat)*muhta1liquid diffuse (with heat), melt and run*muhtaytouch with energy, heat*muhteyknock over or flatten a group of objects with energy, such as by fire, moving, or throwing*muhtishape rocks by chipping, as to make a pestle; chip even*muhtsinhground to shake (once)*muhtʰinfail to reach a goal*muhṭilhhit with rock (dropped or thrown or rolled) and chip a rock or a bank of dirt and break off piece of earth; thud by throwing something heavy*muhweground to shake*muhye·stop or quit running or working (of machine, clock)*mukelstretch by throwing, when heated, when running (legs are extended)*muki·lswing, wave around, with a quick movement, heat, light, mind or emotions*muki·šstretch over a surface; be tense, taut*muku·ṭbe burned off*mukʰeṭpart by throwing (all the way apart or may be attached still)*mukʰistretch with a quick movementstretched (of elastic)*mukʼa·llight to go on, shine*mukʼi·2make a mark or streak with a quick movement*mukʼi·1be cut by a thrown nonlong object (rock) enough to bleed*mukʼi·1be cut by a thrown nonlong object (rock) enough to bleed*mukʼi·šemit a grating sound from (a rock) thrown (along a tin roof*mulacfail to hit or throw*mulayabump and miss, dodge, avoid*mula·ciundercook; fail to cook thoroughly*mulithrow in a curve*muluthrow and dirty something; throw and spread*mulʔušget lumpy while cooking (of mush)*muna·be constipated, have constipation*muna·cbe too shy to do something; be bashful, hesitant, reticent; back out of doing something*munemhit, bump while moving*mupaarrive in time for; just arrived; arrive just in time forfind a situation as expected*mupʰu·stir up cloud (of dust) with energy*mupʼil(particles) be of extremely fine texture, be slick (like particles of fine texture), feel slick, with a quick movement, heat, light, mind or emotions*mupʼi·lbe sticky*muqʰa·(stick) burn into two (or more) pieces; break with heat*muqʰa·mclean off using heat*muqʰa·ṭbe pleasurable by heat*muqʼa·m(fire) give off, throw out, radiate a lot of heat; overheat (someone); heat (something) by setting it near a fire*muqʼa·sscratch and make a streak by throwing a nonlong object*muqʼa·ṭscorch, singe, burnburn out, tire out; be burnt out or tired outtoasted*musacut or break off several with a quick movement, by fire*musi·ṭbe singed, scorchedscorched, singed*mususcratch several deeply enough to make a mark or to remove some of the surface with energy (e.g. while moving, by throwing, or with fire)*musu·lremove part with energy, such as by throwing or heat; reduce by heatpartial fruit drop before ripe*musʼamcover, fill, by fire; smoke*musʼa·break leg; tire get stuck*musʼa·lsizzle; lead (metal), sizzling soundsolder, lead*musʼe·kʼbend using heat*musʼimwilt*musʼulburn smooth*muša·msound of wind in trees, boiling water, water flowing through pipes; hiss; fizz sound of soda water*mušilget almost dry in sun; get half drypartly or almost dry, from being in the sun; half dry*mušudsomething to feel unfamiliar or strange, while performing a quick movement or involving heat or emotions*mušu·cʼbe cute, funny, comicalcute, funny, comical*mutašsquash by running over; squash something soft and mushy by running over it*mutaṭzigzag, go in a zigzag, twist*mutelstraighten with heat*mutʰutbreak apart something brittle with fire*mutʼa·msun, light shinesunlight(light) shine*mutʼe·lmake stick and spread out by throwing*mutʼe·tset, fit with fire*muṭa·mmake noise by throwing, kinetic energy*muṭa·šfade with heat, in the sun*muṭa·ttwist*muṭiṭi·mastretch across with kinetic energy, such as throwing or heat*muṭʼamstir up (yellowjackets) by running into or throwing rock*muṭʼanbruise badly or make bloodshot (only something with blood); break open sore by heat; blister from heat*muya·m2hurt someone by throwing an object at them (and hitting them with it)*muya·m2hurt someone by throwing an object at them (and hitting them with it)*muʔbabe bursting open from heat, be exploding (of thunder, fireworks, munitions, dynamite)*muʔcʼa2get stuckthrow longthwise object (spear) and stick it into something*muʔcʼababe breaking apart or break to pieces a non-long object, with heat or energy*muʔcʼanhstick together by throwing, heat, glue*muʔdayacmiss with thrown object (round); misthrow one thing*muʔdi2throw something so it sticks in something soft like mud; throw rock in mud or something soft where it will be partly buried*muʔduw1act on edge with a quick movement*muʔduw2heat diffuse through*muʔkʼacrack (open) with heat, from heat*muʔkʼe?? harden by heat ??*muʔlawʔcihit, throw or throw quickly; perform an action quickly with energy*muʔluthrow ball at cloth so it wraps itself*muʔlušglance off*muʔpʼanhshut, close, plug, cover an opening, using fire*muʔqʼacfood or bread be done cookingtighten, make secure, make safeload a gun*muʔqʼalh(arrow) go into something*muʔtʼe1stand still from surprise, fear, shock; be scared stiffscared stiff*muʔtʼem2throw, not being sure how to hit, and hit something*muʔtʼemhcover with the hand*muʔtʼutlong narrow space inside, sides close together, with a quick movement, heat, light, mind or emotions*muʔṭʼaqʼattake off with fire, energy; pop (corn)*muʔṭʼašmove quickly into place ??*muʔṭʼenṭʼeleflatten with energy*muʔṭʼeʔṭʼemachinery to go "tap"*muʔṭʼubutthrow rock (and it sinks in)*muʔṭʼuṭpopping fire*mu·sqʰacbe burned smooth, bare*mu·sʼlucbe grimy and slick*mu·šluccovereddir.*muʔdiwa·ladiffuse down throughiter.*moʔyoʔyo1gather together into a pile, with a quick movement; shrink or contract as the result of heattempl.*mo·yotʰyotoof clothes hanging gathered in foldsmuʔtʼalabs.pref.muʔtʼálnsun heat; sunshine*mobo·kʼpref.-vswell up from heat*mobo·kʼibicdir.mobokʼi·bíʔvswell up from heatcf*moʔbo 1pl.*mobohkʼibicmobóhkʼibiʔfr. var.*mubu·kʼibic*mohcʰocpref.-vwear away by burning*mohcʰohcʰociter.mohcʰóhcʰoʔvwear away by burning*mohkolhpref.-vloosen with heat*mohkolhcismlf.mohkólhciwv1loosen with heat, fire2step on and make loose (no sound meaning)*mohkotpref.-vburned to ashes*mohkotʰcismlf.mohkótʰciwv1tire to wear out2burn down to ashes, ready to food on to cook*mohkota·ladir.mohkotá·lawvburned down to ashes or badly burned (man)*mohpolhpref.-vgush*mohpolhcismlf.mohpólhciwvgush, spurt with emotionspl.*mohpola·tadmohpolá·tadu*mohpolpolopref.-vswell up from heat or bee sting*mohpolpolocsmlf.mohpólpoloʔvswell up from heat or bee stingsyn*mohponpoloc*mohponpoloc*moʔbo 1*mohponpolopref.-vbe painfully swollen from burn*mohponpolocsmlf.mohpónpoloʔvbe painfully swollen from a burn, bee sting, or thrown nonlong object (rock)syn*mohpolpoloc*mohpolpoloc*moʔbo 1*mohpʰopref.-vscatter with quick movement*mohpʰohpʰoiter.mohpʰóhpʰowv-redscatter with a quick movement, with heatcf*mopʰo·pl.*mohpʰomopʰotadmohpʰomópʰota·du*mohqosʼpref.-vspill nonliquids, cause a group of solid objects to fall off by throwing*mohqosʼcismlf.mohqósʼciwvspill nonliquids, cause a group of solid objects to fall off by throwingpl.*moqosʼqoʔsʼomoqósʼqoʔsʼow*mohqoyʔpref.-vhave joint bent by thrown object*mohqoyʔcismlf.mohqóyʔciwvhave a joint (knee) suddenly bent by a thrown nonlong object (rock)*mohto2pref.-vget fat*mohtohto1iter.mohtóhtowv-redget fat, be fat*mohṭʰinhcʼpref.-vbe know-it-all*mohṭʰinhcʼeddur.mohṭʰínhcʼeduvbe a know-it-all; act like person who acts like he knows everything but doesn'€™t; show offpl.*mohṭʰinhcʼiwacʼmohṭʰínhcʼiwaʔpl. agt.*mohṭʰinhcʼiwacʼ*mohyolpref.mohyólʔv1mix by burning, especially of a dead person's posessions and body; be a gift for the deadcf*mowoṭ2spread or smear a liquid-like substance with energy, such as by throwing, burning, or driving; make a mark by drivingpl.*moyolaqmoyoláʔʔama· mohyolʔn.p.ʔama· móhyolʔ1vmix up the ground with a vehicle: make tracks after driving in mud2ngrave offerings, burnt together at cremation*mohyo·csmlf.mohyoʔ´v1mix by burning, especially of dead person and posessions2smear or spread a liquid-like substance (mud) with energy, such as by throwing, burning, or driving*mohyoqʰpref.mohyóʔvauto to run over something*mokʼoṭʰpref.-vget dry and hard from heat*mokʼoṭʰmaessivemokʼóṭʰmawv1(food) get dry and hard from heat (of fire or sun)cf*moʔkʼoṭʰkʼoṭʰoc 1*muʔkʼubum*muʔkʼucay 1mo·kʼoṭṭomenʔ2(damp cloth) freeze stiff*molopref.-vreturn*molomolofreq.molomólowv-redkeep going to one place and returning, come many timessyn*hicʼehicʼe*mucʼemucʼe*motʼošpref.motʼóšv(skin) peel using heat, skin peel from getting burnedcf*moṭʰo*pʰuqʼa·ṭ*moṭʰopref.moṭʰówvremove outer layer in pieces using heat; scald, burn skin offsyn*moṭʼo·cf*motʼoš*pʰuqʼa·ṭ*moṭʼo·pref.moṭʼow´vscald, burn by liquid; peel off outer layer with heatsyn*moṭʰopl.*moloṭʼomoloṭʼów*mowoṭpref.mowóʔvagitate (liquid), roil, by throwing something into itcf*mohyol 1*mowo·lpref.mowolʔ´vmake soft or yielding, by hitting*moyot1pref.moyóʔvgather in foldssyn*moʔyo2pl.*moyohtimoyóhtiw*mo·yotʰ·yótʰyotoadjof clothes hanging gathered in foldscf*moʔyoʔyo1*moʔyoʔyocdi·yotʰyoto*moʔcʼopref.-vbreak from movement or energy*moʔcʼoʔcʼoiter.moʔcʼóʔcʼowv-redbreak edges from movement or energypl.*mocʼocʼo*moʔkʼoy2pref.-vwarp up in sun*moʔkʼoyi·bicdir.moʔkʼoyí·biʔv(a plank) to warp up at one end in the sun pl.*mokʼohyibic*moʔlopref.-vtangle with heat*moʔloʔloiter.moʔlóʔlowv-redtangle or shrivel with heat*moʔyo1pref.moʔyówvmove, gather bunch, group, pile by throwingpl.*moyot2moyóʔ*moʔyo3pref.-vpile*moʔyoʔyo1iter.moʔyóʔyowvgather together into a pile, with a quick movement; shrink or contract as the result of heatcf*moʔyoʔyoc*mo·yotʰyotopl.*moʔyomoyotmoʔyomóyoʔ*moʔyo4pref.-vshrink*moʔyoʔyo2iter.-vshrink*moʔyoʔyocsmlf.moʔyóʔyoʔvshrink (probably "pucker")cf*moʔyoʔyo1*mo·yotʰyoto*mucepref.mucéwv1while running, get caught on something and immobilized2Idiom: set out (for), be bound for, depart for; hitch a ride;pl.*mucetmucéʔ*mucʼepref.-vmany repeated movements*mucʼemucʼefreq.mucʼemúcʼewv-redmany repeated movements, visit repeatedlysyn*hicʼehicʼe*molomolo*mucʼi·cʼipref.mucʼi·cʼíwvstiffened by fire, in the sun*muhcelhpref.-vget blocked with energy*muhcelhmaessivemuhcélhmawvbe blocked, obstructed as the result of throwing an object, or while moving with force or energy, or in a vehicle; try to throw something in and because it is too big it is stoppedpl.*mucehlimmucéhlimʔ*muhcelhcismlf.muhcélhciwvget blocked, obstructed as the result of throwing an object, or while moving with force or energy, or in a vehiclepl.*mucelʔtamucélʔtaw*muhcʰa2pref.-vcrumble with fire*muhcʰahcʰapref.vcrumble with fire*muhcʰahcʰacsmlf.muhcʰáhcʰaʔvcrumble with firepl.*muhcʰamucʰatadmuhcʰamúcʰata·du*muhkʰapref.-vthrow and make stick*muhkʰahkʰaiter.muhkʰáhkʰawv-redthrow and make stick*muhkʰupref.-vcrumble with heat*muhkʰuhkʰuiter.muhkʰúhkʰuwv-redcrumble with heat*muhkʰunpref.muhkʰúnʔvbe ashamed or bashful, be embarrassedantmukʰaṭʼkʰa·nicf*muna·cmuhkʰunmadir.-vfeel ashamed*muhkʰunmahqacaus.muhkʰúnmahqawvmake someone feel ashamed by picking on*muhlicpref.-vbreak off with fire*muhlihliciter.muhlíhliʔvbreak off with fire; burn*muhlimuhlifreq.muhlimúhliwv-redburned partly*muhlupref.-vburn to pieces*muhluhluiter.muhlúhluwv-redburn to pieces (not all to ashes; several pieces left)*muhmupref.-vbreak apart by heat*muhmuhmuiter.-vbreak apart by heat*muhmuhmucsmlf.muhmúhmuʔv-redbreak apart by heatpl.*muhmumumutadmuhmumúmuta·du*muhpapref.-vsmear all over?*muhpahpaiter.muhpáhpawv-redsmear all over?*muhpʰitʼpref.-vbe made into pieces by heat or machine*muhpʰitʼcismlf.muhpʰítʼciwvtear, rip (paper, cloth, lettuce) into pieces by fire, heat, or machinepl.*muhpʰitʼpʰitʼiwadmuhpʰítʼpʰitʼiwa·du*mupʰitʼpʰiʔtʼimupʰítʼpʰiʔtʼiwdial. var.*muhpitʼci*muhqʰapref.-vdrive along slowly*muhqʰamuhqʰafreq.muhqʰamúhqʰawv-reddrive along slowly*muhqʰalhpref.muhqʰálʔvbe lightly brushed by a thrown nonlong objectpl.*muqʰaltamuqʰáltaw*muhsa1pref.muhsáwv-mvtseveral move with energy (such as dancing) and stop in one spot; dance in; move or hold by quick motion, heat,*muʔdi1*muhsamessivemuhsámʔvhold several objects with energy; boil several objectssg.*muʔdim*musa·ddir.musa·du´v-hndmove several objects along with energy [?]sg.*mude·dpl. agt.*musa·cʼ*muhšapref.-vswell up*muhšahšaiter.muhšáhšawv-redswell up a lot, puff up a lot, raise up a lot*muhta2pref.-vtap repeatedly with fire*muhtahtaiter.muhtáhtawvtap repeatedly with firemuhtahta· qʰalen.p.muhtáhta· qʰalena kind of plant with sticky, shiny leaves and white lilac flowers*muhtenh1pref.muhténʔvbe fixed, arranged, soothed by heat [?]cf*muhtey*muhtenh2pref.muhténʔvattack, (panther, rattlesnake) strike; go suddenly to grab somethingpl.*mutenʔta*muhtʰipref.-vburn holes through something here and there*muhtʰihtʰiiter.-vburn holes through something here and there*muhtʰihtʰicsmlf.muhtʰíhtʰiʔvburn holes through something here and there*muhtʰunhpref.muhtʰúnʔvnot quite do, with heat*muhṭanṭalapref.-vfade in sunlight*muhṭanṭalacsmlf.muhṭánṭalaʔvfade in sunlight*muhṭipref.-vthrowing something heavy repeatedly*muhṭihṭiiter.muhṭíhṭiwvthrowing something heavy repeatedly*muhṭʰa1pref.muhṭʰáwvbecome conscious, come to (not "wake up"); also means button to come open by itself of door to unlatch itselfpl.*muṭʰatmuṭʰáʔ*muhṭʰa2pref.-vunwind by spinning *muhṭʰahṭʰapref.-vunwind by spinning*muhṭʰahṭʰacsmlf.muhṭʰáhṭʰaʔvunwind by spinning*muhṭʰepref.muhṭʰe´adjspread out quickly, suddenly*muhṭʰipref.-vkeep burning*muhṭʰihṭʰiiter.muhṭʰíhṭʰiwv-redkeep burningpl.*muhṭʰimuṭʰitadmuhṭʰimúṭʰita·du*muhṭʰinhpref.muhṭʰínʔvcorrect, straighten by firesyn*puhṭʰinh*muhṭʰuṭpref.muhṭʰúʔvmake sparks*muhwatʼpref.muhwáʔvmachine disintegrate from use; machie (car) to flatten somethingsyn*cuhwatʼ*muhwipref.muhwíwvby throwing, stick something into something that is soft but has some resistance, such as mud or sand; also, be stuck in as a result of throwing*muhwisʼpref.muhwísʼvsmoke swirl, make smoke swirl*muhwitpref.muhwíʔvselect, choose several by hitting*muhyutpref.muhyúʔvbreak something crumbly, with a quick movement, heat, light, mind or emotions*muki·mpref.-vpull on restraint*muki·mcismlf.mukimcíwvpull sharply on restraint or jerk while restrained; stretch restraint to its limit by pulling on itcf*šuki·mci*mukʼe·npref.mukʼenʔ´voverpress with a machinepl.*mukʼehnicmukʼéhniʔ*munac1pref.munáʔvgather objects by movement or while moving (e.g. rolling apples under a tree, stones rolling downhill)*munac2pref.-vstay after fire*munaca·ladir.munacá·lawvstay or leave something behind after a fire*mupašpref.-vhit whole thing*mupašcismlf.mupášciwvhit whole thingsyn*mupaṭʰci1*mupaṭ1pref.-vhit whole thing*mupaṭʰci1smlf.mupáṭʰciwvhit whole thingsyn*mupašci*mupaṭ2pref.-vspread, splatter*mupaṭʰci2smlf.mupáṭʰciwvsmear, spread, or splatter (from hitting or impact of something thrown)*mupa·ṭʼpref.-vstick with energy*mupa·ṭʼcismlf.mupaṭʼcíwvthrown object (such as mud) stick to what it hits (such as the side of a house); stick due to the action of a car or machine*mu·paṭʼpaṭʼ·páṭʼpaṭʼaʔvbecome smeared or stuck with goo*muqʰa·špref.-vlight dim*muqʰa·šmaessivemuqʰašmáwvlight be dim or faintpl.*muqʰahšimmuqʰáhšimʔ*muqʰa·šcismlf.muqʰašcíwvlight become, turn dim or faint for a momentpl.*muqʰahšicmuqʰáhšiʔ*muti·tpref.mutiʔ´vroll, wrap, windcf*muhti*qosʼicpl.*mutihtimutíhtiw*mutupref.-vstuff by eating*mutumutupref.-vstuff by eating*mutumutucsmlf.mutumútuʔv-redstuff by eating*mutulpref.mutúlʔvstraighten by throwing*mutušpref.mutúšvswell, be swollen*muṭapref.-vshoot excitedly*muṭamuṭafreq.muṭamúṭawv-redshoot excitedly, hurriedly, quickly*muṭipref.-vthing fall to ground*muṭimuṭifreq.muṭimúṭiwv-redmany things fall to the ground as a result of energy, such as shaking or throwing, especially if a repeated dropping noise is made on the groundcf*muhkilhci*muhṭilh*muṭi·špref.muṭiš´vsurface bubble up with heat, such as food while cookingpl.*muṭihšimuṭíhšiw*muṭʰaṭpref.muṭʰáʔvbreak open with fire, by throwingcf*muʔcʼumci*muṭʰa·lcipref.muṭʰalcíwvan area be bright enough, light enough to see by, as a result of sunlight coming insyn*muṭʰa·m*muṭʰa·mpref.muṭʰamʔ´vshone spot of light, be spot of lightsyn*muṭʰa·lcicf*miṭʰa·lci*miṭʰa·m*piṭʰa·m 1*muṭʰe·lpref.muṭʰelʔ´vspread from point of attachment, such as blossoming of a flower or flaring, expanding the nostrilspl.*muṭʰelʔtamuṭʰélʔtaw*muṭʼa·pref.muṭʼaw´vbe smashed, broken open; to smash egg, insect; run over person (with car)cf*muṭʼanpl.*mulaṭʼamulaṭʼáw*muṭʼelpref.muṭʼélʔvmake spot by throwing nonlong object (e.g. wet cloth or rock)cf*haṭʼel*muʔṭʼe*muṭʼipref.muṭʼíwvbend using heat, bend from heatcf*haṭa·t*hiti·tpl.*muliṭʼimuliṭʼíw*muwaṭʰpref.muwáʔvweaken with fire or by throwing objectpl.*muwahṭʰi*muwipref.muwíwvdrillcf*daṭo·l*dawi 2*moko·l*moṭo·lpl.*muwitmuwíʔmuwi·liinstr.muwí·lintraditionally, a hand drill stick; now also refers to a electric or mechanical drill*muya·m1pref.muyamʔ´vbe unable to do cook, cook unsuccessfully, fail to cookpl.*muyama·taqmuyamá·taʔ*muyukʼutpref.muyukʼúʔ1vhave a fever, run a feversynmicʰaʔ cohto2nfeversynduhṭʰal micʰaʔ*muyu·ʔpref.-vnotice smell*muyu·ʔcismlf.muyuʔcíwvnotice smellpl.*muyu·ʔciwadmuyuʔciwá·du*muʔbalhpref.-vturn quickly (such as by driving)*muʔbalhmaessivemuʔbálhmawvseveral to be turning back and forth together (to the rhythm of a dance)pl.*mubahlimmubáhlimʔ*muʔbalhcismlf.muʔbálhciwvbe turning or shifting, with a quick movement or by heat or energy (such as a vehicle)pl.*mubahlicmubáhliʔ*muʔbe1pref.muʔbéwv1hold the breath; faint2drown, be smotheredpl.*mubet1mubéʔ*muʔbecsmlf.-vsmother (of fire)*muʔbecʰqacaus.v(of fire) smother (with water?)*muʔbecʰqacaus.v(of fire) smother (with water?)*muʔbehqacaus.muʔbéhqawvsuffocate*muʔbe2pref.-vmove along unknowing what might be encountered*muʔbemuʔbefreq.muʔbemúʔbewv-redmove along unknowing what might be encounteredpl.*muʔbemubetmuʔbemúbeʔ*muʔbupref.-vconvulse*muʔbumuʔbufreq.muʔbumúʔbuwv-redconvulse, move repeatedly quickly as in convulsionscf*muhkumuhkupl.*muʔbumubutmuʔbumúbuʔ*muʔcʼa3pref.-vpack tight inside with fire*muʔcʼaʔcʼa3iter.muʔcʼáʔcʼawv-redpack tight inside with fire*muʔcʼecpref.muʔcʼéʔvfreezepl.*mucʼehcimucʼéhciw*muʔcʼupref.-vbreak by throwing*muʔcʼumessive-vbreak by throwing*muʔcʼumcismlf.muʔcʼúmciwvbreak by throwingcf*muṭʰaṭpl.*maʔcʼuma·tadmaʔcʼumá·tadu*muʔdi1pref.muʔdíwv-mvt[with a directional-locational suffix] move with energy (such as dancing) and stop in one spot; dance in; move or hold by quick motion, heat, etc.; [without a suffix] stop performing this action: stop moving or holding with energy in one spotpl.*muhsa1*muʔdimessivemuʔdímʔvboil something (food, water); hold with energy [?]cf*diṭʰompl.*muhsam*muʔdicsmlf.muʔdíʔvhit with a thrown object or by running into so as to cause to move*muda·ladir.muda·láwvdance down (into the dance house)dial. var.*muʔdewa·la*mude·ddir.mude·du´v-hndmove along with energypl.*musa·dpl. agt.*mude·cʼ*muʔkʼayʔpref.-vthrow so caught in crack*muʔkʼayʔcismlf.muʔkʼáyʔciwva nonlong object (rock) to go through the air and get caught (in a tree crotch); throw so caught in crackpl.*mukʼahcimuʔkʼáhciw*muʔkʼipref.-vnarrow by burning*muʔkʼiʔkʼiiter.muʔkʼíʔkʼiwv-rednarrow by burning in one placesyn*mukʼi·mpl.*muʔkʼimukʼitadmuʔkʼimúkʼita·du*muʔkʼupref.muʔkʼúwvburn up, use up (the thread by running a sewing machinesyn*pʰuʔkʼucf*muʔkʼucay 1pl.*mukʼutmukʼúʔ*muʔkʼubumpref.muʔkʼubúmʔv(acorn mush) dry hard and stick (to the bowl)cf*mokʼoṭʰma 1*moʔkʼoṭʰkʼoṭʰoc 1*muʔkʼucay 1pl.*muʔkʼubu·matadmuʔkʼubú·mata·du*muʔkʼucpref.-vdry hard and adhere*muʔkʼucaydir.muʔkʼucáyʔ1vdry hard and adhere to somethingcf*mokʼoṭʰma 1*moʔkʼoṭʰkʼoṭʰoc 1*muʔkʼu*muʔkʼubum2adj(of food) burned and stuck on pot*muʔsʼasʼapref.-vdusty, smoke-stained*muʔsʼasʼamessivemuʔsʼasʼámʔadjdusty, smoke-stained*muʔsʼaṭpref.muʔsʼáʔvhit and it bounces back or stretched rubber band hits hand and stings, hits hard, not nec. bruise; fire to pop; throw (rock) against and make soundcf*muhsamcicʼ*muʔṭʼuṭpl.*musʼayʔṭamusʼáyʔṭawmusʼahṭimplur.essiveabs.musʼáhṭimʔnrubber*muʔsʼaṭaqdir.muʔsʼaṭáʔvpart of body, a limb to go to sleep*muʔsʼilpref.-vthrow and make a splashpl.*musʼihli-*muʔsʼilaydir.muʔsʼiláyʔvsplash on something by an act of throwingpl.*musʼihlaymusʼíhlayʔ*muʔsʼulhpref.muʔsʼúlʔv1hang loose, drape (of dress)2swiftmu·sʼulʔsʼutempl.mú·sʼulʔsʼuadj-ideodrooping*muʔtʼapref.muʔtʼáwv1be cookedcf*mutʼa·m 12be warm (weather)pl.*mutʼatmutʼáʔmuʔtʼader.muʔtʼa´adjcooked*muʔtʼahqacaus.muʔtʼáhqawvcook (food)pl.*mutʼatʰqamutʼátʰqawdial. var.*mutʼahqaqʼoʔdi muʔtʼawph. adj.qʼoʔdi múʔtʼawadjwell cookedsynqʼoʔdi muʔqʼacciw*muʔtʼe2pref.-vput close by by hitting*muʔtʼeʔtʼeiter.muʔtʼéʔtʼewvput close by by hitting*muʔtʼekelepref.-vthrow rocks and make out of shape*muʔtʼekelecsmlf.muʔtʼekéleʔvthrow rocks (at box or can) and make out of shapepl.*muʔtʼekiletad*muʔtʼem1pref.muʔtʼémʔv(snake) strike*muʔtʼenhpref.muʔtʼénʔvsolder [?]pl.*muʔtʼehnimuʔtʼéhniw*muʔtʼupref.-vtwisted or squeezed together*muʔtʼuʔtʼupref.-vtwisted or squeezed togethermuʔtʼuʔtʼucsmlf.muʔtʼúʔtʼuʔv-redtwisted or squeezed togethercf*muʔtʼut*muʔtʼutʰu*muʔtʼutʰupref.muʔtʼutʰúwvsqueeze together, decrease inside space, twist together, scrunch upcf*muʔtʼut*ʔtʼa3muʔtʼuʔtʼucpl.*mutʼutʰumutʼutʰúw*muʔṭimpref.vstretch across ?*muʔṭupref.muʔṭʼúwvburn edgesyn*puʔṭupl.*muʔṭut*muʔṭʼaṭpref.muʔṭʼáʔvcrack with firesyn*muʔṭʼaqʼat*muʔṭʼepref.muʔṭʼéwvsomething wet thrown to make spotcf*haṭʼel*muṭʼelpl.*muṭʼetmuṭʼéʔ*muʔṭʼespref.muʔṭʼésvhit with thrown clay and make a certain sound several times;*muʔṭʼipref.-vturn different colors by heat*muʔṭʼiʔṭʼiiter.muʔṭʼíʔṭʼiʔvturn different colors by heat, in sun – not solid color – mottled, stained; turn red, become red from heatpl.*muʔṭʼimuṭʼitad*muʔṭʼuṭʰupref.muʔṭʼúṭʰuwvsqueeze with firepl.*muṭʼuṭʰu*muʔwipref.-vmake quick turns*muʔwiʔwiiter.muʔwíʔwiwvmake very quick, energetic turnspl.*muʔwimuwitadmuʔwimúwita·du*muʔyupref.-vhurt by throwing*muʔyuʔyuiter.muʔyúʔyuwv-redhurt or cause pain, without injury, by throwing something*mu·qʰašpref.-vdim*mu·qʰašqʰaš·qʰášqʰašaadjdim, faint (of light)muʔṭʼipref.muʔṭʼi´adjwarped or bent by heat, sun*muʔcʼaʔcʼa1iter.muʔcʼáʔcʼaʔv-redkick stuck in toes (in a shoe)*muʔcʼaʔcʼa2iter.muʔcʼáʔcʼawv-redstarch and iron dress so that it is stiff when put on