pʰi-pʰipref-instrpfxwith the side of a long object, with the eyes, with an axe, hammer, etc.pref.*picodig with a hoe, break up (clods of dirt) with a hoe or pick*picʰa·lay one’s head on(stick) lean against somethingpillow*picʰihurt with a stick*picʰi·ṭclean out (one object) with pick*picʰulclean out (dirt from pipe) with a pick*pihcenhmake overhanging shelterbrim, visor*pihciṭbe steep, precipitous*pihcʰa1knock over with the side of a long object*pihcʰesnoop around, suspiciously look around for several things*pihcʰihit really hard and do damage with axe*pihcʰoteyes tired from batting, eyes give out (from reading)*pihketry to hit into deep water but hit rock under the surface instead*pihkelhtrim (limbs from tree); cut projecting part off (with axe or stick); cut briars or small branches*pihkemsticking up (of flower), stretched out (of neck)*pihkeykeyextend, project, stick out*pihkilhcithud by hitting with the edge of a long oject: hit the ground with a sledgehammer*pihkot1tap with the side of an object*pihkutwith hoe to make drum sound*pihkʰanbe uncertain, with the eyes*pihkʰobat a ball, catch a moving object with the side of a long object*pihlabacut with an axe*pihlalsplit (wood) with axe into several pieces*pihle·mextend, stretch (of something of limited length), with the side of a long object, the eyes, an ax, a hammer*pihlowith stick to knock curtain off (slides off rod)*pihlokʼflop back and forth with stick*pihludknock off with pole*pihlu·mforget with the eyes, of sight*pihnatinvestigate with the eye*pihpʰoṭknock many (leaves) off by beating with a stick*pihpʰukʼutput side of long instrument into something soft*pihqaget used to hittingget used to looking at*pihqoṭolfail to see something or someone expected; fail at a task attempted with the eyes*pihqʰalhlightly to touch with a flick of a long object*pihqʰaṭbeat with a stick*pihqʰolhchop a hole through something; e.g. strike a water tank, making a hole so that water comes out*pihsetʼhair, bristle, to project*pihseyspread over something with the side of a long object such as a stick; this verb means cover more thoroughly than /ṭʰeyá·qa/*pihsikʼitflick away with a long object*pihsilhget a sliver in from side of long object*pihsimextinguish (a fire) by beating with a stick or similar object*pihsismasurface irritation of eye; feel something in eyesquint, half-close eyes (as from glare or irritation, but could be for any reason)*pihsokʼotmake spurt using the side of a long object*pihsommess up by hitting with side of long object; put out fire*pihsutchop to little pieces*pihše(not) fail when using the eyes; with Negative: see everything, have nothing escape the eyes*pihšolhknock off (acorn, light bulb, glasses, door knob)*pihšukʼuṭhit into dust*pihtaylightly tap with the side of a long object*pihteyknock over, arrange with the side of a long object; close the eyes*pihtichip rocks (with a hammer)*pihtʰitbe barely visible*pihṭilhmake sound against ground with mattock*pihṭostrike repeatedly*pihṭolhhit a metal object (can, bucket, barrel) with a stick so that it makes a clanging noise*pihṭoyread (for someone) as a favor*pihwistick side of long object into something that is soft but has some resistance, such as mud or sand; side of long object be stuck in*pika·nproject neck*pika·šproject, with the side of a long object, the eyes, an ax, a hammer*pikelsmooth out something by hitting it with a hammer, such as a dent in a car*pike·ṭwith axe to take off corner*piki·lswing stick or axe*piku·ṭknock off*pikʰistretch by hitting*pikʰu·ldeclump with side of long instrument*pimhmicobserve closely*pipʰo·ṭrepeatedly strike (water) with a stick causing splashes*pipʰu·scatter (dust, sand, leaves) by beating on the ground with a long object*piqʰa·1chop off using axe, side of a long object*piqʰa·2get cut with an axe*piqʰa·mchop down*piqʰa·šbe barely visible (in dim light)*piqʰa·ṭlook good, be enjoyable to look at*pisatake small limb off with side of stick; split several by chopping; with stick to break several limbs*pisalbe transparent, see-through; be see-through (like brush or thin clothes)spread*piseenvy someone, esp. because of looks; resent someone; look at with hate or envyhate or dislike looks of someone; tire of looking at*pise·lmop inside*pisoṭscatter by hitting with a stick*piso·lstir around in water with stick, swirl water*pisuhit with the side of a long object and scratch several deeply enough to make a mark or to remove some of the surface*pisu·lknock down using side of long object, by hitting*piša·lrustle, with the side of a long object, the eyes, an ax, a hammer*pišišilglare, as of strong light from white surface*pišomshade eyesumbrella, parasol*pitašsquash something soft and mushy with the side of a long object*pitaṭtwist finger or cross eyes*pite·mdroop of eyes*pitilhlacross over with the side of a long object*pitulstraighten with a hammer*pitʰil1show through darkness*pitʰil2tear, not necessarily apart, with the side of a long object such as a stick*piṭa·mmake noise by hammering; banging*piṭa·nside of long object flip up; warped from water*piṭa·ttwist a long object, with the eyes*piṭo·ldig out with the side of a long object*piṭʰaṭbreak open with an axe*piṭʰa·mreflect (an image); a room or the sky be, become brighthammer something; hit something repeatedly with a hammer*piṭʰe·spread with the side of a long object, the eyes, an ax, a hammer*piṭʰilopen eyes wide; strain eyes, try to see*piʔcʰahead to snap forward on coming to a jarring halt (in a car)*piʔtʰušhaving small, round face*piʔṭašbeat, whip, chop down all with the side of a long object*piʔṭuhit something on the edge with the side of a long object*pi·skalmabe bright; (to person) look bright in one placebright or light in color, appearance, or design*pʰibo·lmake hole with axe or hoe*pʰicʼalhave tears in eyes; separate but remain attached at eyes*pʰicʼi·ṭmix with a stick*pʰicʼo·expose or find something by digging with mattock*pʰicʼo·mbreak or chop (a limb, a stick) in two with the side of an instrument(crosswise, not lengthwise)*pʰicʼo·qpenetrate (wood, ground, log) with side of instrument (pick, axe, hook)*pʰicʼu·lhit hard as you can*pʰidahcʰiknock aside*pʰidayacmiss (a ball)*pʰidilbarely see; just make out*pʰidi·cʼwatch someone come*pʰiduwact on edge with an axe, hammer*pʰikʼalbarely open eyespʰikʼaṭiopen to unobstructed view, in plain sight; plainly, visibly, doubtlessvisible*pʰikʼaṭimbecome plain, no longer secret*pʰikʼilmake a special Indian gesture expressing hate: look at the person, catch his eye, and then slowly turn the eyes down and to the side – or slowly close the eyes and turn the head to the side; also means "don't look at me" or "go to hell"*pʰikʼi·1hit with axe and scratch slightly to make bleed*pʰikʼoyʔcʼedthink oneself or one’s own possession is the best-looking*pʰikʼo·clook important (good or bad)*pʰikʼo·ldig a depression or cavity, make a hole that does not go all the way through the material using the side of a long object or an axe*pʰikʼo·ṭclear out with a long instrument*pʰikʼumafter seeing, not feel like doing because it's too hard*pʰilacfail to see something*pʰilayaslip*pʰilayicʼmiss hitting oneself*pʰilibitglimpse with the eyes*pʰilu1coat, cover with a coating, using the side of a long object*pʰimisee something; observe; recognize*pʰinacbe silhouetted*pʰina·cover with hoe, by hoeing*pʰinecaim to hit (with the eye, with a long object)*pʰinemhit with a long object; hit lightly with an axe*pʰine·chave someone for company, for confidence; colors go together*pʰiqʼa·mprotect from with the side of a long object, such as a stick*pʰiqʼa·sscratch (the ground) with a long object (hoe)*pʰiqʼa·ṭscrape with a long object*pʰisʼamclose the eyeswaves splash, break on rocks*pʰisʼa·break something by hitting it with a stick, axe, hammerbreak (of wave)*pʰisʼa·lliquid come from eyes; eyes water, tear up*pʰisʼe·kʼbend the tip of something with the side of a long object, the eyes, an ax, a hammer*pʰisʼimbeat down using stick, side of long object*pʰisʼuyhit out of shape*pʰitʼatfeel around with the end of a long object; bother with the end of a long object*pʰitʼe·lnail, attach with a hammer*pʰiṭʼamstir up a swarm. with the side of a long object*pʰiṭʼanbe sunburned, get sunburned; blushsmash finger with hammer*pʰiṭʼa·smash with a hammer, the side of a long object*pʰiyemove or hold with the side of a long object*pʰiyiplay ball or shinny*pʰiyukʼutpenetrate (the ground) with a pick or similar tool*pʰiʔba1break apart with a long object; split wood with an axe*pʰiʔbolhbeat out dust with instrument*pʰiʔcʼa1stick side of instrument into something (e.g. swing an axe into a log)*pʰiʔcʼababreak with the side of a long object or instrument (for instance, a hammer)*pʰiʔcʼamhhold out something, or it stands out with it is made stiff*pʰiʔcʼetchip off pieces with axe*pʰiʔcʼo1expose by digging with a mattock*pʰiʔcʼolh2make a hole by chopping with a mattock or axe*pʰiʔcʼolh1hit and make a mark with a mattock or axe*pʰiʔcʼondetach with a stick; knock off doorknob, something stuck on picture pasted on wall*pʰiʔcʼoqʰotremove piece (of earth) with mattock*pʰiʔcʼotchipsmooth or prepare*pʰiʔdi[with a directional-locational suffix] see something that then disappears from sight; [without a suffix]move or hold one thing with the side of a long object (such as the eyes, an ax, a hammer); see moving?? *pʰiʔduwdiffuse, move through barrier, with the side of a long object, the eyes, an ax, a hammer*pʰiʔkʼo1hit or strike something with a long object moving sideways: a stick, hammer, bat, golf club, racquet, etc.*pʰiʔkʼolhspill with a stick*pʰiʔkʼuinspect completely, notice everything; finish reading*pʰiʔlašmahave a big or high forehead*pʰiʔlawʔciquickly look or glance at someone or something*pʰiʔlušhit glancing blows (with axe)*pʰiʔne·cicʼget used to looking at, get familiar with seeing, either habituated to or recognize easily*pʰiʔpʼanhnail closed with a hammer*pʰiʔqʼactighten*pʰiʔqʼalhpoke something with a stick moving sideways, with the side of a stick*pʰiʔqʼoʔdisee well, correctly; size upinspect, size up*pʰiʔsʼichip offpʰiʔsʼoof deep wrinkles on face*pʰiʔsʼowrinkle*pʰiʔsʼulhbe narrow of face*pʰiʔsʼušhave projecting point*pʰiʔtʼe1nail small piece of cloth, leather or wood in one place*pʰiʔtʼelweak*pʰiʔṭʼašfasten in place with a hammer or similar tool*pʰiʔṭʼaṭcrack with a hammer*pʰiʔṭʼolhknock off*pʰiʔṭʼubuthit rod in*pʰiʔṭʼuṭmake sparks by hitting a stick or log on its side*pʰi·kʼoṭcrave, desire what can't be had (food or drink only)*pʰuwaṭʰweaken by blowing*pʰuʔya·qrecognize blowing*qayaʔtahelp eat, share foodessive*pʰibo·kʼmahave a face like a rabbit in shape, short jaw and buck teeth*pʰiʔṭʼum2be hooked, bentfreq.*pihqopihqobe moving a long, limber neck back and forthpišuduabs.pišudú1adjbad, uglycf*šud3piškudu 1pišunʔšudu cahno2advawfully, too muchaph.šuduʔama· pišudu1comp.ʔama· pišúdunbad, somthing bad, crimecfʔama· pišudu2short.ʔama pišuduʔama· pišudu mimawn.p.ʔama· pišúdu mimawnbad luckantʔama· qʼoʔdi mimawʔama· pišudu2comp.ʔama· pišúdunbad land, bad dirtcfʔama· pišudu1pišudu tʼa·dph. v.pišudú tʼa·duvfeel bad, be or feel sorry (for someone)aph.šudu tʼa·dšudu cahnoph. v.šudu cáhnowvtalk badcf*šud3piškudu 1pišudu 1*pišudumverb.pišudúmʔvbecome badcahno pišuduph. adj.cahno píšuduadjquarrelsomeantcahno qʼoʔdi*picepref.picéwvgrab with the side of a long objectpl.*picetpicéʔ*picʰa·lpref.picʰalʔ´vgape, be open*picʰa·lmaessivepicʰalmáwvbe gaping (of clothing, of mouth, of person or of fish)pl.*picʰahlimpicʰáhlimʔ*picʰalpicʰa·lfreq.picʰálpicʰalʔv-redgape repeatedly, open and close the mouth (like a fish)*pihcapref.-vbe bushy*pihcamessivepihcámʔvbe bushy, have branching skeletal parts baredsyn*dahcampl.*picahtimdacáhtimʔ*pihcalhpref.pihcálʔvbranching skeletal parts be baredsyn*puhcalhcf*dahcalhpl.*pihcala·tadpihcalá·tadu*pihcepref.pihcéwvobstruct, block by movement, with the side of a long object, the eyes, an ax, a hammer; be snaggecf*pihcelhci*pihke*pʰinem*pihcecsmlf.pihcéʔ1vmake shield, become shielded from blows of a stick or axe; (sticks, trees) be obstruction2nobstruction, shield*pihcecʰmaessivepihcécʰmawv1(cliff) to overhang and shelter (the ground below); (view) be obstructed by several heads or tops of long objects; (group) to crowd together (with heads sticking up)2encircle ?*pihcelhpref.-vlong object get blocked*pihcelhmaessivepihcélhmawv1the movement of a stick, axe, or similar side of a long object to get blocked (such as digging or striking someone); an action to get blocked with a long object, such as bars across a pathway2eye or vision to be blocked or obstructed, by having something in the eyepl.*picehlimpicéhlimʔ*pihcelhcismlf.pihcélhciwvthe movement of a stick, axe, or similar side of a long object to get blocked (such as digging or striking someone); an action to get blocked with a long objectcf*pihce*pihke*pʰinempl.*picelʔtapicélʔtawhuʔuy pihceliʔn.p.huʔú· pihceliʔneyelashes*pihcipref.pihcíwvclear with the side of a long object, the eyes, an ax, a hammer*pihcipicifreq.-vhoe*pihcipici·qdir.pihcipíciʔv-redhoe (a field) with repeated chopping motions*pihcohcopref.pihcóhcowvtenderize with a hammerpl.*pihcopicotadpihcopícota·du*pihcʰa2pref.-vcrumble with side of long object*pihcʰahcʰaiter.-vcrumble with side of long object*pihcʰahcʰacsmlf.pihcʰáhcʰaʔvcrumble with the side of a long objectpl.*pihcʰapicʰatadpihcʰapícʰata·du*pihcʰocpref.-vwear out something from hit*pihcʰohcʰociter.pihcʰóhcʰoʔv-redwear out something (e.g., bat) from many hits*pihcʰopihcʰocfreq.pihcʰopíhcʰoʔv-redwear out something (e.g., bat) from many hits*pihcʰupref.-vbreak into powder by hitting with toe*pihcʰuhcʰuiter.pihcʰúhcʰuwv-redbreak into powder by hitting with a hoe*pihcʰupihcʰufreq.pihcʰupíhcʰuwv-redbreak into powder by hitting with a hoe*pihki2pref.-vbe long or tall ??*pihkihki1iter.pihkíhkiwv-redbe long or tall ??; resist, block movement. with the side of a long object, the eyes, an ax, a hammersyn*hqo2*hqo2*pihke*pihke*pihkem*puhṭi1 1pihkicf*pihki1pihkipl.*pihkipikitadpihkipíkita·du*pihkihkicsmlf.pihkíhkiʔv-redhave a long neckcf*pihkem*pihkeykey*pihqohqoc*pihqohqoc*pihqohqoc*pihqopihqo*pihqoyʔ*pihqoyʔpihqoypihkepihkipihkipihkikinʔpihkikinʔpihkikinʔpihqo*pihki3pref.-vhit ground with mattock and make noise*pihkihki2iter.pihkíhkiwv-redhit ground with mattock and make noisecf*pihkilhci*pihkot1*pihkopref.-vtap with side of object*pihkohkoiter.pihkóhkowv-redtap with side of object (e.g. broom) ?many times?syn*pihṭapihṭapl.*pihkopihkotadpihkopíkota·du*pihkolhpref.-vmake it loose by hitting*pihkolhmaessivepihkólhmawvmake it loose by hitting (but not apart), e.g. loosen tooth*pihkot2pref.-vhit with stick down to nothing*pihkotʰcismlf.pihkótʰciwvhit with stick down to nothing*pihkʰupref.-vcrush with side of long object*pihkʰuhkʰuiter.pihkʰúhkʰuwv-redcrush with side of long object; powderize (clods)syn*pikʰu·lʔama pihkʰuhkʰu·lin.p.ʔama píhkʰuhkʰu·linhoesynsalo·nʔama pico·liʔama· hcʰe·lifr. var.ʔama· pihkʰuhkʰu·li*pihlipref.-vsnoop too much with eyes*pihlihliiter.pihlíhliwv-redsnoop too much with eyessyn*pihtʰipitʰipl.*pihlipilitadpihlipílita·du*pihlupref.-vchop to pieces*pihluhluiter.pihlúhluwv-redchop to (little) pieces (bones, wood)*pihponpolopref.-vmake sore and swollen by beating with long object*pihponpolocsmlf.pihpónpoloʔvmake sore and swollen by beating with a long object (stick)*pihpʰatʼpref.-vflop, go flat using side of long object*pihpʰatʼcismlf.pihpʰátʼciwvflop, go flat using the side of a long objectpl.*pipʰahtʼipipʰáhtʼiw*pihpʰipref.-vshred*pihpʰihpʰiiter.pihpʰíhpʰiwv-redshred, tear repeatedly with the side of a long object, the eyes, an ax, a hammerpl.*pihpʰipipʰitadpihpʰipípʰita·dudial. var.*pihpihpi*pihpʰitʼpref.-vtear with stick*pihpʰitʼcismlf.pihpʰítʼciwvtear with stickpl.*pihpʰitʼpʰitʼiwadpihpʰítʼpʰitʼiwa·du*pipʰitʼpʰiʔtʼipipʰítʼpʰiʔtʼiwdial. var.*pihpitʼci*pihpʰuṭpref.-vbe unable to finish with side of instrument*pihpʰuṭaydir.pihpʰuṭáyʔvbe unable to finish with side of instrument(chopping with an axe, hitting with stick)*pihqopref.-vhave long neck*pihqohqoiter.-vhave long neck*pihqohqocsmlf.pihqóhqoʔv-redhave a long, limber neckcf*pihkem*pihkeykey*pihkihkic*pihkihkic*pihkihkic*pihqopihqo*pihqopihqo*pihqoyʔ*pihqoyʔ*pihqoyʔpihqoypihkepihkipihkikinʔpihkikinʔpihqo*pihqoyʔpref.pihqóyʔvbend the neckcf*pihkem*pihkeykey*pihkihkic*pihqohqoc*pihqohqoc*pihqopihqo*pihqopihqo*pihqoyʔpihqoypihkepihkipihkikinʔpihqo*pihqoyʔcismlf.pihqóyʔciwvsuddenly bend the neck; strain the neck by sudden movement*pihqoyʔpihqoyfreq.pihqóyʔpihqoyʔv-redneck moving back and forthcf*pihkem*pihkeykey*pihkihkic*pihqohqoc*pihqopihqo*pihqoyʔpihkepihkipihkikinʔpihqo*pihqʰa1pref.-vrub with limb*pihqʰapihqʰa2freq.pihqʰapíhqʰawv-redrub with limb*pihqʰa2pref.-vfaintly detectable by eyes*pihqʰahqʰaiter.pihqʰáhqʰawv-redbarely able to see*pihqʰapihqʰa1freq.pihqʰapíhqʰawv-redbe faintly detectable by the eyes*pihsa1pref.pihsáw1v-mvtseveral see something that then disappears from sightsg.*pʰiʔdi 12v-hndmove several objects with the side of a long object (such as the eyes, an ax, a hammer)sg.*pʰiʔdi 2*pihsamessivepihsámʔv-hnd1several watch someone as they stand in place; several hold something or someone in their gazessg.*pʰiʔdim 12hold several objects with the side of a long object (such as the eyes, an ax, a hammer)sg.*pʰiʔdim 2*pisa·bicdir.pisa·bíʔv-hndmove up or lift several objects with the side of a long object (such as a shovel)sg.*pʰide·bic*pisa·ddir.pisa·du´v-mvtseveral watch something go along with the connotation of spyingsg.*pʰide·d 1pl. agt.*pisa·cʼ*pisa·ducdir.pisa·dúʔ1v-mvtseveral watch someone leave or go to a far place; several see someone off – not secretlysg.*pʰide·duc 12v-hndmove or hit several objects far away with the side of a long object; bat away several objectssg.*pʰide·duc 2pl.*pisahtaduc*pisa·ladir.pisa·láwv-mvtseveral watch something go downsg.*pʰida·la*pisa·qacdir.pisa·qáʔv-mvtseveral watch something go upwardsg.*pʰida·qac*pihsamucrecip.pihsamúʔvwatch people gathering togethercf*pihsa2pl.*pisatʰmucpisátʰmuʔ*pihsa2pref.pihsáwvbe blocked from hitting something with a stick; e.g. try to hit under the table but hit the table insteadcf*pihsamucpl.*pisatpisáʔ*pihsipref.-vchop piece*pihsihsiiter.pihsíhsiwvmake pieces with an ax: especially, chop wood to make kindling*pihšapref.-vhit and knock down*pihšahšaiter.-vhit and knock down*pihšahšacsmlf.pihšáhšaʔv-redhit (with the side of a long object) and knock down, mess up, disarrange; e.g. hit a cherry tree and knock all the fruit, flowers, or leaves off; hit an oak tree and knock off acornspl.*pihšapišatadpihšapíšata·du*pihtapref.-vtap with stick*pihtahtaiter.pihtáhtawv1(to tap) on something soft: flesh, dough, mud, loose, dirt; tap (with stick); sound of hammer2do slowly*pihtepref.-vpat with hoe*pihtehteiter.pihtéhtewv-redpat with a hoe*pihtenhpref.pihténʔvflatten, align, arrange with the side of a long object such as a stickcf*pihtey*pihtontolopref.pihtóntolowvkeep hitting tender or delicate spot (like lips) to make sore*pihtsinhpref.-vfeel blow*pihtsinhcismlf.pihtsínhciwv(chair to) feel the blow; jiggle ground once from hitting with a big stick*pihtʰunhpref.pihtʰúnʔvnot hit with an ax; with a hammer (axe too short or block too far away)*pihṭapref.-vstrike many times*pihṭapihṭafreq.pihṭapíhṭawv-redstrike many times ?; tap (side of stick)syn*pihkohkopl.*pihṭapiṭatad*pihṭanṭalapref.-vwear out by looking*pihṭanṭalacsmlf.pihṭánṭalaʔvwear out by looking*pihṭʰa1pref.pihṭʰáwvtear downcf*pihṭʰahṭʰacpl.*piṭʰatpiṭʰáʔ*pihṭʰa2pref.-vunwind by striking*pihṭʰahṭʰaiter.-vunwind by striking*pihṭʰahṭʰacsmlf.pihṭʰáhṭʰawvunwind by striking; to hit many times until breaks to piecescf*pihṭʰa1*pihṭʰepref.pihṭʰe´adjopen shirt or paper (not box)cf*pihṭʰeyʔ*pihṭʰeyʔpref.pihṭʰéyʔvspread with the end of a long objectcf*pihṭʰe*piṭʰe·*piṭʰe·špl.*piṭʰehyipiṭʰéhyiwmihya pihṭʰeyʔmawn.p.mihya píhṭʰeyʔmawncollarsynmihya dihṭʰeyʔmaw*pihṭʰipref.-vinspect well*pihṭʰihṭʰiiter.pihṭʰíhṭʰiwv-redinspect well, look for faults, snoopcf*pihtʰipitʰi*piṭʰilpl.*pihṭʰipiṭʰitadpihṭʰipíṭʰita·dupihṭʰipiṭʰita·duhqalcomp.pihṭʰipíṭʰita·duhqalnsnooper, one who likes to look at things too much*pihṭʰinhpref.pihṭʰínʔvstraighten out (some little dent in fender) by hitting several timescf*pihkelhpl.*piṭʰinta*pihṭʰuṭpref.pihṭʰúʔvpieces come off larger object with the side of a smaller objectpl.*piṭʰuhṭi*pihwatʼpref.pihwáʔvhit and flatten, collapse, disintegrate, lose tensenesscf*pihwaṭʰ*pʰiwaṭʰ*pihwaṭʰpref.pihwáʔvhave a fat face, get a fat facecf*pihwatʼ*pʰiwaṭʰ*qawatʼma*pihwepref.-vshake*pihwehweiter.pihwéhwewv-redshake (tail)*pihwelpref.pihwélʔvsee things in an undending series, incessantly; chop incessantly, in an unending series (with an axe)*pihwe·npref.pihwenʔ´vshake with stick*pihwitpref.pihwíʔvselect, choose several with the eyes, for hitting*pihye·pref.pihyew´vstop chopping (with axe, side of long object)pl.*pʰiyetpʰiyéʔ*pihyoqʰpref.pihyóʔvstir hitting with side of long object*pihyupref.-vcrush with hammer*pihyuhyuiter.pihyúhyuwv-redcrush, break into little pieces using a hammer*pihyuṭpref.pihyúʔvpoke with a long objectcf*pahyuṭ*pʰaʔṭʼuṭ*pipʰo·pref.pipʰow´vbe using side of long obejct to splash*pišud1pref.pišudúvlook strangesyn*bašud 1pl.*pišuda·tadpišudá·tadupišunʔder.pišúnʔadjstrange, aliencf*bašud 1paya·mapišudu 1*pišud2pref.-vbad too much*pišulpref.pišúlʔvwilt, with stick ***pitupref.-vwave back and forth*pitupitufreq.pitupítuwv-redwave back and forth (of snake)cf*datudatuc*pitušpref.pitúšvswell, bulgecf*pʰibo·kʼmapʰi·bošbošofr. var.*pitu·š*piṭipref.piṭíwvbe uprooting, with a stickcf*piṭitibic*piṭitpref.-vstrike ground with side of stick*piṭitibicdir.piṭitíbiʔvstrike ground with the side of a stickcf*piṭi*piṭi·špref.-vopen eyes*piṭi·šmaessivepiṭišmáwvopen eyes wide, make eyes wider; be sitting with eyes open on ground or anywhere; open closed eyescf*piṭošpi·ṭišṭišitempl.pi·ṭíšṭišiadj-ideowith wide-open eyes; big eyedsynpi·ṭošṭošo*piṭošpref.piṭóšvbe big-eyedcf*piṭi·šmapi·ṭošṭošotempl.pi·ṭóšṭošoadj-ideobig-eyedsynpi·ṭišṭiši*piṭʰa·lcipref.piṭʰalcíwvbe bright, light enough to see by, especially as the result of turning on lights with the side of a long object, such as flipping a light switch with the fingersyn*piṭʰa·m 1cf*puṭʰa·mpl.*piṭʰala·tad*piṭʰe·špref.piṭʰeš´vhave big face (esp. one that is flat and wide)cf*pihṭʰeyʔ*piṭʰe·pl.*piṭʰehšpiṭʰéhš*piṭʰopref.piṭʰówvpeel (bark) with axe; remove outer layer in pieces, with the side of a long object, the eyes, an ax, a hammersyn*paṭʰo*pʰaṭʼo·*pʰiṭʼo· 1*piykucpref.píykuʔvchop (stake) down to size, make it smaller (shorter or smaller around)*pi·sqʰac2pref.-vclear cut*pi·sqʰac1smlf.pí·sqʰaʔvclear cut (with an axe)pl.*pi·sqʰawa·tadpí·sqʰawa·tadu*pi·ṭʰešpref.-vwide-facedpi·ṭʰešṭʰešetempl.pi·ṭʰéšṭʰešeadj-ideowide-facedsyn*kʰešqa·ṭʰešṭʰeše*pʰibe·lpref.-vof face, long and thin*pʰibe·lmaessivepʰibelmáwvof face, long and thin*pʰibo·kʼpref.-vbe rabbit-faced*pʰicʼepref.-vgive many quick short looks*pʰicʼepʰicʼefreq.pʰicʼepʰícʼewv-red1give many quick short looks (look away, back, away, back)cf*pʰiʔcʼepʰiʔcʼe2repeatedly make short taps with side of instrument*pʰicʼo·ṭpref.pʰicʼoʔ´vbreak off ends with the side of a long object*pʰikʼi·2pref.-vmake streak across with axe*pʰikʼi·mdir.pʰikʼimʔ´vmake streak across with axe*pʰikʼi·š1pref.pʰikʼiš´vrasp with the eyes [?]pl.*pʰikʼihšipʰikʼíhšiw*pʰikʼi·š2pref.-vlook mean*pʰikʼi·šmaessivepʰikʼišmáwv(eyes) look mean (like on a bull or an angry man)pl.*pʰikʼihšimpʰi·kʼiškʼišitempl.pʰi·kʼíškʼišiadj-ideomean-eyed, angry-eyed (of a person)*pʰikʼuspref.pʰikʼúsvbe narrow of eyes*pʰilepref.-veyes swell by hitting*pʰilepʰilefreq.pʰilepʰílewv-red1hammer something over all the holes2have blurred vision; hit someone with stick and make eye swell closedsyn*pʰilipʰili*pʰilulupl.*pʰilepʰilewadpʰilepʰílewa·du*pʰili2pref.pʰilíwvwave (stick)pl.*pʰilitapʰilitáw*pʰili3pref.vhave blurred vision*pʰilipʰilifreq.pʰilipʰíliwv-redhaving blurred visionsyn*pʰilepʰile 2*pʰilulu*pʰilopref.-vhit into a ball*pʰilopʰilofreq.pʰilopʰílowv-redmake something into a ball by hitting it; hit into a ball*pʰilu2pref.-vhave blurred vision*pʰiluluiter.pʰilupʰíluwv-redhave blurred visionsyn*pʰilepʰile 2*pʰilipʰilipl.*pʰilupʰilu*pʰilu·mpref.pʰilu·mvswat an insect; whisk away from self (flies); keep (insects) awayfr. var.*pʰili·macʼ*pʰima2pref.pʰimáwvput shapeless substance with the end of a long objectpl.*pʰimatpʰimáʔ*pʰipʼilpref.pʰipʼílʔvbe slick with the end of a long object*pʰisʼaylapref.-vbe across each other*pʰisʼaylamucʼrecip.pʰisʼáylamuʔvbe across each other*pʰisʼiypref.pʰisʼíyʔvhit something out of shape (with the side of a long object)syn*pʰisʼuy*pʰitʼošpref.pʰitʼóšvpeel, with the side of a long object, the eyes, an ax, a hammer; peeled, skinned, hit with stick*pʰitʼulpref.pʰitʼúlʔvsqueeze something out of something with the side of a long object, the eyes, an ax, a hammerpl.*pʰitʼuhlipʰitʼúhliw*pʰiṭʼa·špref.pʰiṭʼaš´vslick back hair; put hair off forehead, with the side of a long object, the eyes, an ax, a hammer*pʰiṭʼempref.-veyes tire of looking at*pʰiṭʼemaqdir.pʰiṭʼemaʔveyes get tired of something; tired of looking at something*pʰiṭʼipref.pʰiṭʼíwvbend with the side of a stickpl.*pʰiliṭʼipʰiliṭʼíw*pʰiṭʼo·pref.pʰiṭʼow´v1knock off (bark) with axesyn*piṭʰo2be insufficientant*culumcf=cʰotpl.*pʰiloṭʼopʰiloṭʼów*pʰiṭʼunpref.pʰiṭʼúnʔvbe slimy, snottycf*pʰiṭʼu·lma*pʰiṭʼu·l1pref.pʰiṭʼulʔ´vlong object project askewcf*diṭʼu·l*pʰuṭʼu·lpl.*pʰiṭʼuhli2pʰiṭʼúhliw*pʰiṭʼu·l2pref.-vbe snotty *pʰiṭʼu·lmaessivepʰiṭʼulmáwvbe snottycf*pʰiṭʼunpl.*pʰiṭʼuhli1pʰiṭʼúhliw*pʰiwaṭʰpref.pʰiwáʔvsmash or weaken with a hammer, a long objectcf*pihwatʼ*pihwaṭʰ*pʰiyaʔtapref.pʰiyáʔtawvhelp, share, with a long object*pʰiya·m1pref.pʰiyamʔ´v1be unable to see entirely, all of2be unable to cut, fail to cutpl.*pʰiyama·taqpʰiyamá·taʔ*pʰiya·m2pref.pʰiyamʔ vhurt, give pain to what is already sore. with the side of a long object, the eyes, an ax, a hammer; hurt a sore spot with a stick; cut with an axe*pʰiyecʼpref.pʰiyéʔvhold side of long object against something*pʰiyotpref.pʰiyóʔvrake up, together, in a pilepl.*pʰiyohtipʰiyóhtiw*pʰiyu·ʔpref.-vhit one of group*pʰiyu·ʔcismlf.pʰiyuʔcíwvhit one member of a group (with fist)pl.*pʰiyu·ʔciwadpʰiyuʔciwá·du*pʰiʔba2pref.-vfidget with the side of long object*pʰiʔbaʔbaiter.pʰiʔbáʔbawvfidget with the side of a long objectpl.*pʰiʔbapʰibatpʰiʔbapʰíbaʔ*pʰiʔbalhpref.-vbe turning with the side of a long object*pʰiʔbalhcismlf.pʰiʔbálhciwvbe turning with the side of a long object, such as a stickpl.*pʰibahlicpʰibáhliʔ*pʰiʔcʼa2pref.pʰiʔcʼáwvflexible object stiffen with a long object*pʰiʔcʼa3pref.-vpack tight inside with end of long object*pʰiʔcʼaʔcʼaiter.pʰiʔcʼáʔcʼawv-redpack tight inside with the end of a long object*pʰiʔcʼepref.-vbreak off pieces with an axe*pʰiʔcʼeʔcʼeiter.pʰiʔcʼéʔcʼewv-redbreak off pieces with an axepl.*pʰiʔcʼepʰicʼetadpʰiʔcʼépʰicʼeta·du*pʰiʔcʼepʰiʔcʼefreq.pʰiʔcʼepʰíʔcʼewv-rednodding head up and down repeatedlycf*pʰicʼepʰicʼe 1*pʰiʔcʼenhmapref.pʰiʔcʼénmawvpoke side of stick into open [?]*pʰiʔcʼo2pref.-vchop to pieces*pʰiʔcʼoʔcʼoiter.pʰiʔcʼóʔcʼowv-redchop to piecescf*pʰiʔcʼot 1*pʰiʔcʼupref.-vbreak in two with stick*pʰiʔcʼumessive-vbreak in two with stick*pʰiʔcʼumcismlf.pʰiʔcʼúmciwvbreak in two with stickpl.*pʰiʔcʼuma·tadpʰiʔcʼumá·tadu*pʰiʔkʼapref.pʰiʔkʼáwvcrack with the side of a long objectpl.*pʰikʼatpʰikʼáʔ*pʰiʔkʼayʔpref.-vget stick or axe caught between two objects*pʰiʔkʼayʔcismlf.pʰiʔkʼáyʔciwvget stick or axe caught between two objectspl.*pʰikʼahcipʰiʔkʼáhciw*pʰiʔkʼipref.-vchop almost all way through*pʰiʔkʼiʔkʼiiter.pʰiʔkʼíʔkʼiwv-redchop almost all the way through (a tree)pl.*pʰiʔkʼipʰikʼitadpʰiʔkʼipʰíkʼita·du*pʰiʔkʼo2pref.-vchop shallow hole*pʰiʔkʼoʔkʼoiter.-vchop shallow hole*pʰiʔkʼoʔkʼocsmlf.pʰiʔkʼóʔkʼoʔv-redchop a shallow hole with an axe*pʰiʔkʼoypref.-vchop here and there*pʰiʔkʼoyaddur.pʰiʔkʼoyá·duvchop here and there with an axe, chop a few scattered objects*pʰiʔlipref.-vtail or stick to wag*pʰiʔliʔliiter.pʰiʔlíʔliwv-redtail or stick to wag*pʰiʔlopref.-vtangle by hitting*pʰiʔloʔloiter.pʰiʔlóʔlowv-redtangle by hitting*pʰiʔsʼapref.-vbeat with club*pʰiʔsʼaʔsʼaiter.-vbeat up with club*pʰiʔsʼaʔsʼacsmlf.pʰiʔsʼáʔsʼaʔvbeat up with clubcf*pʰusʼaʔsʼa*pʰiʔtʼapref.pʰiʔtʼáwv1look like; seem (like); and more rarely, feelcf*pʰitʼat 12consider (to be)*pʰiʔtʼamessivepʰiʔtʼámʔvglance at*pʰiʔtʼamaddur.pʰiʔtʼamáduvstare at*pʰiʔtʼe2pref.-vhammer down rough places*pʰiʔtʼeʔtʼeiter.pʰiʔtʼéʔtewvhammer down rough places*pʰiʔtʼenhpref.pʰiʔtʼénʔvuse side of long object, such as a hammer, to hold something against something elsepl.*pʰiʔtʼehnipʰiʔtʼéhniw*pʰiʔtʼentʼelepref.-vmisshape by hitting with stick*pʰiʔtʼentʼelecsmlf.pʰiʔtʼéntʼeleʔvmake (a hat) out of shape by hitting many times with a stickcf*moʔonpl.*pʰiʔtʼentʼeleta·dupʰiʔtʼéntʼeleta·du*pʰiʔtʼentʼelewa·dupʰiʔtʼéntʼelewa·du*pʰiʔtʼutpref.pʰiʔtʼúʔ1vshade eyes2npitcher (for water) with long neckpʰiʔtʼutaqdir.abs.pʰiʔtʼutáʔncap with visor; baseball capcfpʰeʔcʼenaq 1*pʰiʔṭʼapref.-vtap with side of long object clapper*pʰiʔṭʼaʔṭʼaiter.pʰiʔṭʼáʔṭʼaw1vtap (noise) with side of stick; tap on wood, rocksyn*pʰiʔṭʼaṭ2nwooden clapper; split-stick rattle*pʰiʔṭʼawʔducpref.pʰiʔṭʼáwʔduʔvhurt by hitting with a stickcf*pʰitʼe·l*pʰiṭʼam*pʰiṭʼan 2*pʰiṭʼa·*pʰiʔṭʼašpl. agt.*pʰiṭʼawʔcʼic*pʰiʔṭʼepref.pʰiʔṭʼéwvhit and mark, spot (from something put on) (not scratch); nail something over somethingpl.*pʰiṭʼetpʰiṭʼéʔ*pʰiʔṭʼeʔṭʼeiter.pʰiʔṭʼéʔṭʼewvhammer (a nail) several timescf*pʰiʔṭʼaš*pʰiʔṭʼelhpref.pʰiʔṭʼélʔvpart, mat down, with the side of a long objectpl.*pʰiʔṭʼela·tadpʰiʔṭʼelá·tadu*pʰiʔṭʼespref.pʰiʔṭʼésvbe cracking (sound), with the side of a long object*pʰiʔṭʼopref.-vsound of hitting lightly with side of long object*pʰiʔṭʼoʔṭʼoiter.pʰiʔṭʼóʔṭʼowv-redsound of hitting lightly, pat, tap, with the side of a long objectcf*pʰiʔṭʼolh*pʰiʔṭʼupref.pʰiʔṭʼu´adjhooked at the end, speaking of a beak or nose*pʰiʔṭʼum2essivepʰiʔṭʼúmʔvbe hooked, bentcf*pʰiʔṭʼum1pl.*piṭʼuhtimpiṭʼúhtimʔ*pʰiʔṭʼum1pref.pʰiʔṭʼúmʔvbend overcf*pʰiʔṭʼum2*pʰiʔṭʼuwpref.-vmove head to side to avoid blow*pʰiʔṭʼuwicʼrefl.pʰiʔṭʼuwíʔvmove head to side to avoid blow; blink eye (to get something off lashes)*pʰiʔwipref.-vlook at*pʰiʔwiʔwiiter.pʰiʔwíʔwiwvkeep looking at, glancing atpl.*pʰiʔwipʰiwitadpʰiʔwipʰíwita·du*pʰiʔyapref.pʰiʔyáwvalmost hit (with the side of a long object), arrest action before hitting, stop short*pʰiʔya·qpref.pʰiʔyaʔ´vrecognize by sightpl.*pʰiyataqdial. var.*pʰiya·q*pʰiʔya·hmucʼrecip.pʰiʔyahmúʔvbecome acquainted with each otherpl.*pʰiyatahmucʼfr. var.*pʰiya·ʔmucʼ*pʰiʔyupref.-vhurt with stick*pʰiʔyuʔyuiter.pʰiʔyúʔyuwv-redhurt with stickpihqopref.pihqo´adjlong, limber; said of the neck of a swan, deer, or giraffe; also the front of a snake when raised off the groundcf*pihkem*pihkeykey*pihkihkic*pihqohqoc*pihqopihqo*pihqoyʔ*pihqoyʔpihqoypihkepihkipihkipihkikinʔdial. var.pihqonpʰiʔṭʼipref.pʰiʔṭʼi´adjbent with the side of a long objectcf*hisʼi*qosʼic*qʰosʼi·cʼcʰiʔṭʼiqoʔṭʼipʰiʔyopref.pʰiʔyo´adjwrinkled, of the face*pʰiṭʼi·smaessivepʰiṭʼismawvbe slit-eyed, squint eyed*pihṭahṭaiter.pihṭáhṭawv-redhammer on wood*pihtapihtafreq.pihtapíhtawv(to tap) on something soft: flesh, dough, mud, loose, dirt; tap (with stick); sound of hammer*pʰiʔlapʰiʔlafreq.pʰiʔlapʰíʔlawv-redkeep looking or glancing at someone or something; flirt by repeatedly looking at secretivelypi·cʰalcʰatempl.pi·cʰálcʰaadjof something always open-mouthedpi·tʰuštʰušutempl.pi·tʰúštʰušuadj-ideobulging, of the facepʰi·bokʼbokʼotempl.pʰi·bókʼbokʼoadj-ideorabbit-faced, having a round face with bulging cheeks and short jawfr. var.pʰibukʼbukʼupʰi·ṭʼisṭʼisitempl.pʰi·ṭʼísṭʼisiadj-ideoslit-eyed, squint-eyed