-tʰmucʼtʰmucʼv > vsfxplural form of the Directional-Distributive suffix combination -ad-wad, indicating movement of several actors "around" or "here and there"syn-ahmucʼincludes the Plural /t/dist.*bisatʰmucʼcarry several long objects in the arms here and there, all over, all around*cisatʰmucʼcarry (with a handle, or packing on one's back or shoulder) several things here and there, all over, all around; drag; lead by the hand*dasatʰmucʼcarry, move several heavy objects here and there, all over, all around*sibotʰmucʼgroup float or sail here and there, all over, all around; several groups (of snow) drift all over*sidetʰmucʼsail around PLUR*šusatʰmucʼlead several (people, animals) here and there, all over, all around; pull (with a rope)plur. aff.*cakʰetʰmucʼ