šu-šupref-instrpfxby pulling, by alternately pushing and pulling, with a long flexible objectn.p.qʰa·mosʼ šuṭʰuṭa·ducshooting starpref.*suhmiyshake*šocʼo·expose by pulling*šocʼo·mtear (a cloth, paper, string) in half, in two (possibly unequal) pieces*šocʼo·qpull on (fishline) and hook (a fish)*šohkʰolasso; catch a moving object (shape unimportant) with a long flexible object*šohlotake off (clothes, picture off wall, shoes, curtain from window)*šohlo·mpull off, of a handle*šohmoymove cloth back and forth in water,*šoholtake a chancetry to catch by pulling (on a fishing line)*šohpʰoṭshake clothes (dry)*šohqonhtic, twitch, (muscle) contract involuntarily*šohsommess up by pulling (sheet, cloth)*šohsoṭscatter by pulling or pushing*šohšolhpull off, slip off a shoe (a loafer or similar slip-on shoe, rather than one that is laced)*šohtontolomake swell up by whipping*šoko·lturn around; wind; pump (water pump)grind (acorns, coffee)*šokʼoṭdrag*šopo·šget blister from pulling (rope)*šoqʰoṭpull up, pull out, uproot*šoʔbolh2shake off particles (dust, powder)*šoʔboqʼthrow something down hard; slam down (as wrestlers); hit against hard*šoʔcʼolhbreak open by pulling on something; pull on a locked door until it breaks openslam to the ground*šoʔcʼondetach by pulling, pull off something that sticks; tear off; pull plug*šoʔkʼohit with something tied on end of string, like a pendulum(a clock) strike the houro’clock (in telling the time); time (of day)hour (as a measurement of time)*šoʔkʼonhpull an object up*šoʔqʼobotslam (something) against (something)*šoʔqʼotamstrangle someone with a rope or garrot*šoʔqʼoyjerk with a long flexible object*šube·lface be long, thin*šucʰa·fasten with a rope or string, tie shoelaces*šucʰa·ṭdraw open (deer)*šucʰi·ṭpull out*šucʰulremove several objects by pulling*šucʼalspread apart by pulling; open (book) partly*šucʼi·ṭmix up by dragging*šudahcʰipull over, pull over (a tree), not nec. to get out of way*šuduw1tear straight*šuduw2act on edge by pulling*šuhcenhhave a breathing impediment; gasp or breathe with great difficulty*šuhcʰa1pull over, upset (by pulling a rug out from under), knock over with a twirled rope*šuhcʰaṭpull apart, pull open, reopen; unpack*šuhcʰotbe tired of shaking something*šuhketry to lasso cow but rope stopped by horns*šuhkelhpull off little branches; pull a limb, such as someone's arm*šuhkutwith rope to drum on something*šuhkʰanget out of breath*šuhkʰepull (a wagon)*šuhkʰiṭʼspread, stretch across; strain*šuhlabapull cracking apart*šuhlakʼatlights flash with a long flexible object*šuhle·msettle (onto top of water; not nec. sticky); also sticky stuff on leaf of certain plant; grease to settle on walls; spread out*šuhludpull off hanging thing*šuhlu·cspill from sack or other long flexible object*šuhmutʼpull apart a chair (into one or 2 or more pieces, as long as it is destroyed; not for string or cloth)*šuʔṭʼubutsubmerge with handlesmlf.*šoʔcʼotpull, pluck*šoʔkʰošcibending by pulling*šobo·kʼpref.-v(belly) be rising and falling*šocʼo·ṭpref.šocʼoʔ´vbreak off ends by pushing or pulling*šohcʰocpref.-vwear out by pulling*šohcʰohcʰociter.šohcʰóhcʰoʔv-redwear out by pulling many times*šohcʰošohcʰocfreq.šohcʰošóhcʰoʔv-redwear out by pulling many times*šohko2pref.-vpull and push on something loose*šohkohkoiter.šohkóhkowv-redpull and push on something loose, wiggle something*šohkošohkofreq.šohkošóhkowv-redpull and push on something loose, wiggle something*šohkolhpref.-vpull loose*šohkolhmaessivešohkólhmawvpull loose*šohkotpref.-vwear out by pulling across something*šohkotʰcismlf.šohkótʰciwvwear out by pulling across something*šohlokʼotpref.šohlokʼóʔvjerk by pulling and pushing*šohponpolopref.-vbe swollen or sore from being chafed by something flexible*šohponpolocsmlf.šohpónpoloʔvbe swollen and sore from being chafed by something flexible (belt, clothing), or from being beaten with a whipsyn*šohtontolocf*hiṭʼo·*šohpʰopref.-vscatter, of a long flexible object*šohqopref.-vtwitch (muscle)*šohqohqoiter.šohqóhqowv-redbe twitching (muscle)cf*šohqonh*šuʔsʼiʔsʼi*šohqosʼpref.-vshake and spill nonliquids*šohqosʼcismlf.šohqósʼciwvshake and spill nonliquids, cause a group of solid objects to fall off by shakingcf*dahlu·c*hko2*hkolhpl.*šoqosʼqoʔsʼošoqósʼqoʔsʼow*šokʼo·ypref.-vtip down*šokʼo·yaladir.šokʼoya·láwvtip downward something long that is standing upunspec. var.*sikʼohyala*šolopref.-vwad and wrap cloth to make it round*šološolofreq.šološólow1v-redwad and wrap cloth to make it round2adjspherical or round*šololoṭpref.šololóʔvget a rash, hives; be a rashqahsil šololo·ṭʼibiʔn.p.qahsil šololó·ṭʼibiʔngoose pimples or a rashcfšoloʔlo1*šoṭʰopref.šoṭʰówvremove outer layer in pieces by pushing or pullingsyn*šocʼo·*šošolhma*šoṭʼo·*šoṭʼo·pref.šoṭʼow´vpull off outer layer; scalpsyn*šoṭʰopl.*šoloṭʼošoloṭʼów*šoyotpref.šoyóʔvbe overflowingcf*cʰiyot1*šoyoṭpref.šoyóʔvstir (water) with a cloth*šoʔbopref.-vshake off*šoʔboʔboiter.šoʔbóʔbowv-redshake off (dust, feathers); many pieces come off by pulling or pushingcf*šoʔbolh2pl.*šoʔbošobotadšoʔbošóbota·du*šoʔbolh1pref.šoʔbólʔvtip over by pulling; dump over by pushing or pullingpl.*šoʔbola·tad1šoʔbolá·tadu*šoʔboqʼotpref.šoʔboqʼóʔvflop down by pulling and pushingpl.*šoboqʼot2šoboqʼóʔ*šoʔbotʼpref.-vpull on*šoʔbotʼcismlf.šoʔbótʼciwvpull on (rotten cloth) and it disintegrates*šoʔcʼopref.-vpull to pieces*šoʔcʼoqʰotpref.šoʔcʼóqʰoʔvuproot by pulling, pull piece out (of hair, skin)cf*šoʔcʼonpl.*šocʼoqʰotšocʼoqʰóʔ*šoʔkʰošpref.-vbending by pulling*šoʔkʰošcismlf.šoʔkʰóšciwvbending by pulling*šoʔkʼoypref.-vpull one end*šoʔkʼoyaddur.šoʔkʼoyá·duvcatch a few scattered (fish) with a line*šoʔkʼoyi·bicdir.šokʼoyí·biʔvpull up one end of a long object with the other end remaining on the groundpl.*šokʼohyibicšokʼóhyibiʔfr. var.*šokʼo·yibic*šoʔlopref.-vtangle into knot*šoʔloʔloiter.šoʔlóʔlowv-redtangle into a knotcf*diʔloʔlo*šuṭʼiṭʼimšoloʔlo1der.šolóʔloadjsphericalcfqahsil šololo·ṭʼibiʔšoloʔlo2šoʔloʔlošoʔloʔloder.šoʔlóʔlonhorse cloversynbohohsoboho·cʼoma·cʼoma·pʰaʔamʔsopʰaʔamʔsosiṭʼaba·ticsociʔdomʔyuhpʰilʔohsocfšoloʔlo1šoloʔlo2qʰaʔbe šoʔloʔlocomp.qʰaʔbe šóʔloʔlon1mortar stone2a round rock used as a weapon or a hammer to crack acorns, crush bones, pound abalonecfbiʔdufr. var.qʰaʔbe šološoloqʰaʔbe šoloʔlo*šoʔloʔlocsmlf.abs.šoʔlóʔloʔ1adjtangled (string, shoelace, thread)2na tangled knotcf*kʼuṭʰu·mmuṭʰu·*šoʔpʼopref.-vshake out*šoʔpʼoʔpʼoiter.-vshake everything out*šoʔpʼoʔpʼocsmlf.šoʔpʼóʔpʼoʔv-redshake everything out (of a sack); clean out (of money, like in gambling)syn*coʔpʼoʔpʼoc 1pl.*šoʔpʼošopʼotadšoʔpʼošópʼota·du*šoʔṭʼopref.-vsound of light hit*šoʔṭʼoʔṭʼoiter.šoʔṭʼóʔṭʼowv-red1sound of hitting lightly, pat, tap, by pulling, pushing and pulling; with a long flexible object2go "tsk tsk"; make bilabilalized sucking noise*šoʔyopref.-vruffle*šoʔyoʔyoiter.šoʔyóʔyow1v-redruffle, pucker, wrinkle, by pulling; pull together something soft to pucker it (mouth of ditty bag, with string); shake out a bag2nruffles*šubilpref.-vblaze up*šubilicʼrefl.šubilíʔvblaze upsyn*ma·c*muhkʰuy 1*net1*šucepref.šucéwvgrab by pushing and pullingpl.*šucetšucéʔ*šucʰupref.šucʰúwvscrape by pushing or pullingpl.*šucʰutšucʰúʔ*šucʼepref.-vtake quick pull*šucʼešucʼefreq.šucʼešúcʼewv-redtake many quick pulls (e.g., up of grass)*šuhcepref.-vpull back*šuhcipref.šuhcíw1vlace up tight by pulling; sew tight by a backstitch; lace up someone else's shoes2n(shoe)lacespl.*šucitšucíʔ*šuhci·cʼrefl.šuciʔ´v1lace on oneself2lace, string, shoelace*šuhcʰa2pref.-vpull to pieces*šuhcʰahcʰapref.-vpull to pieces*šuhcʰahcʰacsmlf.šuhcʰáhcʰaʔv-redpull to pieces, crumble by dragging aroundpl.*šuhcʰašucʰatadšuhcʰašúcʰata·du*šuhkipref.-vresist, block movement*šuhkihkiiter.šuhkíhkiwv-redresist, block movement. by pulling, pushing and pulling; with a long flexible object; unwind a knotsyn*mukelpl.*šuhkišukitadšuhkišúkita·du*šuhkʰapref.-vpant*šuhkʰahkʰaiter.šuhkʰáhkʰawv-redpant (as a dog)pl.*šuhkʰašuhkʰatšuhkʰašúhkʰaʔ*šuhkʰupref.-vstraighten out*šuhkʰuhkʰuiter.šuhkʰúhkʰuwv-redstraighten out tangled (hair, string); straighten hair with fingers*šuhmupref.-v*šuhmuhmuiter.-vshake and break*šuhmuhmucsmlf.šuhmúhmuʔv-redshake and break to piecespl.*šuhmušumutadšuhmušúmuta·du*šuhmu·lpref.šuhmulʔ´vleft out some, not pulling all*šuhnatpref.šuhnáʔvtest by pulling; pull and try to break string*šuhnataddur.šuhnatá·duvtest by pulling; pull and try to break stringpl. agt.*šuhnatacʼ*šuhpa1pref.-vhit with wet rag*šuhpahpa1iter.šuhpáhpawv-redhit repeatedly with wet rag*šuhpa2pref.-vsmeared with water*šuhpahpa2iter.šuhpáhpawv-redsmeared with water*šuhpanhpref.šuhpánʔvcompress by dragging; drag something over to make smoothpl.*šuhpana·tadšuhpaná·tadu*šuhpʰihpʰipref.šuhpʰíhpʰiwv-redshred or tear up (paper)pl.*šuhpʰišupʰitadšuhpʰišúpʰita·dudial. var.*šuhpihpi*šuhpʰitʼpref.-vtear, rip object*šuhpʰitʼcismlf.šuhpʰítʼciwvtear, rip a long flexible objectpl.*šuhpʰitʼpʰitʼiwadšuhpʰítʼpʰitʼiwa·du*šupʰitʼpʰiʔtʼišupʰítʼpʰiʔtʼiwdial. var.*šuhpitʼci*šuhqalhpref.šuhqálʔvclean something by pulling an object: a cloth on a string to clean a gun barrel, or weeds to clean a garden; clean out or wipe out entirelycf*hahqalhšihmi šuhqalʔ lin.p.šihmi šúhqalʔ lina piece a leather on a string used to pull through a gun barrel to clean it*šuhqʰapref.-vbe panting*šuhqʰalhpref.šuhqʰálʔvslip easily by pushing or pullingpl.*šuqʰaltašuqʰáltaw*šuhqʰaṭpref.šuhqʰáʔvtear (a piece of cloth) in two by pulling on itcf*šocom*šutʰilpl.*šuqʰaṭʼqʰaʔṭʼašuqʰáṭʼqʰaʔṭʼaw*šuhsapref.šuhsáwv-hndlead several, take somewhere, pull alongsg.*šuʔdi*šuhsam2essivešuhsámʔv-hndhold several (people, animals) in place by pulling (on a rope)sg.*šuʔdim1*šuhsamcismlf.šuhsámciwv-hndgrab and hold several (people, animals) in place by pulling (on a rope)sg.*šuʔdimci*šuhsacsmlf.šuhsáʔv-hndlead several (people, animals) away, start to lead somewhere; pull (with a rope)sg.*šuʔdic*šusatʰmucʼdist.šusátʰmuʔv-hndlead several (people, animals) here and there, all over, all around; pull (with a rope)sg.*šude·nʔwad*šuhsam1dir.šuhsámʔv-hndlead several (people, animals) across or past; pull (with a rope)sg.*šuʔdim2*šuhsamacdir.šuhsamáʔv-hnd1lead several (people, animals) in from here; pull (with a rope)sg.*šuʔdimac 12lead several (people, animals) south or east from here; pull (with a rope)sg.*šuʔdimac 2*šuhsamaddir.šuhsamá·duv-hndlead several (people, animals) within an enclosed place (house, pasture); at a place identified in the context, enclosed or not; pull (with a rope)pl.*šuʔdimadpl. agt.*šuhsamacʼ*šuhsamaqʷdir.šuhsamáʔv-hnd1lead several (people, animals) in here; pull (with a rope)sg.*šuʔdimaqʷ 12lead several (people, animals) southward or eastward to here, from the north or west; pull (with a rope)sg.*šuʔdimaqʷ 2*šuhsama·ducdir.šuhsamá·duʔv-hndlead several (people, animals) home, to a place, carry to destination; pull (with a rope)sg.*šuʔdima·ducpl. agt.*šuhsama·cʼic*šuhsama·qocʼdir.šuhsamá·qoʔv-hndlead several (people, animals) back a few steps; pull (with a rope)sg.*šuʔdima·qocʼ*šuhsamuldir.šuhsamúlʔv-hndlead several (people, animals) around to the other side; pull (with a rope)sg.*šuʔdimul*šuhsamu·licʼdir.šuhsamú·liʔv-hndlead several (people, animals) all the way around; pull (with a rope)sg.*šuʔdimu·licʼ*šusa·bicdir.šusa·bíʔv-hnd1pick up several (people, animals) (with a pulling); start to drag, lead by the handsg.*šude·bic 12lead several (people, animals) up, away; pull (with a rope)sg.*šude·bic 2*šusa·ddir.šusa·du´v-hnd1lead several (people, animals) along, in one direction; pull (with a rope)sg.*šude·d 12lead several (people, animals) toward here; pull (with a rope)sg.*šude·d 2pl. agt.*šusa·cʼ*šusa·ducdir.šusa·dúʔv-hndlead several (people, animals) far, away to a distance; pull (with a rope)sg.*šude·ducpl. agt.*šusa·cʼic*šusa·ladir.šusa·láwv-hndlead several (people, animals) down; pull (with a rope)sg.*šuda·la*šusa·lamecʼdir.šusala·méʔv-hndlead several (people, animals) down off of; pull (with a rope)sg.*šuda·lamecʼ*šusa·loqdir.šusa·lóʔv-hndlead several (people, animals) up toward here; pull (with a rope)sg.*šuda·loq*šusa·loqocʼdir.šusalo·qóʔv-hndlead several (people, animals) up out of; pull (with a rope)sg.*šuda·loqocʼ*šusa·qdir.šusaʔ´v-hnd1lead several (people, animals) out from here, go away; pull (with a rope)sg.*šuda·q 12lead several (people, animals) north or west from here; pull (with a rope)sg.*šuda·q 2*šusa·qacdir.šusa·qáʔv-hndlead several (people, animals) up from here; pull (with a rope)sg.*šuda·qac*šusa·qocʼdir.šusa·qóʔv-hndlead several (people, animals) out from here; pull (with a rope)sg.*šuda·qocʼ*šusa·qʷdir.šusaʔ´v-hnd1lead several (people, animals) out toward here; pull (with a rope)sg.*šuda·qʷ 12lead several (people, animals) northward or westward to here, from the south or east; pull (with a rope)sg.*šuda·qʷ 2*šuhsipref.-vtear into pieces*šuhsihsiiter.šuhsíhsiwvtear, pull, break into small piecespl.*šuhsišusitad*šuhsikʼitpref.šuhsikʼíʔvpull and dump something off rug; bounce through air with pulling and pushingpl.*šusikʼitšusikʼíʔ*šuhsimpref.šuhsímʔvextinguish (a fire) with a flexible object such as cloth or brushpl.*šusitʰmašusítʰmaw*šuhsitpref.šuhsíʔvmake little pieces, strips. by pulling; pull splinters off*šuhsitaqdir.šuhsitáʔvtear, shred by pulling with the handspl.*šusihtaqšusíhtaʔ*šuhsutpref.šuhsúʔvtear paper in pieces, not nec. strips*šuhšapref.-vmess up by pulling*šuhšanpref.šuhšánʔvbe springy, spongy, resilient when pulled, or pushed and pulled*šuhtaypref.šuhtáyʔvswinging rope to touchpl.*šutayʔtašuhtáyʔtaw*šuhtenhpref.šuhténʔvpull something over something and flatten, mat it down*šuhtʰipref.-vtear holes by pushing, pulling*šuhṭanṭalapref.šuhṭánṭalawvfade by pushing or pulling*šuhṭilhpref.šuhṭílʔvmake sound against ground by swinging cloth*šuhṭʰapref.šuhṭʰáwv1pull open (door); pull (light switch chain); turn on (gas)ant*šuʔpʼanh 12turn on (light)pl.*šuṭʰatšuṭʰáʔ*šuhṭʰepref.šuhṭʰe´adjspread out by pushing and pulling*šuhṭʰeyʔpref.šuhṭʰéyʔvspread by pushing and pullingsyn*šuṭʰe·l*šuṭʰilpl.*šuṭʰehyišuṭʰéhyiw*šuhṭʰinhpref.šuhṭʰínʔvcorrect or straighten something by pulling; pull something so it becomes straight: a wire or folded paper, but not a string*šuhṭʰuṭpref.šuhṭʰúʔvspark (as from striking rocks)qʰa·mosʼ šuṭʰuṭa·ducn.p.qʰá·mosʼ šuṭʰuṭa·duʔnshooting starpl.qʰa·mosʼ šuṭʰuhṭaducqʰá·mosʼ šuṭʰuhṭaduʔ*šuhwepref.-vshake by pulling*šuhwehweiter.šuhwéhwewv-redshake by pullingsyn*šuhwe·npl.*šuhwehwem*šuhwe·npref.šuhwenʔ´vshake (a flexible object) by pulling or pushingsyn*šuhwehwepl.*šuhwe·nma*šuhwipref.šuhwíwvstick foot into something that is soft but has some resistance, such as mud or sand; foot be stuck in *šuhwisʼpref.šuhwíʔvscatter by waving cloth, as in waving smoke away with a handkerchiefsyn*cihwisʼ*hahwisʼ*šuhye·pref.šuhyew´vstop by pullingpl.*šuyetšuyéʔ*šuhyupref.-vshake loose*šukelpref.šukélʔvstraighten (a rope or piece of fabric) by pulling (or by smoothing in an outward direction)cf*šuhkelhpl.*šukeltašukéltaw*šuke·ṭpref.šukeʔ´vremove grass*šuki·lpref.šukilʔ´vswing while holding in hand; pull of somethingpl.*šuki·lmašukilmáw*šuku·ṭpref.šukuʔ´vpull offpl.*šukuhṭišukúhṭiw*šukʰekʰeṭpref.šukʰekʰéʔvpull a string through a tight space or pull wire off a spool*šukʰe·npref.šukʰenʔ´1vbreathecf*šukʰe·d2nbreathcfcahno2 3pl.*šukʰe·nmama·kina šukʰenʔn.p.má·kina šukʰenʔncar batterynaṭa šukʰe·nʔn.p.naṭa šúkʰenʔnquickening (moment in pregnancy when mother starts to feel child in uterus)šukʰenʔ cale·n.p.šukʰénʔ cale·nuvulašukʰenʔlin.p.šúkʰenʔlinlungssynšo·tʼʔahqʰa šukʰenʔn.p.ʔahqʰa šúkʰenʔnvapor*šukʰe·naqacdir.šukʰena·qáʔvsigh; draw a deap breath, inhale deeplypl.*šukehnaqac*šukʰe·naqacʰqacaus.šukʰena·qácʰqawvsave someone’s life; cause someone to draw breath*šukʰipref.šukʰíwvstretch by pullingpl.*šuhkʰiwadfr. var.*šuhkʰi*šuhkʰihkʰiiter.šuhkʰíhkʰiwv-redstretch of a long flexible objectsyn*hkʰiṭʼ1*šukʰu·lpref.šukʰulʔ´vbreathe roughly, asthmaticallyšu·kʰulʔkʰutempl.šu·kʰúlʔkʰuadj-ideorough-breathing, asthmatic*šukʼalpref.šukʼálʔvpull open slightly (book, door)pl.*šukʼahlišukʼáhliw*šukʼaṭʰicpref.šukʼaṭʰíʔvsplit open (of vegetative coverings), perhaps with an emphasis on the tension on the surface rather the growth of the plantpl.*šukʼaṭʰi·tašukʼaṭʰí·taw*šukʼa·npref.šukʼanʔ´vtilt, lean, be askew, standing object be off the vertical, by pulling, pushing and pulling; with a long flexible objectpl.*šukʼahni2šukʼáhniw*šukʼancismlf.šukʼánciwvpull (a stake) out of vertical*šukʼa·ṭpref.šukʼaʔ´1v(person) groan, (tree, gate) creak2adjsqueakypl.*šukʼa·ṭʰma*šukʼe·npref.šukʼenʔ´voverpress by pulling or pushingpl.*šukʼehnicšukʼéhniʔ*šukʼihṭʰpref.-v*šukʼilpref.šukʼílʔvindicate a location by a wave of something flexible (handkerchief)*šukʼispref.šukʼísvscratch a mark by pulling (brush through sand or a saw across wood)pl.*šukʼihsišukʼíhsiw*šukʼiṭʰpref.-vbe streaked all over*šukʼiṭʰicʼrefl.šukʼiṭʰíʔvbe streaked all over*šukʼi·pref.šukʼiw´vcut by pulling (not all the way through); cut (with saw) with one lengthwise strokepl.*šukʼitšukʼíʔ*šukʼi·špref.šukʼiš´vsqueak by pulling (sawing, cable over cable)pl.*šukʼihšišukʼíhšiw*šulacpref.šuláʔvfail to lasso, miss with lasso*šulašulader.šulašúlawvfail to do, with a flexible object*šulayapref.šulayáwvfail to pull up plant although you keep pullingpl.*šulaya·mašulayá·maw*šulepref.-vlock out*šulipref.šulíwvstir by pushing and pulling; twirl ropecf*šuwipl.*šulitašulitáw*šuli·messivešulimʔ´1vfan something, cool with a fan2nlarge fan made of buckskinpl.*šulitʰma*šuli·tpref.šuliʔ´vwave (in circle) small piece of cloth (handkerchief); wag tailcf*šuʔliʔlipl.*šuli·tʰmašulitʰmáw*šulupref.šulúwvcover with clothpl.*šulutšulúʔ*šulukupref.šulukúwv1cover entire surface, spread out2become thick, dense with somethingpl.*šulukucʰmecʼšulukúcʰmeʔ*šulukumšulukúmʔ*šunac1pref.šunáʔvpull together; gather by pulling*šunac2pref.-v(water) remain after tide?*šuna·pref.šunaw´vblock by pulling; choke (by pulling object around neck)*šunempref.šunémʔvhit with ropepl.*šunetʰmašunétʰmaw*šune·cpref.šuneʔ´1vpossess or own item(s)2npossessionspl.*šunehcišunéhciw*šupapref.šupáwvcover or fill completely a two-dimensional space with a cloth, a flexible objectsyn*šupaṭʰci1cf*šupem*šupašcipref.šupášciwv??syn*šupaṭʰci2*šupaṭ1pref.-v?*šupaṭʰci2smlf.šupáṭʰciwv??syn*šupašci*šupaṭ2pref.-vcover*šupaṭʰmaessivevcover with cloth*šupaṭʰci1smlf.šupáṭʰciwvcover hole with a clothsyn*šupapl.*šupahṭišupáhṭiw*šupempref.šupémʔvsmall objects float (up from the bottom, or down from the air) and cover or coat the surface of a liquid; for instance, algae in a pond or coffee grounds in a potcf*šupa*šupemaqdir.šupemáʔvsmall objects float out (on water or other liquid) to cover or coat a surface*šuqʰalpref.šuqʰálʔvdrag across surface; move along surface by pullingpl.*šuqʰahlišuqʰáhliw*šuqʰalhpref.šuqʰálʔvyank*šuqʰaqʰaṭpref.šuqʰáqʰaʔvscrape with the a long flexible object; strip string by pulling it through tight place*šuqʰa·pref.šuqʰaw´vbreak (a string) by pulling in one direction; saw offpl.*šuqʰamšuqʰámʔ*šuqʰawa·tadšuqʰawá·taduʔahay šuqʰamʔlin.p.ʔahá· šuqʰamʔlinsaw (tool)synseru·cu*šuqʰa·mucʼrecip.šuqʰa·múʔvpull apart*šuqʰa·ṭpref.šuqʰaʔ´vfeel good to saw; to like sawing because it's soft*šuqʼa·mpref.šuqʼamʔ´vfan heat on someone (from a fire)pl.*šuqʼama·tadšuqʼamá·tadu*šuqʼa·ṭpref.šuqʼaʔ´vpull off surface material; weed*šusapref.šusáwvtear off several; pull and split severalsyn*casa*šuse·lpref.šuselʔ´vrinse, stir clothes in water; washsyn*šohmoy*šusʼampref.šusʼámʔvbreak pullingpl.*šusʼatamšusʼatámʔ*šusʼaylapref.šusʼáylawvtangle by dragging*šusʼa·pref.šusʼaw´vbreak by pulling and pushingpl.*šulasʼašulasʼáw*šusʼayʔta*šusʼa·lpref.šusʼalʔ´vwring out (flexible object, like cloth)*šusʼipref.šusʼíwvpinch, fold by pulling, pushing and pulling; with a long flexible objectpl.*šusʼitašusʼitáwšusʼihwalo·qoʔdir.abs.šusʼíhwalo·qoʔnsuspendersdial. var.šuhciwa·loqocʼunspec. var.šuhciwa·loqoʔ*šusʼimpref.šusʼímʔvfill rough land by dragging; fasten bucklepl.*šusʼitamšusʼitámʔ*šusʼiypref.šusʼíyʔvfoldcf*dasʼuyšusʼuyahpʰi dasʼi·cʼi*šusʼu·ypref.šusʼuyʔ´vget twisted out of shape; pull out of shapesyn*qasʼuyšusʼuyahpʰi dasʼi·cʼin.p.šusʼuyáhpʰi dasʼi·cʼinfolding tablecf*dasʼuy*šusʼiyfr. var.dasʼuyahpʰi dasʼi·cʼišusʼiyahpʰi dasʼi·cʼi*šutašpref.šutášvgather together and up, by pulling with a flexible object, like a cloth*šutaṭpref.šutáʔvtwist by pulling and pushing*šutilhlapref.šutílhlawvbe crisscrossed*šutilhlamucʼrecip.šutílhlamuʔvsomeone bend limbs to be crossed over*šuti·tpref.šutiʔ´vtwist hair, clothpl.*šutihtišutíhtiw*šutulpref.šutúlʔvstraighten (nose, flesh, etc.) directly by pulling it or indirectly by means of a rope or similar object*šutʰilpref.šutʰílʔvtear but not necessarily apartcf*šocom*šuhqʰaṭ*šutʼe·lpref.šutʼelʔ´vmake sticky, attach over an area by pulling, pushing and pulling; with a long flexible object*šutʼe·tpref.šutʼeʔ´v1set, fit in by pulling and pushing2shift (car); put car in gearpl.*šutʼetšutʼéʔšutʼeʔliinstr.šutʼéʔlinclutch (of car)*šutʼulpref.šutʼúlʔvpull and make come out, by tearingpl.*šutʼuhlišutʼúhliw*šuṭa·npref.šuṭanʔ´vside of long object be in contact with something at one end only, by pulling, pushing and pulling; with a long flexible object*šuṭa·tpref.šuṭaʔ´vtwist; pull and twist*šuṭipref.šuṭíwvuproot (several) by pulling*šuṭiṭimpref.šuṭiṭímʔvstretch something across a space by pulling it, especially of flexible objects like a wire or ropesyn*šuki·mci*šuṭi·lpref.šuṭilʔ´vtwirl a cloth, such as a hankerchief, in the air, especially to get attentionpl.*šuṭihlišuṭíhliw*šuṭʰe·pref.šuṭʰew´vopen something wide; completely spread out item, such as book, blanket, or quilt*šuṭʰe·lpref.šuṭʰelʔ´vspread or separate something from a point of attachment by pullingsyn*šuhṭʰeyʔ*šuṭʰilpl.*šuṭʰelʔtašuṭʰélʔtaw*šuṭʰilpref.šuṭʰílʔvspread, stretch out, by pulling or pullingsyn*šuhṭʰeyʔ*šuṭʰe·l*šuṭʼa·špref.šuṭʼaš´vpull hair back or up, keeping it from forehead*šuṭʼempref.šuṭʼémʔvwater slowly drain*šuṭʼipref.šuṭʼíwvpull and bend (a flexible object); twistpl.*šuliṭʼišuliṭʼíw*šuṭʼiṭʼimpref.šuṭʼiṭʼímʔvpull together and tangle branches (not string because it doesn’t bend)cf*diʔloʔlo*šoʔloʔlo*šuwipref.šuwíwvtwirl (like a lasso hanging down)syn*šuyicf*šulipl.*šuwitšuwíʔ*šuya·mpref.šuyamʔ´vhurt more, give pain to what is already sore, by pulling, pushing and pulling*šuyepref.-vmove or hold by pulling, by a rope*šuyemessivešuyémʔvhold still by means of a rope, hold (an animal) on a rope; hold (a rope) stretched or taut; hold an object by pushing it against the wallpl.*šuyehtimšuyéhtimʔ*šuye·ddir.šuye·du´vmove or lead an animal, person, or object by pulling, especially of a rope or clothingpl.*šuyehtadšuyéhtadu*šuyipref.šuyíwvpush or pull back and forth on edge (esp. of string or file)syn*šuwi*šuykucpref.šuykúʔvsaw down to size*šuʔbapref.šuʔbáwvbe breaking apart or cracking by shaking*šuba·csmlf.šubaʔ´vcrack once by shaking*šuʔbalhpref.-vturn by pulling*šuʔbalhcismlf.šuʔbálhciwvturn by pullingcf*šoko·l 1pl.*šubahlicšubáhliʔ*šuʔbaladdur.šuʔbalá·duv1keep turning by pulling (the reins of a horse), the steering wheel of a car, the gear shift of a car2pick up and move around; shift aroundšuʔbala·duʔlider.šuʔbalá·duʔlingear shift (of car)*šuʔbepref.-vhave a sad look*šuʔbupref.-vtwitch*šuʔbunhpref.-vbe twitching, by pushing or pulling*šuʔbunicʼrefl.šuʔbuníʔvbe twitching, by pushing or pullingsyn*šuʔbušuʔbu 1*šuʔbunhcicʼsmlf.šuʔbúnhciʔvtwitch once*šuʔcʼa1pref.šuʔcʼáwvget stuck by pullingcf*šucʼa·t*šuʔcʼanhpl.*šucʼahšucʼáh*šuʔcʼaʔcʼa1iter.šuʔcʼáʔcʼawv-redpull tight (show strings, basket twine)*šuʔcʼa2pref.-vpack tight by pushing or pulling*šuʔcʼaʔcʼa2iter.šuʔcʼáʔcʼawv-redpack tight inside by pushing or pulling*šuʔcʼabapref.šuʔcʼabáwvpull several long objects apart*šuʔcʼanhpref.šuʔcʼánʔvpull something stuckcf*šucʼa·t*šuʔcʼa1pl.*šucʼahnišucʼáhn*šuʔcʼepref.-vbreak piece off by sawing*šuʔcʼetpref.šuʔcʼéʔvcut off end with sawpl.*šuʔcʼetadšuʔcʼetá·du*šuʔdipref.šuʔdíwv-hnd[with a directional-locational suffix] lead someone, take somewhere, pull along; [without a suffix] stop performing this action: stop leading someone, stop taking somewhere, stop pulling along; stop carrying or holding, set downpl.*šuhsa*šuʔdim1essivešuʔdímʔv-hndhold one (person, animal) in place by pulling (on a rope)pl.*šuhsam2*šuʔdimcismlf.šuʔdímciwv-hndgrab and hold one (person, animal) in place by pulling (on a rope)pl.*šuhsamci*šuʔdicsmlf.šuʔdíʔv-hndlead one (person, animal) away, start to lead somewhere; pull (with a rope)pl.*šuhsac*šude·nʔwaddist.šudenʔwadúv-hndlead one (person, animal) here and there, all over, all around; pull (with a rope)pl.*šusatʰmucʼpl. agt.*šude·cʼwacʼ*šuda·ladir.šuda·láwv-hndlead one (person, animal) down; pull (with a rope)pl.*šusa·la*šuda·lamecʼdir.šudala·méʔv-hndlead one (person, animal) down off of; pull (with a rope)pl.*šusa·lamecʼ*šuda·loqdir.šuda·lóʔv-hndlead one (person, animal) up toward here; pull (with a rope)pl.*šusa·loq*šuda·loqocʼdir.šudalo·qóʔv-hndlead one (person, animal) up out of; pull (with a rope)pl.*šusa·loqocʼ*šuda·qdir.šudaʔ´v-hnd1lead one (person, animal) out from here, go away; pull (with a rope)pl.*šusa·q 12lead one (person, animal) north or west from here; pull (with a rope)pl.*šusa·q 2*šuda·qacdir.šuda·qáʔv-hndlead one (person, animal) up from here; pull (with a rope)pl.*šusa·qac*šuda·qocʼdir.šuda·qóʔv-hndlead one (person, animal) out from here; pull (with a rope)pl.*šusa·qocʼ*šuda·qʷdir.šudaʔ´v-hnd1lead one (person, animal) out toward here; pull (with a rope)pl.*šusa·qʷ 12lead one (person, animal) northward or westward to here, from the south or east; pull (with a rope)pl.*šusa·qʷ 2*šude·bicdir.šude·bíʔv-hnd1lift (one) up by pulling; start to pullpl.*šusa·bic 12lead one (person, animal) up, away; pull (with a rope)pl.*šusa·bic 2*šude·ddir.šude·du´v-hnd1lead one (person, animal) along, in one direction; pull (with a rope)pl.*šusa·d 12lead one (person, animal) toward here; pull (with a rope)pl.*šusa·d 2pl. agt.*šude·cʼ*šude·ducdir.šude·dúʔv-hndlead one (person, animal) far, away to a distance; pull (with a rope)pl.*šusa·ducpl. agt.*šude·cʼic*šuʔdim2dir.šuʔdímʔv-hndlead one (person, animal) across or past; pull (with a rope)pl.*šuhsam1*šuʔdimacdir.šuʔdimáʔv-hnd1lead one (person, animal) in there, in from here; pull (with a rope)pl.*šuhsamac 12lead one (person, animal) south or east from here; pull (with a rope)pl.*šuhsamac 2*šuʔdimaddir.šuʔdimá·duv-hndlead one (person, animal) within an enclosed place (house, pasture); at a place identified in the context, enclosed or not; pull (with a rope)sg.*šuhsamadpl. agt.*šuʔdimacʼ*šuʔdimaqʷdir.šuʔdimáʔv-hnd1lead one (person, animal) in here; pull (with a rope)pl.*šuhsamaqʷ 12lead one (person, animal) southward or eastward to here, from the north or west; pull (with a rope)pl.*šuhsamaqʷ 2*šuʔdima·ducdir.šuʔdimá·duʔv-hndlead one (person, animal) home, to a place, to a destination; pull (with a rope)pl.*šuhsama·ducpl. agt.*šuʔdima·cʼic*šuʔdima·qocʼdir.šuʔdimá·qoʔv-hndlead one (person, animal) back a few steps; pull (with a rope)pl.*šuhsama·qocʼ*šuʔdimuldir.šuʔdimúlʔv-hndlead one (person, animal) around to the other side; pull (with a rope)pl.*šuhsamul*šuʔdimu·licʼdir.šuʔdimú·liʔv-hndlead one (person, animal) all the way around; pull (with a rope)pl.*šuhsamu·licʼ*šuʔdiwaydir.šuʔdiwáyʔvintroduce to someone*šuʔdiyicʼrefl.šuʔdiyíʔvlead (dog), pull after oneself*šuʔkʼapref.šuʔkʼáwvcrack (a plank) by pulling (it off the house)pl.*šukʼatšukʼáʔ*šuʔkʼanhpref.šuʔkʼánʔvlean a long object against another by pullingpl.*šukʼahni1šukʼáhniw*šuʔkʼayʔpref.-vpull so that it gets caught*šuʔkʼayʔcismlf.šuʔkʼáyʔciwvpull (a rope) so that it gets caught (in a fork); hold (a string) caught (in a tree fork)pl.*šukʼahcišuʔkʼáhciw*šuʔkʼepref.-vstiffen by pushing or pulling*šuʔkʼecsmlf.šuʔkʼéʔvstiffen by pushing or pulling a long flexible object*šuʔkʼipref.vsaw almost all the way through*šuʔkʼiʔkʼipref.šuʔkʼíʔkʼiwv-redsaw almost all the way through (a plank)pl.*šuʔkʼišukʼitadšuʔkʼišúkʼiʔ*šuʔkʼopref.-vwear away by pushing and pulling*šuʔkʼupref.šuʔkʼúwvfinish pulling, finish using a long flexible objectpl.*šukʼutšukʼúʔ*šuʔlawʔcipref.šuʔláwʔciwvwave quickly*šuʔlipref.v*šuʔliʔlipref.šuʔlíʔliwv-redwave a handkerchiefcf*šuli·t*šuʔliʔlicsmlf.šuʔlíʔliʔvwave a handkerchief*šuʔlupref.šuʔlúwv1wrap with a long flexible object2put (scarf) over self (head)pl.*šuʔlušulutadšuʔlušúluta·du*šuʔlušuʔlufreq.šuʔlušúʔluwvroll up*šuʔne·cicʼpref.šuʔne·cíʔvget used to pulling (weeds)*šuʔpʼanhpref.šuʔpʼánʔv1cover, close or turn off by pulling or pushingant*šuhṭʰa 1cf*šuʔṭʼaš2shut in a place, lock someone up in an enclosed space3turn off (faucet)pl.*šupʼantašupʼántaw*šuʔqʼacpref.šuʔqʼáʔvpull tight, cinch, tighten by pullingpl.*šuqʼahcišuqʼáhciwsi·ya šuʔqʼaʔlin.p.sí·ya šuʔqʼaʔlinsaddle cinchšiʔba šuʔqʼayiʔlin.p.šiʔba šúʔqʼayiʔlingirdle, corset*šuʔsʼapref.šuʔsʼáwvmany sounds together; make noise togetherfr. var.šuʔsʼayʔcime·du*šuʔsʼaṭpref.šuʔsʼáʔvwhip with a switchcf*duhkʰuy*maʔtʼem1pl.*šusʼayʔṭašusʼáyʔṭawšusʼayʔtaʔliinstr.šusʼáyʔtaʔlinwhip*šuʔsʼaypref.šuʔsʼáyʔvshoes squeak*šuʔsʼipref.-vtouch by pulling*šuʔsʼiʔsʼiiter.šuʔsʼíʔsʼiwv-redtouch lightly and repeatedly, twitchcf*šohqohqo*šohqonh*šuʔsʼilpref.-vsplash by wavingpl.*šusʼihli-*šuʔsʼilaydir.šuʔsʼiláyʔvsplash (water) on something by moving an object back and forth, for instance by waving a wet cloth aroundpl.*šusʼihlayšusʼíhlayʔ*šuʔtʼapref.šuʔtʼáwvfeel by pushing or pulling*šuʔtʼekelepref.-v*šuʔtʼekelecsmlf.šuʔtʼekéleʔvdrag paper box until it gets out of shapesyn*cʰiʔtʼekelec*šuʔtʼem1pref.šuʔtʼémʔvdetect (xray); find, hit upon, strike, stumble uponpl.*šutʼehtimšutʼéhtimʔ*šuʔtʼem2pref.šuʔtʼémʔvbe exposed by pulling; find or pick by chance*šuʔtʼenpref.-vtie together*šuʔtʼeypref.-vpull down*šuʔtʼutʰu1pref.šuʔtʼutʰúwv1squeeze by pushing and pulling2puckerpl.*šutʼutʰušutʼutʰúw*šuʔtʼutʰu2pref.-vmake narrower*šuʔtʼutʰucsmlf.šuʔtʼutʰúʔvmake narrowercf*šeṭʰe·yaduc*šuʔṭipref.-v*šuʔṭiʔṭiiter.šuʔṭíʔṭiwvgather surface into smaller piece by pushing and pulling*šuʔṭupref.šuʔṭúwvbe on extreme edge by pulling, pushing and pulling; with a long flexible object; (tied) at the edge (it might slip off)pl.*šuʔṭutfr. var.šuʔṭi*šuʔṭʼapref.-vpull tight*šuʔṭʼaʔṭʼaiter.šuʔṭʼáʔṭʼawvpull tight repeatedly*šuʔṭʼašpref.šuʔṭʼášvpull into place; join or fasten by pullingcf*šuʔpʼanh 1pl.*šuṭʼahšišuṭʼáhšiw*šuʔṭʼaṭpref.šuʔṭʼáʔvtwist together*šuʔṭʼawaydir.vtie to*šuʔṭʼawa·mucʼrecip.vtie together*šuʔṭʼepref.v*šuʔṭʼeʔṭʼeiter.šuʔṭʼéʔṭʼewvdrag something over something to make soft and even, pounding lightlypl.*šuʔṭʼešuṭʼehtišuʔṭʼešúṭʼehtiw*šuʔṭʼipref.-vwrap tight by pulling*šuʔṭʼuṭpref.šuʔṭʼúʔvmake sparks by pushing and pullingfr. var.*šuʔṭʼiṭ*šuʔwipref.-vjiggle by tugging*šuʔwiʔwiiter.šuʔwíʔwiwvjiggle by pulling alternately on somethingpl.*šuʔwišuwitadšuʔwišúwita·du*šuʔya·qpref.šuʔyaʔ´vrecognize by pulling, as on a rope*šuʔyi1pref.šuʔyíwvmake a mark with a back and forth movement, as with a file*šuʔyi2pref.-vtwirl*šuʔyiʔyiiter.šuʔyíʔyiwvtwirl (rope)šuʔyišuyi·duʔ cuhtin.p.šuʔyišúyi·duʔ cuhtinwavy designšuki·mpref.-vrestrain by pulling*šuki·mcismlf.šukimcíwvrestrain (a person or animal) by pulling; stretch (rope or rubber band) by pulling; pull hair or trousers (they canʼ€™t be pulled loose or off; they just pull tight)syn*šuṭiṭimcf*muki·mci*šuhqʰašuhqʰafreq.šuhqʰašúhqʰawv-red(dog) be panting*šuʔbešuʔbefreq.šuʔbešúʔbewv-redhave a sad, long-faced look, as though ready to cry