*haʔsʼil-vsplash liquid; throw waterrequires Directional suffixPrefixed:ha-*ʔsʼilPlural*hasʼihli-*haʔsʼilaydir.haʔsʼiláyʔvsplash (water) on something by swinging the arm or leg: especially, throw waterpl.*hasʼihlayhasʼíhlayʔ*haʔsʼila·ducdir.haʔsʼilá·duʔvsplash (water) far or to a distance with a swinging motion of the arm or legpl.*hasʼihladuchasʼíhladuʔ*haʔsʼila·ladir.haʔsʼilá·lawvsplash (water) downward with a swinging motion: sling (water) down; put hand into water, making a splashpl.*hasʼihlalahasʼíhlalaw*haʔsʼili·bicdir.haʔsʼilí·biʔvsplash water up with a swinging motion of the arm or legpl.*hasʼihlibichasʼíhlibiʔ