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Browse Keley-i - English



kakawasp. var.kakkawwana spider species that is edible1.6.1.8Spider
kakbebnthe sound produced by a dropped objectDingngel ku hu nekakbeban ni neyuyg ni na-gah di dallin mi ni hileng.I heard the sound of a coconut that dropped down outside our house last night.Simkakdalkindalkudud2.3.2.2Soundme-/ne-, me- -an/ne- -an
kakdalvto drop something on a wooden floorOne of the meaning components of this word is the sound made by what is dropped.Hipa nekakdal di bawang lan nuntan?What was dropped inside awhile ago?Ya eman ida dinikhal ni daka itenuldag di bawang e kaumkenakdal.The wood they split that they are throwing inside (the house) is what is being dropped (making noise).Simkakbebkindalkudud
kakelinnugi aggewInf. oflinugnom1for the sun to disappear; for the sun to set; sunsetMambebley idallid appit ni kakelinnugin aggew et yad appit ni south. (Deuteronomy 33:23b)They will live in the direction of the setting of the sun and the southern direction.1.1.1Sun2west, the direction in which the sun setsTellud appit ni kasimmilin aggew, hantetlud north, yad south niyad kakelinnugin aggew. (Revelation 21:13b)There were three (gates) on the east side, three on the north, three on the south, and three on the west (side of the city of Jerusalem)., south, east, west
kakelpuider. oflapunomthe source of somethingKaegiegi, ya kayyaggud ey man-impipinhed itsu, tep hi Apu Dios hu kakelpuin kapeminhed. (1 John 4:7a)Brothers and sisters, it is good for us to love one another because God is the source of love.
kakinayyaggudInf. ofkayyaggudnomrighteousness; goodness; splendor; beauty; good or excellent character or excellent condition of somethingNekunnan hu kapeniktamin kakinayyaggud ni biyag hedin nekawwetwet kan tuu.It is rare to experience goodness in life if you are really a poor person.Ey panyuung itsun menaydayaw nan Apu Dios tep ya kasina-gey tu niya kakinayyaggud tu. (1 Chronicles 16:29b) And let us bow down to worship God because of his loftiness/exaltation and his righteousness.Anin ni yadda bittuwen et wada hakkeyey nambakbaklang hu kakinayyaggud ni ang-ang da. (1 Corinthians 15:41d)Even the stars, each one of them have a different splendor/beauty in their appearance.8.3.7Good
kakkabbuhansp. var.kakabbuhhannmorningKewa-wa-wan na-pat ni aggew, ey kameukkat hi Goliath ni kakkabbuhhan niyan mahmahdem ni meneghegnit idan sindalun Israel ni mekippettey ni hi-gatu. (1 Samuel 17:16)Everyday for forty days (the giant) Goliath came out each morning and evening to challenge the soldiers of Israel to fight-to-the-death with him. of the day
kakkallabna bird species1.6.1.2Bird
kakkawwasp. var. ofkakawanspider species, edible
kakkayyaggudInf. ofkayyaggudadj1to be described as very goodKakkayyaggud hu ang-ang hedin himmabung.The umbrella tree is beautiful when it blooms.Kakkayyaggud ni peteg hu ung-ungbal tan nangkukkuyyugan tan nekidaydayawan tad Tempol…(Psalm 55:14)How wonderful (lit. very good) our talking-together was while we walked to join in worshipping at the Temple...8.3.7Good2to be evaluated as better than another thing; betterTo have the meaning of 'better than', the word must co-occur with the conjunctions nem ya.Kakkayyaggud eya la-lu ni kinapyam nem ya kinapyan Teodore.The pestle that you made is better than the one Teodore made. God or a person to be holy“Mahapul ni kakkayyaggud kayu, tep hi-gak e hi Apu Dios ey kakkayyagguddak ni peteg.” (1 Peter 1:16b)You must be holy, because I, God, am holy.
kaklangva tiny sound when something is dropped2.3.2.2Sound
kakmegtransto do something that makes a thudding sound, e.g., footsteps, socking someoneNakka um-eneeneng ay pinhakkeyey kinakmeg tud beneg ku duntuk ey makaggeh.I was keeping silent and suddenly he socked me (with a thudding sound) on my back and it was painful.Antan tu kenakmeg hu patut mu hedin kaka mandellan tep kamakadngel di kad-an da ey metukkal ida.Don't make thudding sounds with your shoes when you walk because it can be easily heard there and they will be disturbed (lit. sleepless).Simkaktang2.3.2.3Types of sounds-en/-in-
kaktangstasound of the dropping of marbles or stones; sound of wood being choppedAntan tu kenaktang idan eya bulinsik di det-al tep ay kamempappaliteng.Don't be dropping those marbles on the floor because they are very noisy.Heni ya lad eyad dugu hu nangngelan kun nekaktangan etan ni inggah mu.As if it was at the corner when I heard the sound of what you dropped.Immen daka deddengelan kamekakkaktang di muyung ni heni tektek ni wahay.I am hearing a sound like the sound of an ax chopping in the forest.Attu petek ni kakekakkaktangin teng-il?Where is the direction of the sound of stones dropping?Simkakmegme-/ne-Class 6D Descriptives
kakulugander. ofkulugnomthe truth of somethingNem ya kakulugan tu, ey netagwan hi Jesus Christo. (1 Corinthians 15:20a)But the truth is, Jesus was resurrected.
kalabtransto climb something, e.g., a treeAntan ampankalakalab tep um-geh.Don't go climbing because you will fall.Hipalli an kimmalab ni lumban ay udan?Who went to climb the pomelo tree yet it is raining?Na-gahan ulu tun pangan keyew tep tuwak katattangawan nakka pampenellabi.A branch fell on him because he was looking up at me when I was climbing.Ingkalab tu kunud tawang ni tu neagalban ni baley dan hilong.He climbed through the window when he climbed their house during the night.Simkalengitkamit7.2.2.4Move up-an/-in- -an
kalahnthrush, disease of mucous lining of the mouth and tongue, mostly seen in babies2.5.2Disease
kalang1nnoiseThe word kalang refers to human noise only and not any other noise.Endi kamedngel ni kalang idan u-ungnga tep immineng ida law.There is no noise that can be heard from the children because they are now quiet.Class 2E Vocal sounds expressing feeling2vto make noiseIda kaumkalkalang ni nebuteng di baley di Jose.The drunk people are making noise at Jose's house.Hipa kakellakellangiddan tuud dimmun?What are the people there being noisy about?Simngala of soundsum-/-imm-
kalattransto bite e.g., dog; to sting, e.g., insectsKillat ni ahhu hi Tomas.A dog bit Tomas.Antan pandaladalan ni hileng tep wada umkalat ni uleg.Don't roam around during the night because there are snakes that will bite.Antan tayu pansiwiswi ahhu tep umkalat.Don't tease dogs because they will bite you.Killat tuwak ni uleg ey ekket ni metteyak.I was bitten by a snake and I almost died.Ingkalat tud ulpu tu.It bit his thigh.Kantuy ag tu kellata ey kinlat tu kaya.He said it won't bite him yet it bit him.Killat ni uleg etan ahhu mi et matey.The snake bit our dog so it died.Dinggeh kun hambulun hu negaltan da-ak ni ahhuda et nakka umguguhu tep aggak mangunu.I suffered for one month when their dog bit me and I was mad because I cannot work.Kami nekihalud ni nunman ey kilkillat dakemin tukkan dallin ey ad dakami pehgep idan bii.We went serenading a long time ago and the mosquitoes had been biting us outside yet the girls won't let us go inside.Agtun hekey iggibek kaumkalat ni kiteb hedin neugip.He does not feel the bedbugs that bite if he is asleep.Simka-nut 3
kalbinna type of rifle4.8.3.7Weapon, shootLanguage of Borrowing: English: carbine
kalbittransto pull the trigger of a gunKinalbit ku etan pistol tu ey bimmeduk ay simmakut ida tuud bawang.I pulled the trigger of the pistol and it fired and the people inside were scared.Antan tu kenalkalbit eya tep entanni ey wada papan tu ey umbeduk.Don't be pulling the trigger of that gun because it might have a bullet and it will fire.Nakka umtenuttuyyun aggak pengalbitan tep kanku ngu nem tuu ay ulha gayam.I was repenting for not having fired (pulled the trigger) because I was thinking it was a person yet it was a wild pig., shoot-en/-in-Class 4B Tactile - Touch contact
kaldabintransfor fruit to ripenNangkaldaban ida law hu lameh ni bayya-ba.The guava fruit is now ripening. fruitmaN- -an/naN- -an
kalebanthe wax cells built by honeybees to store honey; honeycombYad kaleba ni putsukan hu kakelpuin lilin.It is from honeycomb where beeswax comes from.6.4.4Beekeeping
kalebut1na building for confining lawbreakers; jail; prisonYa nakka pengituttudduin meippanggep nan Jesus hu gaputun nebangkilingannak eyad kalebut. (Ephesians 6:20a)My continual teaching about Jesus is the reason I am chained here in jail.6.5.1Building2vto be kept in prisonNem yan neikelabutan Peter ey kaiddasadasaliddan kamengullug nan Jesus ma-lat ippaptek Apu Dios. (Acts 12:5)While Peter was kept in prison, believers in Jesus continued praying so that God would protect him.
kalengitintransto climbHelipat-im eya u-ungnga tep umkalengit ali mewan eman di keyew et man-e-gah.Be careful with that kid because he will climb the tree again and fall down.Simkalabkamit7.2.2.4Move upum-/-imm-Class 2A Movement from one place to another
kalesahntwo wheeled vehicle pulled by a horse; chariotDuring ancient times, chariots were used for transportation or war. Kalesahs, in earlier times, were used in cities such as Manila for transportation.Kantuy “Heninnuy ali pehding ni mampatul ni hi-gayu. Pansindalu tulli edum ni lalakkin u-ungnga yu, et ya edum ey manmanehoh ni kalesah ni meussal di gubat.” (1 Samuel 8:11b)(Samuel warned the leaders of Israel who wanted to have a king to rule over the people of Israel and) he said, “The person who will rule over you as king will do like this. He will make some of your sons serve him as soldiers, and some of them will drive chariots to be used in war.”

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