kulugtransto believe somethingEleg da kulluga hi Amanda tep hin-addum ni beken ni makulug ni emin hu tuka e-ehela.They do not believe Amanda because sometimes what she says is not all true.Nem neitudek ida huyya ma-lat kulugen yu e hi Jesus hu pinutuk Apu Dios ni mengippaptek ni tuu niya ma-lat kulugen yu e hi-gatu hu U-ungngan Apu Dios et meidwatan kayun biyag ni endi pappeg tu tep ya yuka pengullug ni hi-gatu. (John 20:31)But these things are written so that you will believe that Jesus was appointed by God to care for people and so that you will believe that he is the Son of God and so you will be given life without end because you are believing in him. 4E Perception and cognitioninf.impakulugkakulugankamengullugmakulugpakulugpangulug