atung1procwarm; to become warm, a person or weatherNambalwasin mahdel ey immatung annel tu et kamanlilinget.He wore thick clothes and he became warm and was perspiring.Nemahig atung ni danum tep neka-init.The water is very warm because it was heated.antketel 1um-/-imm-Class 2G Processes2transto burn someone or something; to be burnedHipa impangetung dan hi-gam eman ni nampapan dakan Hapon et ilaw dakad Bolog?What did they use to burn you when the Japanese captured you and brought you to Bolog?Neatungan nak ni apuy et ilaw da-ak di Kiangan ni kalima.I was burned by fire so they brought me to Kiangan last Friday.Kele muka ettuettungi eya kakkawwa ey pi-yew kunu tep kutun baley?Why are you burning that spider and it is taboo because they are the louse of the house?5.5.4BurnimpaN-, ne- -an