heniadv.predencodes a comparison; to be like or similar to another person or thingYa ehel ni kayyaggud ni tuu ey heni hebwak ni kapan-ehhulin innumen ma-lat tumegu ita. (Proverbs 10:11a)The words of a good person are like a spring that continuously provides water to drink so that we may live.Ya kabbabbal ni ehel ey heni danum ni putsukan e malumi-ih. (Proverbs 16:24a)Kind words are like honey that is sweet.“Emin tuu ey heni helek e kamekpit ni netey. Ey emin hu kakeiddeyyawin tuu ey henin habung ni helek e hedin nakpit, man endi law, tep kame-gah. Nem ya ehel Apu tayu ey mannananeng ni ingganah.” (1 Peter 1:24b-25)All people are like a flower of grass, if it dries, it is no more, for it falls. But the word of our Lord endures forever.”Simingehpaddung 1Pronoun forms are often attached to this word when comparing referents to other things, e.g henidda, heni-ak. involving correspondenceshanneyahannimanhannitanhenillihenin