hebut1nslave; slaveryHumman ida Jews ni nalpud simbaan di Cyrene niyad Alexandria e ida kameingngadnin Himbut ni Neliblih di kinahimbut da. (Acts 6:9b)These Jews were from the synagogue in Cyrene and Alexandria who were named Slaves who were set Free of their slavery. be enslavedTep hi-gak hu Ap-Apu e Dios yun nengihwang ni hi-gayud neihbutan yud Egypt. (Psalm 81:10a)Because I am the Lord, your God who saved you from your slavery in Egypt.Neihbut ida law edum ni bibi-in u-ungnga mi, nem endi katteg dammutun pehding mi tep neibelal ni emin hu puyek mi. (Nehemiah 5:5b)Our young girl children have already become enslaved, but we cannot do anything about it because all our land has been mortgaged. nei-, nei- -anhimbutneihbutneihbutan