dukkeytransto lengthen or extend an object or timeDinukkey tun walun piyeh.He lengthened it by eight feet.Yan nunman ni aggew ey ippidwa tu mewan ni mansapatah nan Apu Dios niya dukkeyen tu mewan bewek tu. (Numbers 6:11b)On that day, he must renew his vow to God and let his hair grow long again.Et yan manggillig ni pengipatnulan da ey dukkeyen da ey eleg da sikkesikkeda. Hedin dingngel yu humman mandidihhan kayun umtekuk. (Joshua 6:5a)And the last time they blow-the-horn, they should make it longer, without stopping (to take a breath). When they hear it, they should all shout together at the same time.antheked8.2.2Long8.2.2.2Tall-en/-in-Class 4A Changes the structure of an object andukkeykadinukkeyneduddukkey