agi1nsibling; brother or sister; cousinYadda etan han-aaggi ey nambi-ki da balwasi dan degeh ni nemnem da. (Genesis. 44:13) The brothers tore their clothes in sorrow., sister2transto count someone, other than a biological relative, as a sibling,Kaeggian ama hi inetu tep han-agid ametun nan hi inan ama.My father counts her mother as his cousin because her father is the brother of my father's mother.Ag dakemi eggian hi-gada tep beken kamin baknang.They don't count us as their relatives because we are not rich.Abulut yun pan-eggi yu henin yuka pengebbulutin edum ni kamengullug nan Apu Jesus Christo, (Romans 16:2)You should accept her as your sister like you accept other believers in the Lord Jesus Christ.-an/-in- -an, pan-aaggikaegiegineiegi