tamtam1ntaste, kinds of tastes, e.g., sour, bitter, sweet, deliciousYa pait ey humman hu tamtam ni eleg malutun guggullu.Sour is the taste of an unripe orange.Ya tamtam ni kennen ni tuu ey bimmaklang di tamtam ni kennen ni killum. The taste of human food is different from the taste of pig’s food.2transto taste somethingMu tamtami etan indaddan dan kennen.Go and taste the food that they prepared.Sinamtaman da ey kayyaggud law hu tamtam tu. (2 Kings 4:41c)They tasted it and the taste is now good.2.3.3Taste-an/-in- -an3transan extended figurative meaning is one can taste trouble, e.g. to get what one deservesThe figurative extended meaning expresses the idea that one can deserve punishment for an action.Tamtami yu tep eleg kayu mengu-unnud ni tugun ku.You deserve what you got for not obeying my advice.