Browse Kope - English



maopainvariety of sago
maoꞌoraadjnearly ripe, used for most fruit, but not for nipa or coconut
mapacfkamukionskirt, traditional grass skirt for women, longer than kamukio and covers sides as well as front and back. hete mapaunspec. comp. formntraditional grass skirt with colours and shell decorations for dancing and celebrations titi mapaunspec. comp. formntraditional grass skirt for everyday wear, with colours but no shells for decorationtiti tiato mapaunspec. comp. formntraditional grass skirt worn during times of mourning, with no colours or shells, stored in an iri above the fire to preserve it when not needed.
mapeanboat, shipMea-ha ita oidio mapeai-da, mabu tibiri auboi geema-ka.You must be careful and stay in the boat, because the ocean waves are big.
mapeentree species with very small seeds
mapon1tailGero'oi aiha poo'u, pusi mapoi-da po'omuai.Therefore the rat came, and pulled on the cat's tail. of small animals2back part of canoe Raarai peei mamei-da ioo'a, mapoi-da ioo'a, ka iro'umoi-da himioi-ro Pararoa ipi-da pirimaho. Rarai pei mamei-da ioo'a, mapoi-da ioo'a, ka iro'umoi-da himioi-ro Pararoa ipi-da pirimaho.
mapo-horon1rump (on pig or similar animal)2tail bone
mapo-mutintail (on crab)
maraameemptiness in a community
marakakinspiderMarakaki ruu otoi reto'a-reto'a mia retoa atai-re reto'a atai-reika. Ruu tupi kehibuo-ka, ruu iiho du raarai motoi-da imeꞌedio-ka.The spider has four legs on one side, and four on the other. Its body is small and it catches its food in its web., spider's web1.6.1.7Insect
maraꞌinspotted eagle ray (Aetobatus narinari)
mare geroꞌonspecies of rat, small spiny rat(rattus steini)
marinsmile, laughAaꞌo didimoi moo mari rautu obodi-ka.At that moment I appeared with a great big smile.
marioLHLnlarge birds of prey, including eagles (Gurney's Eagle), ospreys (Eastern osprey) and kites (Brahminy kite)
mariotancassava, tapioc
maroboGoWdial. var. ofodoꞌimi
maroinspecies of banana that is short growing with a red fruit
marunneck2.1Bodyunspec. comp. formtuu-marutuu
mataenspecies of plant that grows to 2-3m, with white flowers. The fruit is used as a medicine for dogs, to make them wild so they'll kill a pig. The plan it very strong, with wood that will bend and not break, and is used to make traps for pigs, birds, bandicoots etc
mate1nplant sucker, young shoots of a new plantMoo iohu hepui oaduꞌoi raꞌai hepu hiꞌai ma omabai-ri, raara matei upi-ha ma apoꞌoumoi-ri.I make compost in order to enrich the soil, so that plants will grow healthily in it. Raara matei iaꞌa hauꞌii-daka.He was looking after the seedlings in the field.6.2Agriculture
mate2nblack bird of paradise with two tail feathers up to 1 metre long, magnificant bird of paradise
matinplaceMoo mati eito roo odai aꞌai bia.You cannot go to my place.Epui-da roo-ro mati ai-poiaꞌai.First you must clear the bush.8.5.4Areacomp.hua-matihuaunspec. comp. formkomo matikomo
matiecfgaidebiubana song of mourning, sung both before and after the burial, different tune to gaidebi and uba