Browse Kope - English



tomutetenpeg used to attach sago bag (abea) to frond base (momo) when making sago
tooto1advnearly, ready to, on the edge of happeningMihai-ro ooꞌu tooto aꞌai.The rain is ready to come.Ara dubui atara aroi tooto aꞌai.The man is about to shoot something.Ihiai tooto-ha paꞌaiHe nearly died
tooto2nplatform; shelfMiro-ro aibau poꞌuiꞌo: tootoi tu-hapuo ititi aꞌai.This is what he came up with: he would build 10 platforms.
topenblade of paddle7.
topin1belly; stomachRuu topi iha riboi. Omera hiꞌai hato podoi peei eito.Now her stomach was very heavy. She carefully went down to the canoe.Roo-ro moo kimai-da ai-aromioi-da, peei-da aromia, moo topi aupai-ka.When you catch me with a line and put me in the canoe my belly will swell.2pregnantOobo gaaꞌu ata topi rautu poroaꞌoia.One woman was pregnant.Turia-ha goꞌoto ubii iahiꞌiaimoi-ka, aaꞌo topi ooboi emeheaimoi-ka.All the village people paddled away; only the pregnant woman was left behind.2.1Body
topoadjsweetMeimei: ruu geega-ka, topo-ka, mia ruu rio boroio-ka.The pineapple: it is large, sweet, and its inside is yellow.Kamara: ruu tamai ami'a oratoti, boroio, rio ruu topo hiꞌa-ka, roo-ro uuhoi-da.The sweet potato: some of them have purple skins, or yellow, and they are very sweet when you eat them.2.3.3Taste
topo dubainsugar banana, imported variety of banana that grows quickly, is small, and is sweet.
toti1nsapruꞌa totitree sapdu totisago sap
totobesp. var. oftotoobe
totohe1nstud in a house frame6.5.2.6Foundation
totohe2ntype of snail shell
totomuLHLn1instructions on how to live wellMoo abeai totomu made amoroaduꞌuti moo piroha emidioi-ka.When my father gives me advice, I sit quietly and listen to him.3.5.1Say2preach
totoobeHHLLsp. var.totobentongue2.1Body
toutuadvtomorrowDoꞌou-hora ka. Toutu moo buꞌi odai raꞌai umui rautu.Today is for resting. Tomorrow I will go hunting in the bush with the dogs.8.4Time
toutuaadva time after tomorrow8.4Time
toꞌonheap, pileMoo-ro hiiro go'ota to'o romomoohi. I am heaping many coconuts for you.
tusp. var. oftuu
tuahapronone, nothing, not there, emptyKa moo ubii rautu irooꞌui-da, boomoi tuaha-ka.I came back with some people, but the pig was not there.Oio meree ata Kikori oo Baimuru-ito odau ato, hito ma eꞌai ruu tui-da, tuaha-ka.If a young person is going to Kikori or Baimuru, and you look to see if they have a hito bag, none of them will.Kiauka motoi muioiharo aiꞌiai-ri, pimahumai, ruꞌai-da tuaha ha pimeꞌa.Then because the house seemed to have no one in it she checked all the rooms and found them empty.8.1.1Number
tuairunspecies of catfish with a small sharp mouth, swims in a group, colour of a dusty blackboard, found around Ubuo and Mira Goiravi rather than near coast
tuhaitoadjempty handedImotiodoaimo araimai tuhaito-ha.They send him back, emptyhanded.
tuhapuosp. var. oftuu-hapuo