=dapostin (a container or place); from (a container); from (a place); through (a person); with (a tool); when.Paidubui mereei ai-emidio moo kaukai-da.God's son lives in my heart.Ruu-ro himioi-da iamotoai-ka himioi-ro ma iamai-ri.She spread them out in the sun to dry.Ka ida podai umui pitoi emeꞌai motoi-da.Then the dog decided to go and check on the cuscus in the house.Ruu-ro du amuo retoa hitoi-da iahiꞌi-ka.He took out two sticks of dry sago from his basket.Rimo odai-ka Miaꞌogomai goꞌotoi-da Iraua.We went from Mia'ogoma to Inaua.Paidubui ruu mereei-da, roo taꞌi ta-paꞌai, roo ruu meree-ka.God, through his son paid your price, so you belong to him.Umui odai-ka imi eidai-ka hepatoi imi-da orotohiti-ka.The dog went and got some string, and tied his ears back with the string.Adimoi rimo goꞌotoi-da pirimati bomoi uhoi-da.In the village that evening when the sun was setting we were eating that pig.

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