p-vpfxpast tense, a prefix that goes at the start of a verb to indicate that the action happened before yesterday. Tehata hiꞌai-ka, moo himia pirooꞌu, goꞌoto ata-to, pairai Veraibari.Recently I was coming back by myself from a village called Veraibari.Moo abeai piroha pooꞌui-da piroapuai.I did not see my father come up behind me and grab me by the right hand.Ruu-ro podau, boomoi imaiꞌia kaida, pooꞌu boomo rituoi rautu.He went off, killed a pig, and then came back with the dead pig.Abui omahoroi-ka irooꞌu tuiai gaꞌe hiꞌai-da, auo geemai aiha peibua.When I came to the middle of the river, a very big snake appeared.Irooꞌumoi-da Era-Kiti goꞌotoi taitai-da, iridiri aiha porodoꞌia.As we came up past Era-Kiti village the engine stopped working.Ata himioi moo obo oruꞌoi pirodoi-ka aro-ipi geemai ai-podudio.One day I went down to the river to wash where there was a big log floating there.Hibai tauo pooꞌu peei kekai-da podudio.The crocodile had already come, and was lying under the canoes.

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