himubo1himubôCebadj 1shortHimubo siya na tawo.He is a short person.Varianthamubo 1short2lowHimubo an iya grado sini na tuig.His grades this year are low.maghimubôv [c5] 1MAG- exp; -ON pat; -AN goal. shorten, become shortNano kay nagahimubo ini na pisi?Why is this rope becoming-shorter?2decrease, lower, drop in valueNaghimubo an prisyo san kopra.The price of copra has-decreased.magpahimúbòv MAGPA- act; PA-..-ON pat; MAPA- pat. humble, submitMagpahimubo ka, ayaw paghinambog.You humble yourself, do not be-boasting.pagpahimúbòn humilityHanga ako sa iya pagpahimubo.I admired his humility.

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