


papʰa³³🔊v.hide躲藏/duǒcáng/Compare 另见pahherpa pʰa³³
papʰa³³🔊v.run away/táo/Zzaexpor hal ddei leil ssu gex dae a; nael giedae yar yoxl pa teixl si a. 那个小偷被抓了,但是后来他又逃出去了。That thief was caught, but later s/he ran away again.Compare 另见patopa pʰa³³
paepʰæ³³🔊color颜色gray; light blue灰色/huī sè/Tarlodo ardoxr pae hal ddei leil ni lizoxrzoxr? 有点灰色的那个小白兔你喜不喜欢?Do you like that rabbit that is a bit gray?Zzugal mel bir kebal ngax mel leil ye, yar ddei me mel paelpae a. 麻雀比其他鸟小,它的毛是灰色的。The sparrow is smaller than other birds, its feathers are gray.Compare 另见alggorpaepae pʰæ³³
paedu pʰæ³³tɤ³³n.traditional headwear for elderly women consisting of a black strip of cloth which is wrapped around the hair包头布/bāo tóu bù/Mixbbaex su Loxrlamo mel qiuxlcei koxl loxr a mel, paedu neixl. 马游的彝族女人,到六十岁就包,包头布。When the women in Mayou turn sixty they wrap the "padu" (around their hair).
saejimo sæ³³tʃi³³mo³³
paemeir pʰæ³³me²¹n.back of the shoulder; very top of the back后背/hòu bèi/Eilni ngo sul cirke vaexr a, paemeir ddei sixlbaebaemo. 今天我写了很多字,后背麻麻的。Today I wrote a lot of Chinese characters, (so) the back of (my) shoulders are numb.leixrzixlpae ~ paepaemeir ~ paemeir ~ paezixlleixr.Compare 另见leixrzixlpaepaezixlleixrpaemeir pʰæ³³me²¹
paerpʰæ²¹🔊n.chaff/kāng/Almeixr nir a mel, paer cirke nir teixl lei ddo. 脱粒的时候,会有很多的糠。When threshing rice, a lot of chaff can be threshed out.1. The /paer/ 'chaff' is the thin covering that is blown off by the wind when grain is thrown in the air or dropped to the ground. The verb /paex/ is used to refer to the action of taking off a thick peel by hand. This is finer in texture than the /bexlze/.Compare 另见bexlzegelpaex
paer pʰæ²¹
paexpʰæ̠⁴⁴🔊1v.husk; peel/bō/Noxnibaex mel yargel ddei paex pixl a saelnei zzor cexr. 绿蚕豆要拨掉皮才能吃。The "greenbean" peel must be peeled before it can be eaten.1. The /paer/ 'chaff' is the thin covering that is blown off by the wind when grain is thrown in the air or dropped to the ground. The verb /paex/ is used to refer to the action of taking off a thick peel by hand./paer/ '糠' 是当谷类抛在空中时,被风所吹去掉在地上的薄薄的壳。/paex/ 字用于用手剥比较厚的皮。paex ~ si.2skinTarlodo seixl lel a mel, zzi paex nia. 杀兔子吃,需要剥皮。If a rabbit is killed to eat, (it) has to be skinned.Compare 另见lixrpaersexbex paexddusipaex pʰæ̠⁴⁴si sɿ³³
paexrpʰæ̠ʔ²¹🔊n.group; line/pái/Cir paexr ngier nr cexr a mel, nr paexr ngier ddo. 不可以站一排,可以站两排。If it is not possible to stand in one line, (you) can stand in two lines.1. It was reported that this word is not used in the village of ZhangJia.据说张家村那里不用此字。loan借词zael tsæ⁵⁵
paexrzipʰæ̠ʔ²¹tsɿ³³🔊n.name plate; sign牌子/páizi/No i ggie alddur mel leil mel arddolmaex arddolyox no i paexrzi ar ddei gaxl gex dae. 医院的门上都挂着哪里看什么病的牌子。On hospital doors is hung a sign with the location and department.1. It was reported that this word is not used in the village of ZhangJia.据说张家村那里不用此字。loan借词
paezixlleixrpʰæ³³tsɿ̠⁶⁶ɮe̠ʔ²¹🔊n.shoulder/jiān/Capor mel azo lerler bil a, daxrzzo sser a, paezixlleixr ddei sser a bil. 男人挑什么东西的时候,用扁担,在肩上挑。When men carry things, using the shoulder pole, they use their shoulders to carry (them).leixrzixlpae ~ paemeir ~ paezixlleixr.Compare 另见leixrzixlpaepaemeirpaezixlleixr pʰæ³³tsɿ̠⁶⁶ɮe̠ʔ²¹
pahherpʰa³³ɣɯ²¹🔊v.hide; shelter; take cover躲藏/duǒcáng/Ngo yar ake hormo boxl ssi a lei, yar mel pahher dae a, ngo yar leil nr mia. 我去了他家好记次,他都躲着, 我没有看见他。Though I went to his/her house many times, s/he hid, (and) I didn't see him/her.Xigex ar ddei daxr a, merni lexl car, halmaex pahher cexr. 搭一个木棚,太阳的时候,可以躲在那里。If (you) set up a shack, when the sun is shining, in that place (you) can shelter (from the sun).1. This word is not for hiding an object; that word is /kerzi/ 'hide'. 此字不用于隐藏物件,那种情况要用 /kerzi/。pahher ~ pa.Compare 另见kerzipapahher pʰa³³ɣɯ²¹
patopʰa³³-tʰo³³🔊v.escape; run away逃脱/táo tuō/Zzaexpor hal ddei zzaegu ker ssi a, pato wo a. 那个小偷去偷东西,逃脱了。That thief stole some things, (and) escaped.Cirmaex-hanga lei ca yarzi miur a, yar pato wo nr xie a. 到处人都很多,他逃脱不了了。Everywhere there are lots of people, s/he can't escape.The /-to/ part of this word is a Mandarin Chinese loanword ( 'ascape')./pato/ 中的 /-to/ 来自汉语的‘脱’。pato ~ beixtoCompare 另见beixtopapato pʰa³³-tʰo³³
paxpʰa̠⁴⁴🔊v.knock off with a stick; poke or push in with something/tiāo/Yar leil bberzzi ar ddei maex deix dae a, yar pax pixl gger a. 他身上爬着一个虫,他把它挑掉了。A bug climbed on him/her, (so s/he) knocked it off.Aniux hal ddox baxlaxr sser nr var seir a, yarma yar leil almeixr pax zol dae. 那个孩子还不会用碗,他妈妈在挑饭给他吃。That child can not use a bowl yet, (so) his/her mother feeds him/her (by putting the food in (his/her mouth) with chopsticks or a spoon).If you brush something off with your hand the verb used is /to/. If the verb /pax/ is used, the action is done with some kind of instrument.表示用棍子将某物击落。用手将某物拍落则用 /to/。; 注意:与第一个例子类似,这是指用筷子或调羹喂小孩子。(使用某些器具而作的动作)。Compare 另见topax pʰa̠⁴⁴
paxl pʰa̠⁶⁶adj.fat/pàng/Capor hal ddei ardoxr paxl arnar, yar yarzi worni. 那个男人虽然有点胖,但他很有力量。Although that man is a bit fat, he is very strongloan借词Compare 另见paxldeildeilxiupaxlpaxl pʰa̠⁶⁶
paxldeildeil pʰa̠⁶⁶te⁵⁵de⁵⁵adj.fat/pàng/Zzaegu zzor miur a mel, paxldeildeilmo loxr var. 东西吃多了,会变成胖胖的。If a lot of food is eaten, (one) will get fat.It is rude to refer to a person using this term. It is possible to say /ca paxldeil/ 'fat person' but it is rude.Compare 另见paxlpaxldeildeil pʰa̠⁶⁶te⁵⁵de⁵⁵
paxlpaxl pʰa̠⁶⁶pʰa̠⁶⁶adj.fat胖胖/pàngpàng/Veixr hal nrnel paxlpaxl ddei ni ddei a ngo? 那俩头胖胖的猪是你的?Is the fat one of those two pigs yours?paxldeildeil pʰa̠⁶⁶te⁵⁵de⁵⁵
paxrpʰa̠ʔ²¹🔊CLF (measure word)plate (of food)盘(吃的)/pán (chī de)/Capor hal ddei, cirmuzil a, hor ar paxr zzor ji a. 那个男人,一个人,吃了一盘肉。That man, by himself, ate a whole plate of meat.1. This is a classifier loanword for the noun 'plate'. It is referring to the amount of food; not to the plate itself. Normally the people do not use plates; they use bowls, but plates are beginning to be used.loan借词paxr pʰa̠ʔ²¹
paxrpʰa̠ʔ²¹🔊v.cultivate; plant/zhòng/Nia mi hormosael ardoxr paxr dae seir? 你们还种着多少地?About how many fields have you planted?This is only used in the sense of planting a field. If a person is talking about planting some individual plant--"I am going to plant flowers in my back yard."--then /dae/ 'plant' is used.Compare 另见daemipaxrsupaxr pʰa̠ʔ²¹
paxrpʰa̠ʔ²¹🔊v.ask a riddle问谜语/wèn míyǔ/Ngo ni leil zzirddar ar ddei paxr, ni cae teixl lei xie xie? 我问你一个谜语,你能不能猜出来?I am going to ask you a riddle, are you able to guess?paxr pʰa̠ʔ²¹
pepʰɯ³³🔊v.flow/liú/Arni yaa veixr seixl a, sirnilni mel lei pe pixl a. 昨天他们杀猪,血都流掉了。Yesterday they killed ̈(a) pig, (and the) blood flowed away.Almer lei vaer a, ajjix lei pe dae a. 下了大雨,水都淌着了。It rained hard, all the water began to flow.This is a different than /pex/ 'splatter'.此字与 /pex/ 'splatter 喷' 不同。Compare 另见copexsixrvaexrworpe-vilaxco tsʰo³³
pepʰɯ³³🔊v.untie/jiě/Capor mel halae zzeir jix pe nia seir, jix pe ho a saelnei zzo zzor. 男人还要解驮,解了驮才吃饭。The man still needs to untie the load from the animal, it has to be untied (and put away) before (he) can eat.Baezo eil zex ngo pe kae nr xie. 这根绳子我解不开。I can't untie this rope.Niur ddei leil sixzzei leil neixl gex dae a; ni pe kae gger ssi. 牛被拴在树上了;你去把它解开。The cow is tied to a tree; go untie (it).Compare 另见pe kaeco tsʰo³³
peddurpʰɯ³³dv̩²¹🔊n.large barrel shaped basket made of bamboo竹子做的装粮食的筐/zhúzi zuò de zhuāng liángshí de kuāng/Loxrlapor mel peddur ddei gga cei saer ji. 彝族人在"peddur"里面放谷子。The Central Yi people put the un-husked rice seed in the "peddur" basket.Compare 另见leixrni peddurleixrni zilkur
peddur pʰɯ³³dv̩²¹
pei pʰe³³adj.spicy/là/Pei no halmel zzor a mel, giel lei ddux lei var. 吃辣的那些会出汗。When eating those spicy things, it will make (you) sweat.Ngo mel peisirsir halmel yarzi zzor meixr. 我很喜欢吃辣的那种。I like to eat spicy things.Compare 另见peisirsirpei pʰe³³
peisirsir pʰe³³sɿ²¹sɿ²¹adj.spicy/là/Compare 另见peipeisirsir pʰe³³sɿ²¹sɿ²¹
peixpʰe̠⁴⁴🔊v.match配套/pèitào/Vixlux naexr a, aga gga saesae naexr a, yarqierbbaer nilni naexr a saelnei peix hoxr. 绣花,中间绣黄色的,边边绣红色的才配套。When embroidering flowers (on Yi clothing), the inside is embroidered yellow (and) the edge is embroidered red in order for it to match correctly.loan借词peix pʰe̠⁴⁴