


zzerdzə²¹adj.emotionally stirred up惊动/jīngdòng/Vaervaerpor ddei ngau kax gga lei a, ca cirkax-lorbba zzer du lei a.领导来我们村,全村人都惊动了。When the ruler returned to the village, every person in the village was emotionally stirred up.Compare 另见zzilzzil-zzerzzerzzerdzə²¹
zzerzzelzzerdzə²¹dzə⁵⁵dzə²¹adv.(strong feeling of anger)(发火时的强烈的感觉)/fāhuǒ shí de qiángliè de gǎnjué/Yar ngo ddei beizi taex zuax xiaxr gger a, ngo nixmox zzar zzerzzelzzer seifu faex.他把我的杯子打坏了,我心里"zzerzzelzzer"的发火。S/he broke my cup, (so) in my heart I felt very angry.zzerzzelzzerdzə²¹dzə⁵⁵dzə²¹
zzexrdzə̠ʔ²¹🔊n.Chinese Prickly Ash花椒/huājiāo/Zzexr zzei mel leil alcur niar dae, zzexr saer a mel nael var lu a, ji dax cexr.花椒树上有刺,花椒是炒菜时放的。Thorns grow on the Chinese Prickly Ash, but the fruit from the Chinese Prickly Ash, when stir-frying vegetables, can be added in.zzexrdzə̠ʔ²¹
zzezzedzə³³dzə³³🔊adv.until; up to为止/wéizhǐ/Yaa miar bei a, eilni zzezze a bei ci a; arggeni yaa dder ake jjixr du a.他们工作, 工作到今天为止;明天他们就要回家了。They have worked, doing it until today; tomorrow they go home.Compare 另见hozzezzezzedzə³³dzə³³
zzidzɿ³³🔊n.city城市/chéngshì/Zzi mel vaervaer lei zza, yelye lei zza; ngua hher dae zzi ddei mel, nr vaer nr ye ar ddei a.城市有大的,有小的;我们住的这个城市是个不大不小的。There are big cities, there are also small (ones); the city where we live, is not a big or small one.Compare 另见xiazzijiulzzimusuzzi dzɿ³³
zzidzɿ³³🔊alcoholic beverage; liquor /jiǔ/Compare 另见zzibbaerzzibbaerdzɿ³³bæ²¹
zzidzɿ³³🔊n.street街道/jiēdaò/Compare 另见zzijiulzzijiuldzɿ³³tʃʲo⁵⁵
zzidzɿ³³🔊v.encounter; meet遇见/yùjiàn/Arsaxl, ngo, ngo sul zza carbeix ar ddei dax zzi a; nael yar leil arsae mi ngo hol-nr-cir a.刚才我遇见了我的一个同学;但我忘了他叫什么名字。I just encountered a classmate, but I can't remember his/her name.The word /pex (dae)/ also means to meet someone or some situation by chance but the /zzi/ verb needs the /dax/ 'with' and the /pex (dae)/ does not./pex (dae)/ 此字的意思是巧遇某人或某些情境。但是 /zzi/ 需要与 /dax/ 'with 和' 一起用,而 /pex (dae)/ 则不需要。Compare 另见pexxiahorzzizzi dzɿ³³
zzidzɿ³³🔊v.hand someone something; pass someone something/dì/Zzaegu hal ddei ngo leil zzi gger ho a saelnei ni ake jjixr.把那个东西递给我以后你才回家。Hand me that thing before you return home.Ni sul ber cuaho peixl gga zzi gel la.你把书从窗户里递过来。Pass the book through the window to me.Compare 另见zzi ggerveive³³
zzidzɿ³³🔊v.melt溶化/rónghuà/Merni ddux lei a mel, mixpiugoxbax mel dder zzi var.太阳出来,冰块就会熔化。When the sun comes out, the ice will melt.jji dʒi³³
zzidzɿ³³🔊pron.each other; one another彼此/bǐcí/Arbbor nei aniux mel zzi dax yarzi seir.爸爸和孩子彼此的关系很好。(The) father and children have a good relationship with each other.Capor maerssor mel zzi leil perniar nia.丈夫妻子要彼此关心。Husband and wife should love one another.Zaezir eil nr zoxr mel, zzi dax kuaxkuax a nga.这两张桌子彼此一样宽。These two tables are each the same width with the other.Xi eil nr giex mel zzi dax zi naer dae.这两间房子彼此盖得很近。These two houses are built close together to each other.Compare 另见zzibbezzicarzzizziduzzidusuzzihiezzi dzɿ³³
zzidzɿ³³🔊adj.fault; mistake错误/zuòwù/Yar qihher ddei beino a mel ngo zzi a; yar ngo leil miar bei-nr-jjiu lei arddeirnga a mel, yar qihher ddei beino nr var a.她的脚受伤是我的错误;如果他不来帮助我的话,她的脚就不会受伤。His/her foot being injured was my fault; if s/he had not come to help me, his/her foot would not have been injured.zzi dzɿ³³
zzidzɿ³³🔊v.ride a vehicle坐车/zuò chē/Yar caezi zzi nr var a, olmi.她不会坐车子,头晕。S/he can't ride in a car, (it makes him/her) dizzy.Compare 另见cuxddi di³³
zzidzɿ³³🔊n.hide; pelt; skin/pí/Yar ddei qixnex zze mel niur zzi bei teixl lei, yarzi naxrcixl, yarzi perniar ar zze a.她的鞋子是用牛皮做的,质量很好,很贵。His/her shoes are made of cow hide, (they are) very high quality, (they are a) very expensive pair (of shoes).Ssormaer hal ddei bbecir-bbeni merni lexl doxr a, zzi lei lexl neix a.那个女人每天都晒太阳,皮肤都晒黑了。That woman was continually exposed to the sun every day, (and her) skin was (exposed to the) shining (sun until it became) black.For people /zzico/ or /zzi/ can be used for 'skin'. For animals, only /zzi/ or /sur/ 'leather' is used. The word /zzi/ 'leather' is the same as /sur/ 'leather'. They can be used interchangeably or they can be used together /sur zzi/.对于人来说,/zzico/ 或 /zzi/ 可以说是‘皮肤’。对于动物来说,只有 /zzi/ 或 /sur/ 才用来指‘皮’。/zzi/ 与 /sur/ 的意思一样,都是‘皮’。这两个字可以互换来用,也可以用在一起 /sur zzi/。Compare 另见hoxrseixlsurzzicojji dʒi³³
zzibbaerdzɿ³³bæ²¹🔊n.alcoholic beverage; liquor/jiǔ/Ngua mermi su ca mel loxlmoxr sser a, zzibbaer goxr.我们地方的人用粮食酿酒。The people where we are from use grain to brew liquor.zzibbaer ~ zzi.Compare 另见ddayixrddayixrboxrddayixrpaerhorhor-zzizzizzizzibbaer ddayixrboxrzziseixlzzibbaerdzɿ³³bæ²¹
zzibbaer ddayixrboxrdzɿ³³bæ²¹-da³³ʝi̠ʔ²¹po̠ʔ²¹🔊n.alcoholic; drunkard酒鬼/jiǔguǐ/Compare 另见ddayixrddayixrboxrzzibbaerzzibbaer ddayixrpordzɿ³³bæ²¹-da³³ʝi̠ʔ²¹pʰo²¹
zzibbedzɿ³³-bɯ³³🔊v.discuss商量/shāngliáng/Niul nrnel miar eil ddei arsae bei nia, arleixr zzibbe.我们俩商量一下,这件事该怎么做。Lets us two discuss how (we) should do this task.The /bbe/ by itself is only used for roosters.Compare 另见bbezzizzubbedzʮ³³-bɯ³³
zzicarzzidzɿ³³-tsʰa²¹-dzɿ³³🔊pron.each other互相/hùxiāng/Niul zzi dax goxr naer dae a mel, zzaegu sser loxr nr ddo a lei, zzicarzzi dax ngol cexr.咱们彼此住得近,东西不够用,也可以互相借。If we live near each other, though (we) don't have enough things to use, (we) can loan them to each other.Ca mu a mel, zzicarzzi leil beijjiu nia.做人要互相帮助。To behave properly, (you) need to help each other.Ni sul mel dol ggie nr zza a mel, zzicarzzi teixl leil dol deix cexr.你书没地方放了,可以放在彼此上面。If you don't have a place to put your book, they can be put on top of each other.Compare 另见zzizzicarzzidzɿ³³-tsʰa²¹-dzɿ³³
zzicodzɿ³³tsʰo³³🔊n.skin皮肤/pífu/Ngo leil altor caer dae a, zzico co caer teixl si a.我被刀子划着,皮都划出去了。(When) I was cut (with a) knife, a piece of skin was cut away.For people /zzico/ or /zzi/ can be used for 'skin'. For animals, only /zzi/ or /sur/ 'leather' is used. The word /zzi/ 'leather' is the same as /sur/ 'leather'. They can be used interchangeably or they can be used together /sur zzi/.对于人来说,/zzico/ 或 /zzi/ 可以说是‘皮肤’。对于动物来说,只有 /zzi/ 或 /sur/ 才用来指‘皮’。/zzi/ 与 /sur/ 的意思一样,都是‘皮’。这两个字可以互换来用,也可以用在一起 /sur zzi/。Compare 另见hoxrseixlsurzzijico dʒi³³tsʰo³³
zzicor-zzinoxldzɿ³³tsʰo²¹-dzɿ³³no̠⁶⁶🔊idiom习语argue loudly大吵大闹/dà chǎo dà nào/Yaa seifu faex a dder zoxlzoxl a zzicor-zzinoxl doxr, cirdoxr lei nr seir.他们生气就经常大吵大闹,一点都不好。The get angry and always argue loudly, there is nothing good about it.zzicor-zzinoxldzɿ³³tsʰo²¹-dzɿ³³no̠⁶⁶
zzideildzɿ³³-te⁵⁵🔊1v.fight打架/dǎjià/Capor hal ddei zzibbaer ddayixr a, zoxlzoxl a ca dax zzideil.那个男人酒喝醉了,经常和人打架。That man gets drunk, (and) always fights with (other) people.2wage war打仗/dǎzhàng/Halcar a, ca mel altor sser a, eil cir hal cir dax zzideil.以前的人用刀,这一群跟那一群打仗。In the past, people used swords, this group waging war with that group.Compare 另见deilzziguaxzzideildzɿ³³-te⁵⁵
zzideil-zzitodzɿ³³te⁵⁵-dzɿ³³tʰo³³🔊idiom习语fight打架/dǎ jià/Capor cirmelmel a leixl tor zzideil-zzito meixr.有一些男人年轻时喜欢打架。Some men when they are young like to fight.zzideil-zziddaexrdzɿ³³te⁵⁵-dzɿ³³dæ̠ʔ²¹
zzidixldzɿ³³-ti̠⁶⁶🔊idiom习语like; similar/xiàng/Yar mel yarbbor saelsael a zzidda-zziyixr eine bei doxr, yel si yar leil bbeixː "Ni niabbor zzidixl a."他像他爸爸一样喝酒就醉酒一直这样做,所以别人对他说:“你带了你爸爸的皮。”S/he was like his/her father and continually drank too much liquor and got drunk, so others said to him/her, "You wear your father's skin." (You are like your father.)/yarbbor/ is the combination of /yar-/ and /arbbor/; /niabbor/ is the combination of /nia-/ and /arbbor/. /yarbbor/ 是 /yar-/ 和 /arbbor/ 的组合词;/niabbor/ 是 /nia-/ 和 /arbbor/ 的组合词。This idiom is normally used in a negative sense.jjidixl dʒi³³-ti̠⁶⁶
zzidudzɿ³³-tɤ³³🔊v.animals with horns fighting; bullfight/dòu/Niur zzidu a mel, yarzi gexrddo; du wor nr xie hal ddei leil mel du zil gger lei. 斗牛的时候很害怕;斗不过的那个牛会被斗死。When bulls fight with their horns, it is very serious; the one who does not win the fight can be gored to death.Compare 另见duzzizzidu dzɿ³³-tɤ³³
zzidusudzɿ³³-tɤ³³-sʮ³³🔊n.bull-fighting bulls斗的/dǒu de/Ngo jjiumo car gga, niur zzidusu ar zze mia a, yel dder beix xixl lei a. 我在路上看到了一对斗牛的就跑回来了。While on the road, I saw a couple of fighting bulls, so I ran back (to where I was coming from).It was reported that this word is not used in ZhangJia village.据说张家村那里不用此字。Compare 另见=suduzzi