kɨ̂m2kɨ̂mvstop talkingKɨ̂m ə m pì.Stop talking let me say.kɨmekɨ́mêvbe quietKɨme! Ə kyənə ghò ò zɨə va a?Be quiet! Can't you hear that they are hushing you down?kɨmsekɨ́msêvappease, pacifyƏ ò fe ghɨghe chiə, ò kɨmsə ghənə.If you see people crying, appease them.kɨmtekɨ́mtêvcloseWùtwinə ətəyn ə njìə fo afɨa sê vəyn ə pìə nə è kɨmte kyi kə əvəyn agho se zaʼa kə è kwule nji ŋdɛ.The old man gave him something and asked him to hold it in his palm covered till he reached home.Ant.zhyase 1zhyàynse

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