
dangodaŋgópl.adangoFrom:AkanadankonrabbitLepus togolensisKofi dɛ adango yaɩ amʋ́ woyitɔ. Kofi is raising rabbits at their house.
gyabɛʤabɛʔ pl.agyabɛngreen bush squirrelParaxerus poensisGyabɛ tɛla isia. Squirrels make nests (in trees).cfɔtɛ2ground squirrel1.
klatɩklatɪ (H) pl.aklatɩngrass-cutter; cane ratMɩ agbla lakɩta klatɩ, aklatɩ amʋ bʋdɛ mɩ agbodi wɩ, sʋ nɛfɩnɩ amʋ́. My trap has caught a grass-cutter. Grass-cutters are eating my cassava so I trapped them.
klɔtɩbʋoduklɔtɪ́bʊódu(H)pl.aklɔtɩbʋoduntype of mouse with bushy tailKlɔtɩbʋodu bʋ ɔdwɛ dʋn kpasi.Klɔtɩbʋodu is sweeter than rat.
klɔtɩklɔtɪ́ pl.aklɔtɩnrat; mouseRattus rattusAndɔ amʋ ladʋ wie obu amʋ ikwitɔ. Ɔdɛ aklɔtɩ kɩta. The cat has climbed up into the rafters. He is catching mice.
kpasik͡pasiʔ(L) pl.akpasinbush ratThryonomys swinderianusKpasi ɔkʋ dɛ mɩ igyo wɩ. Sʋ nafɩnɩ mʋ kɩta mʋ. Mʋ odu bʋ swɩ. A certain bush rat is eating my yams, so I set a trap and caught him. His tail is long.
oklemgbeoklemg͡beʔ pl.nklemgbenshrew that lives in townOklemgbe tɔwɩ batɛ abi. A shrew always eats chicks.
ɔhanɔhãnflying squirrelƆtapʋ amʋ lɔmɔ ɔhan igye onye.The hunter killed a flying squirrel yesterday.
ɔtɛ2ɔ́tɛ(L) pl.ntɛ1nground squirrelXerus erythropusƆtɛ tokwi ɔbɔ. Olomoni dʋn gyabɛ. A Ground squirrel digs a hole. It is bigger than a tree squirrel.Ɔtɛ tɔwɩ kɩtɩba dʋbɩ.Ground squirrel eats groundnut too much.cfgyabɛsquirrel1.
ɔtsakpaɔt͡sak͡pa pl.ntsakpanbrush-tailed porcupine; commonly called 'hedgehog'Atherurus africanusƆtsakpa gyi fɛ klatɩ, tamɛ olomoni dʋn klatɩ, ɔtɔwɩ mankani ndɔtɔ. The hedgehog is like a grass-cutter but he is bigger than a grass-cutter, he eats cocoyam on the farm.
ɔwɩaɔwɪána type of rat that lives in hole in the ground1.