2.5.4. Disabled

ansibi obwiepʋansibi obʷiepʊ́pl.ansibi abwiepʋcomp. ofansibipl. ofnsibibwieɔ- -pʋnperson that cannot seeAnsibi obwiepʋ amʋ otse ɔsʋsʋ amʋ lawu.The man blind man staying at the top is dead.
bubu2bubuvto become a crippleYesu lɛtsa aha amʋʋ babubu mʋa ansibi abwiepʋ nɩ.Jesus healed people that were crippled and the blind.2.5.4Disabledder.obubupʋcripple
datudatuvnot able to walk wellOyin amʋ yabi dɛ mʋ ɔsɩn, mʋ́sʋ ɔdɛdatu nɩ.The leg of the man is paining him, therefore he is limping.2.5.4Disabled
gegyefegeʤefé(H)From:Ewegegyeven1a hunchbackGegyefe mʋ wie tamawun mʋ ɔma gegyefe, tamɛ otowun mʋ ba klɛ.The owner of a hunched back never sees his own hump, but he always sees his neighbours.7.1.8Bend down2.5.4Disabled2hump on the back of zebu cattle6.3.1.1Cattle1.6.2Parts of an animal
isutin1isutĩ́ pl.asutincomp. ofɩsʋtin1 11adj.deaf2.5.4.3Deaf2na deaf personIsutin tamanu asʋn. A deaf person never hears (words).Isutin ogyi.He is deaf.Abeku agyuma amʋʋ ɔlɔyɔ amʋsʋ a, alabwɛ isutin.Abeku has become deaf due to the work he did.
ɩbɩ kɛtsɛcomp. ofkɛtsɛkɛtsɛɩbɩ 1na crippled, withered hand8.2.1Small2.5.4Disabled2.1.3.1Arm
ɩbɔ2ɪbɔʔpl.abɔ2n1a cripple2.5.4Disabled2someone who could do something to help himself but won'tƖbɔ ɔbɛɛ, ɔdɛ mʋ sɩ mʋa mʋ yin nyɔ bua. Omeyin ánɩ́ mʋ okokonitɔ dɛta.The cripple says, he is helping father and mother not knowing that his buttocks are getting finished.
ɩfʋn wucomp. ofɩfʋn 3wu 5vto have a stroke2.5.4Disabled2.5.2Disease
kiki1kîːki pl.akiikineyeglassesOyin amʋ atɔ mawun wanklaan sʋ a, baha mʋ kiki bɛɛ otsia pʋ tin ansibi. The man does not see well, they have given him glasses and said he should always use them to make his eyes clear.Anɩtɔwa atadɩɛ, tamɛ anɩtetin kiki.We "wa" (wear) a shirt, but we "tin" (wear) eyeglasses.Adɔkɩtafɔ bʋtɛha aha kiki nɩ fʋ nsɩbi dɛ mʋ han.Doctors give people spectacles when their eyes are troubling them. eyesight5.4.1Jewelry2.3.1.9Something used to see
kɛtsɛkɛtsɛkɛt͡sɛkɛt͡sɛ adj.small or withered; not because it is young, but because something is wrong with itNdɛ nɔyɔndɔ; blɔdɩ kɛtsɛkɛtsɛ sɔɔn nenya. Today I went to farm; the plantains were all small; that's all I got.cfkusubismall8.2.1Small2.5.4Disabledcomp.ɩbɩ kɛtsɛwithered hand
kloklovto hunch over7.1.8Bend down2.5.4Disabled
muvto be mutecfomumumute2.5.4.4Mute
nsibi bwiehɛcomp. ofnsibibwie-hɛadj.to be blind2.5.4.1Blind
obubupʋobubúpʊder. ofbubu2ɔ- -pʋna cripple2.5.4Disabled
omumuomúmuʔ(H) pl.amumunmuteOmumu ogyi. Ɔtamatɔɩ. He is a mute; he never speaks.Omumu-gyi-omumu tɔkɔsɩ nya ɔblɔ.Every mute, becomes angry quickly.cfmumute2.5.4.4Mute
oyi yiahɛoyiːyahɛcomp. ofoyi 2yia 4-hɛna cane or walking stick7.2.1.5Walk with difficulty2.5.4Disabled
sʋtinsʊtĩ́ʔndeaf person2.5.4.3Deaf
takɩnatakɪnávto stop growing because of adverse circumstancesƖfá amʋ noswie amʋ latakɩna tsufɛ nyankpʋ medetswie.The plant I planted has stopped growing because it is not raining.Ɔsʋlʋ amʋ ma alɛ sʋa, atɔ amʋʋ naswie amʋ fɛ́ɛ́ latakɩna.The land is not good and so all the things that I have planted are not growing., not tall2.5.4Disabled
tsukʋlɛ osinpʋt͡sukʊlɛ osínpʊpl.tsukʋlɛ asinpʋcomp. oftsukʋlɛ 1comp. oftsu2 1ɩkʋlɛsin 1ɔ- -pʋnsomeone who is sick and unable to go outƆlɔpʋ amʋ ɩlɔ amʋ laha mʋ alamli tsukʋlɛ osinpʋ.The sick person's illness has caused him to be a person who stays in one place.2.5.4Disabled
wa agyoloocomp. ofwa2 5agyoloovto tell a riddle2.5.4.3Deaf