
hɩɛ nsʋhɪɛ nsʊFrom:Akanɔhyeɛ, bɔ hyɛcomp. ofhɩɛ 3nsʋv1to take note of someone or somethingHɩɛ ɩnʋ nsʋ.Take notice of that place.Oyin anfɩ lesia mɩ sʋ nahɩɛ nsʋ.This man insulted me so I have marked him (I'll remember him).Baka ɔbwɩ amʋ ɩsʋ pʋ hɩɛnsʋ. They have cut the animal's ear to mark it.cfplebi 2mark3.1.2.2Notice2plan by yourself or with another person6.1.2.5Plan
tokukʋlɛtokukʊlɛn1nothing againTokukʋlɛ gyi abɛ́kɩ ánɩ́ nyebi bayɔ ndɔtɔ.The only thing is, we have to see to it that the children go to farm. one thing