
ahinlaahinlá(H) der. ofahin-lanthings that cause annoyance; teasing in such a way as to make someone angryAba ahinla bwɛ ma alɛ, tsufɛsɛ, ɩtɔpʋ ɩkɔ ba. Teasing each other is bad because it brings fighting.Amʋ́ aba ahinla bwɛ lapʋ ɩkɔ ba. Their annoying each other has brought fighting.
dʋdʋʋdʋdʊ́dʊ́ːdʊ́adv.too many; so many that it annoys8.1.3.1Many, much9.3.1.1To a large degree3.
fʋmfʊ́m vto offend someoneNɩ nafʋm fʋ a, kokoli si kie mɩ. If I have offended you please forgive me.
gyibiʤibivcry over nothingKebi amʋ degyibi tsufɛ mʋ yin dɛ ɔmɛ wa mbla ha mʋ osi gyibi.The child is crying because his mother is pregnant and has ordered him to stop crying for nothing., tear3.
han1hãʔ (L) vto disturb olr trouble someoneƆma ha mʋ́ ɩhan mʋ. He shouldn't let it disturb him.Fʋ dɛpʋ fʋ woyitɔ asʋn han mɩ dʋbɩ.You are disturbing me with your family problems too much.Owisʋ dɛ mɩ han. Malaria is troubling me.Fowi oyikplu atɔ a, ɩtɛhan mʋ dʋbɩ, tsufɛ mʋ ɛ otowi aha atɔ. If you steal a thief's things it troubles him a lot because he also steals peoples things.
ɩklʋntɔ kpitiiɪklʊ̃tɔ k͡pitiːcomp. ofɩklʋn2 2-tɔ 2kpitiinto be exremely angry at; to hate3.4.2.3Angry3., detest
ɩnyɩnɪɲɪ̃ʔ (H) n1rageƆblɔ lɛkɩta mʋ; sʋ ɔlɔwa ɩnyɩn. He became angry (Anger caught him). He was raging.Ɩlɔ amʋ lawa ɩnyɩn. The sickness has gotten very serious.comp.wa ɩnyɩnbe aggressive
kpata1k͡pátá(H) v1to placate an angry personAhanden amʋ benya ɔblɔ mʋ sʋ. Sʋ ɔlɔhɔ kufa pʋ́ nta yɔkpata amʋ́. The elders were angry because of him. So he bought a sheep and wine and went and pacified them. peace2to separate two people who are fightingNyebi amʋ bu dɛ kɔ, sʋ yɔ kpata amʋ́. The children are fighting so go separate them.Ɔlɛkpata amʋ́.he separated them. peaceder.ɔkpatapʋpeacemaker
kpɛ mblɩk͡pɛ́ mblɪ́ʔ(L) comp. ofkpɛkpɛ1blɩ2vto irritate, to annoyKebi amʋ lakpɛ mblɩ, sʋ bada mʋ. Sʋ, aba mblɩkpɛ ma alɛ. The child irritated someone so they have beaten him. So irritating others is bad.Makpɛmblɩ, mɛnɩ mménya ɔblɔ wa fʋ. Don't irritate me so that I won't get angry with you.cfkpɛkpɛ1annoymblɩkpɛirritation3.ɩkpɛirritation
kpɛkpɛ1k͡pɛk͡pɛvto irritate by small repeated acts; to needle someoneMakpɛkpɛ mɩ. Don't needle me.cfkpɛ mblɩirritate3.ɛ mblɩirritate
kpɔnk͡pɔ̃vtire out3.
mblɩkpɛmblɪk͡pɛder. ofkpɛ mblɩcomp. ofkpɛkpɛ1blɩ2nnominal form of kpɛ mblɩKebi amʋ lakpɛ mblɩ, sʋ bada mʋ. Sʋ, aba mblɩkpɛ ma alɛ. The child irritated someone so they have beaten him. So irritating others is bad.cfkpɛ mblɩirritate3.
nya ɔblɔph. v. ofnya 2ɔblɔvto become angry3.4.2.3Angry
ɔblɔɔblɔ́ʔ nangerTsufɛ ɔblɔ mɛ́ɛha mlɩmɔ́ɔbwɛ atɔ wanklaan ánɩ́ Bulu dedunka tsu mlɩ wa. Because anger will not enable you to do the good things God is looking for from you.nya ɔblɔbe angryKebi amʋ mʋ sɩ lanya ɔblɔ wa mʋ, tsufɛ kebi amʋ dɛ asʋtɔ ɔlɩn wa.The child's father has become angry with him because the child is being disobedient.Makpɛ mɩ mblɩ, mɛnɩ mméenya ɔblɔ wa fʋ.Don't irritate me so that I won't get angry with you.ɔblɔlaph. v.nya ɔblɔget angry
ɔkpatapʋder. ofkpata1 2ɔ- -pʋnone who stops people from fighting3.4.2.3Angry4.8.4.8Make peace
wa ɩnyɩncomp. ofwa2 4ɩnyɩn 2vto be aggresive; to rage;to become seriousƖlɔ amʋ lawa ɩnyɩn.The sickness has gotten very serious.
wɩ ɔnɔ comp. of1 1ɔnɔ 1vto bite the lower lip in anger3.4.2.3Angry