
da bubucomp. ofda1 2bubu1vexpress surprise/dismay by tapping the mouth while saying "Uuuuuuuuuu"
hunahúnáʔ (L)vto scare a child; to threaten bodily harm; to threaten with a cutlass, a stick, etcKebi ɔbwɛ tɔ lalahɛ a, huna mʋ fɛkɩ ɔmɛ́ɛtra bwɛ.If a child should do something wrong, threaten him so that he won't do it again.Olohuna mɩ, tamɛ mménya mʋ ifu.He intimidated me but I wasn't scared of him.
ifu1ifúʔ(H) nfearOlenya andɔ amʋ ifu. He was afraid of the cat.Bɔwa kebi amʋ sumbi mʋ sɩ woyi onye a, ɔbɛɛ ɔmɔ́ɔyɔ. Tsufɛsɛ, ɔdɛ ifu nya.They gave the child an errand to his father's house at night but he said he wouldn't go because he was afraid.Megyi kakayi ogyi sʋ manya mʋ ifu.He's not a bugaboo so don't be afraid of him.Manya ifu.Don't be afraid.Manya mʋ ifu.Don't be afraid of him.Ɔha ánɩ́ atɔ wa mʋ ifu a, ofupʋ ogyi.The person that is frightened by things, is a coward.Brɛá ɔlɛbla amʋ́ asʋn ánɩ́ ɩlaba a, fu lɛhɩɛ kɩta amʋ́.When he told them what had happented, they were very scared.cfwanwansurprise; amazement3.4.2.4Afraidder.ofulamiracleofupʋcowardcomp.nya ifufearph. v.wa ifufrighten
nya ifucomp. ofnya 1ifu1vto be frightened3.4.2.4Afraid
nya pɛlɩnyá pɛ́lɪʔph. v. ofnya 2pɛlɩto be shyMa nyapɛlɩ.Don't be shy of him., timid
ofupʋofúpʊ́ʔ pl.afupʋder. ofifu1ɔ- -pʋncowardOfupʋ ogyi.He is a coward.Ɔha ánɩ́ atɔ tɔwa mʋ ifu a, ofupʋ ogyi. The person that things frighten him, is a coward.Someone who is easily frightened by things is a cowardly person.Anɩ tosusu ánɩ́ Takyi bʋ klʋn, sa ofupʋ ogyi.We think Takyi is brave man not knowing he is a coward.
pɛlɩpɛ́lɪʔ nshamePɛlɩ sʋ a, oyin amʋ lasrɩ dalɩ wulutɔ. Because of shame the man ran away from town.Pɛlɩ dɛ mʋHe/she is ashamed., timid3. v.nya pɛlɩ
tsii opunit͡síː opúni comp. oftsii2 1opuni1 2vto be startledtsiiopunifrighten youBrɛa olonu okitikiti amʋ a, opuni letsii mʋ.When he heard the noise, he was frightened.
wa ifuph. v. ofwa2 2ifu1vto frighten someone3.4.2.4Afraid