6.4.1. Hunt

gya X ɔkpacomp. ofgya 2ɔkpa 1vto trace someoneNegyaɔkpa, tsufɛ alawa ɔpá ndɔtɔ.I went to get him because he had been at farm a long time.Gyaɔkpa. Trace him.7.6.1Search7.2.6Pursue6.4.1.1Track an animal
ɩta1ɪtaʔnA bow to shoot arrows4.8.3.7Weapon, shoot6.4.1Huntder.ɔtapʋhunter
otuaotua(L)pl.ntuaAkantuongunƆtapʋ amʋ lada ɔbwɩ amʋ otua.The hunter has shot the animal with his gun., shoot6.4.1Huntunspec. comp. formotua ohounpistol
ɔbɩn1ɔbɪ̃ʔ pl.mbɩnnarrowBʋtɔpʋ ɩta tswɩ ɔbɩn.They use a bow to shoot an arrow.Mbɩn mʋ́a mʋ́ nta Kpankpanmafɔ bʋtɔpʋ kɔ.The Konkombas use bow and arrows to fight., shoot6.4.1Hunt
ɔtapʋ nyambiɔtapʊ́ ɲámbipl.atapʋ nyambicomp. ofɔtapʋder. ofɩta1ɔ- -pʋna person who follows a hunter to the bushƆtapʋ nyambi gyi ɔha ánɩ́ otobuo ɔtapʋ yɔ pututɔ.A hunter's servant is someone who follows a hunter to the bush.6.4.1Hunt
ɔtapʋɔtapʊ́ pl.atapʋder. ofɩta1ɔ- -pʋnhunterƆtapʋ bʋ otua, ɔtɔpʋ fɩnɩ mbwɩ. A hunter has a gun he uses to hunt animals.Atapʋ amʋ́ fɛ́ɛ́ bɛɛ bʋmɛtra yɔ ɩbʋ amʋsʋ yɛfɩnɩ.All the hunters have decided not to go to the mountain to hunt anymore.Ɔtapʋ amʋ lɛda ɔbwɩ amʋ otua. The hunter shot the animal.6.4.1Huntcomp.ɔtapʋ nyambihunter's servant
srɩgyasrɪ́ʤavrun after7.2.6Pursue6.4.1Hunt
tapʋtɔtapʊ́!tɔ́ na place where hunting occursOyin amʋ ɔbɛɛ obóbuo ɔtapʋ yɔ tapʋtɔ. The man says he will follow a hunter to the hunting grounds.Ɔtapʋ amʋ yɔ tapʋtɔ.The hunter is going for hunt.6.4.1Hunt
tɛʔ(L) vto stalk somethingAndɔ dɛ klɔtɩ amʋ tɛ. A cat is stalking the mouse.Nɩ fʋmeyin tɛ a, fʋmɛ́ɛtalɩ bwɛ ɔtapʋ.If you don't know how to stalk, you can't be a hunter.7.2.6Pursue6.4.1.1Track an animalder.tɛtɛ1scratch
tsɛ3t͡sɛ́ʔ adv.1to walk stealthilyƆlɛpɛtɩ tsɛ-tsɛ-tsɛ bɔtsʋn. He walked very slowly to pass (so that he wouldn't be heard).Ɔlɛpɛtɩ tsɛ-tsɛ-tsɛ-tsɛ. He walked very stealthily.cfpɛtɩsneak6.4.1.1Track an animal7.2.1.1Walk2to walk with a scuffling sound (said quickly) with difficulty