
buntibuntîʔ pl.abuntinwallbuntiwall of a roomMɩ bunti lahala. Nɩ mmɛha abʋbwɛ mʋ́ a, mɩ obu bobwie. My wall has cracked. If I don't have them repair it my room will break.Abunti amʋ lɩɩ ntswɩasɩ dʋanyɔsʋ, ánɩ́ Okufabi amʋ akasɩpʋ amʋ ada dɩndɩn mʋ́sʋ.the walls are on the twelve foundations, with the names of the Lamb's disciples on it.
kakaʋkakaʊ (H) nstiff mat made from stripped palm branchesNɔ́yɔ kpa awaimbi da kakaʋ pʋ tin mɩ gyadɩ. I will go strip palm branches and make a palm branch mat and block my kitchen door with. baskets and mats6.5.2.1Wall